The Wandering mind of a Revelationary

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Revelationary, May 22, 2011.

  1. #1 Revelationary, May 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2011
    This will be a compilation of my thoughts. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, good or bad.



    11.10-The Solar System and You

    12.10-Convo with PoBlow


  2. I've only read your take on christianity so far, so I'll have to read the rest later. I just wanted to say I couldn't agree more! I use to be an atheist that thought, if god is real, which religion was right? Man was I naive.. lol. Now that I have realised our universe/nature IS god, I realised there pretty much ALL right.

    The main thing to take from each religion is intentions. They all teach what can help make this world survive in "heaven". Many atheists instantly see religions as one big fairytale, but they miss the point completely. You don't even have to agree there is a god to see there true intentions are positivity.

    Like I've been saying a lot around here lately, I think people really just don't understand what the bible is "preaching". (especially christians) The worst part is, they are in such denial, that I don't think they'd accept it when you try to explain it. Christianity has mastered the fear tactic as well as the government. These two forces of "power" are what need to be set straight by the people. But first, they have to awake from the haze so they can see straight.
  3. Great post!

    I haven't read it all yet, but I love it so far.

    Peace bro
  4. Thanks for the love and support. I still have a few more entries to add I'm just too lazy to find them atm. I'll also be adding some new original stuff when I get the time so please keep up the comments and share your thoughts, you don't have to agree with me or even be nice.
  5. Keep it up. It was a great pleasure reading your heart-filled posts. Don't stop listening! :) Cheers.
  6. #6 Revelationary, Dec 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2011

    Excerpts from How the Bible was meant to be interpreted by Fatbluntsyo


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