shroom dosage question

Discussion in 'General' started by heybulldog, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. ok ive had shrooms once before, an 8th, but now i want to try a 1/4 oz but my dealer/friend says its a waste and it wont get me THAT much more fucked up

    so what do all of you think, sure i know itll get me more fucked up but is it gonna be worth it?
  2. Do it when I ate a 1/4 I tripped good. It was one of the most fun trips Ive had. Though Ive never done anymore then a quarter, your dealers is wrong. A buddy of mine ate an ounce and said he was tripping hard as fuck, wayyyyyy more than he woulda off a 1/8.
  3. tripped good as in? were you able to hold a conversation the whole time and stuff or were you really taken away

    i wanna get really taken away
  4. bump, i kind of need some more answers, thanks
  5. Every trip is different, always keep that in mind. I've taken a 1/4oz and had an amazing trip. Huge mindfuck, as well as very nice visuals.

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