Clones? Organics?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by MuffinMan3118, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. ok i hear the term clones and organics all the time... I kind of know what organics is, i think its a type of fert. and no idea what clones are. Can someone quickly explain these two terms to me? thanks

    oh and nutes..
  2. "Organic" means a type of fertilizer that is all-natural, not a synthetic fertilizer. For example, bat guano is an organic fertilizer (from bat's asses) and Miracle Gro is a synthetic fertilizer (from a fertilizer factory). "Nutes" is short for nutrients which refers to fertilizers, usually when talking about hydroponics. "Clones" are a way of propogating plants from cuttings instead of seeds, basically by cutting off a growing shoot and rooting it..... you can learn a lot more about all of these on this forum by using the search bar. Hope this helps!
  3. thanks a lot man
  4. :D

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