First time outdoor grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Jdgerber, May 18, 2011.

  1. First grow anything over 2oz. is good. Good luck man. Have fun.
  2. #62 imaB, May 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2011
    Step 1: move out of your parents house
  3. Hey so I'm pretty sure my plants were dead. The soil was a billion degrees all the way through and all but one was laying on it's side. But w/e I have four all new lil girls growing so even if I do t get a lot/ any bud I will learn a lot. I found a ton of ants in one of the pots eatin some bug so I threw out the bug and watered hard and they seem to be gone. Today is day4 of the new grow so no sprouts yet but fingers crossed. And I really have no place to do all that lite stuff pluse I don't like it I would rather it just get sun and be totally natural.
  4. if your soil is getting that warm, you need to put some sort of mulch over the topsoil. That will keep it from getting to the fatal temperatures. If you can't start them indoors, you should keep the seedlings out of direct sunlight for the first few days, and gradually introducing them to the sun's rays an hour a day, at first, increased gradually. Good luck, meng. Keep pics posted, and we'll try to help you.

    Just so you know, if you are using soil with bugs in it, you are setting yourself up for failure.

    And one more thing: Don't water until you put your finger in about an inch and it's dry all the way to your finger tip. It's super easy to over water ganga.

    Sometimes when you move around the container the plants are in, you will create a space between the soil and the container (where the soil was compressed) this gap can create dangerous temperatures for the roots that like to gather at those spots, so what you can do is push some of the soil into those gaps.

    Good luck!
  5. Impossible to tell, Ive seen less than an ounce and up to four pounds/plant in the same soil, light and nutes.....too many variables to predict yield at this stage.
  6. Alright so I want to move the girls indoors till they r big enough to plant outdoors. So set up ideas w/out extension cords I'm gonna put it under the house so I'm really looking for a super simpl set up on batteries or something k? Thx dudes. Oh and 2 sprouted today one is really close to the edg of the cup though problem? Or not? Thx

    Attached Files:

  7. K so I made an important discovery. The direct Florida sunlight is way to intense for a baby girl even for a few hours. So these seeds r done too. All four are withered and burnt. So I'm thinking a pc grow box is the way. I really only want to grow one girl. I'm doin this for a hobby not for money so I dont need a ton of plants. So anyone got a good link to a small grow box how to site? Thx.
  8. I think it's better to start seeds under a tree of some sort. Indirect sunlight, with little splashes of sunlight here and there. Sorry to hear about that though.

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