Debunking Orbs

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by MelT, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. #1 MelT, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2011
    I hope this will be of some interest to those who hold regular debates with our loonier brothers regarding paranormal phenomena, particularly the alleged psychic/spirit Orb phenomena that some use to 'prove' the afterlife and/or angels. It's a long read, but worth it:

    "...What ought to be the passing bell for ‘orb’ phenomena rang in the autumn in the form of research published by Steve Parsons of the group Para.Science. Photographs of anomalous luminous spheres and dots have dogged ghost-hunting since the end of the 1990s, and most informed opinion now considers them nothing more than artefacts generated by modern cameras. The reflections of tiny particles in the air appear on pictures because the typical flash unit of a camera in use today is much closer to the lens than with older models. Thus, those particles of dust you see in a beam of sunlight, bobbing around with air currents and Brownian motion, show up as orbs when digital cameras are used.

    In findings presented at the conference of the Society for Psychical Research in September 2010, and published in the November 2010 edition of Anomaly, Steve Parsons reports the results of his exhaustive experiments using a Fujifilm W1 3D digital camera, whereby matched stereo images are taken of the same view. A total of 1,870 stereo pairs of images were taken at over 20 locations in the UK and Eire, including a number of allegedly haunted sites. Some 630 orb-like images were obtained. If orbs are not reflections of part­icles less than 2–3cm (roughly an inch) from the lens, then the orb should appear in both images. In 491 pairs obtained, the orb was only present on one image, and in 139 pictures orbs were present on both images, but not in a position that corresponded to the individual orb being the same object. Steve Parsons concludes that “all 630 that we obtained in the survey were readily explained using the stereo photography technique. That is 0 per cent paranormal but 100 per cent explainable.” At the end of the article he expresses the hope “that this extensive series of pictures will finally remove much of the confusion and nonsense that has surrounded the orb.” (Source: “Orbs!… Some Definitive Evidence That They Are Not Paranormal” by Steve Parsons in Anomaly, the Journal of ASSAP, vol.44, Nov 2010). However, I suspect this won’t happen just yet, given the widespread wish to believe orbs are paranormal.

    In October 2010, the Scotsman newspaper carried a remarkable claim that “Voices of the dead and ghostly orbs of light ‘prove airbase is haunted’” [FT265:4]. Two Scottish-based para­normal researchers, Cat Perks and Linda Will­iamson, claimed to have obtained conclusive evidence that a former airfield near Montrose is “a major centre of para­normal activity” based upon orb photos and some strange audio recordings.

    “We are scientific researchers and not ghost-hunters and we were using a range of voice recorders as well as night vision camcorders and digital cameras” Ms Perks told journalists.

    Similar claims were being made a month later and hundreds of miles away along the Suffolk coast, at Languard Fort, Felixstowe. The fort is a favourite site with ghost-hunting groups, and on 11 November 2010 a special “Connecting to the orbs” fund-raising evening took place with a prize for the best orb picture. The event was promoted by Peggy Weber, who until recently ran an interesting website arguing that orbs are spirits. This site displayed many images of orbs, including an emerald-coloured one that Peggy considered held the likeness of the face of her husband. Ms Weber previously appeared at a 2008 gathering in Glastonbury entitled “Orbs: Interacting with Other Realms Prophets Conference”.

    A similar conference was held in Arizona, and in the same vein, a book appeared in autumn 2010 entitled Orbs Their Mission and Messages of Hope, receiving widespread publicity in the United States. Written by Klaus and Gundi Heinemann, it argues that orbs are spiritual energy with a special revelation for humanity. Heinemann holds a PhD in physics and is a specialist in electron microscopy. He states: “There is no doubt in my mind that Orbs may well be one of the most significant ‘outside of this reality phen­omena’ mankind at large has ever witnessed”. He has previously co-written The Orb Project with Dr Miceal Ledwith, who discovered “orbs through the teaching of Ramtha”. Heinemann warns that some orbs have ordinary explanations, but others are a vehicle of revel­ation, emanations from non-physical entities.

    (Melt: Sorry to interrupt, but 'Ramtha' a channeled (though obviously imaginary) being is an aspect of the silly and worryingly active Ramtha cult that appeared in the US in the 70's. Nuts beyond belief, but sneaky nuts. They part financed 'Zeitgeist' and other social manipulation projects).

    Like many people, I was initially intrigued by the appearance of the first orb photographs during the course of investigations at haunted sites using digital cameras. But soon it became apparent that the alleged orbs were very common and were turning up in mundane situat­ions. Paranormal phenomena tend to be elusive and unpredictable – orbs were just showing up too often. In 2005, a short film by photographer Philip Carr, Riddle of the Orbs, demonstrated that anyone who wanted orb photos could obtain them by taking pictures in a dusty environment. Or just thump a pillow, take photographs and you may get some orbs. It is hardly surprising orbs appear in pictures taken in dusty old buildings and ruins that ghost-hunters like to frequent.

    A piece of negative evidence supporting the view that orbs are artefacts caused by modern technology is their almost total absence in photographs taken before digital cameras. Occasionally, you can see what might be taken as an orb in an old photograph – for example the 1973 photograph of the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire/Warwickshire in Anthony Hippesley-Coxe’s Haunted Britain. But this photograph was an attempt to catch sunrise at the stone circle, with the ‘orbs’ produced by sunbeams hitting the camera lens. More significantly, prior to digital photography, no one suggested spirits of the dead routinely took the form of luminous dots. Before the 1990s, ghost-hunters taking photographs expected (and indeed claimed) that their pictures would show recognisably human shapes and features, not specks of light. But the real difficulty with accepting orbs as a paranormal phenomenon is that the notion is belief-driven rather than evidence-driven.

    Over the years, I have noticed that regardless of any explanation put forward, believers in orbs insist that their orb photograph is a genuine one. Regrettably, the criteria for distinguishing a natural orb from an allegedly paranormal one is nowhere clearly defined, suggesting identifi­cation rests purely on personal belief, not on any independent evidence.

    Such attitudes are similar to those displayed during the 19th-century heyday of spirit photo­graphy and which ultimately contributed to its demise. Even some spiritualists gave up on spirit photography. By 1875, the medium Stainton Moses had personally examined some 600 alleged ghost photographs, showing just how widespread such images were. But his conclus­ions were damning: “Some people would recog­nise anything. A broom and a sheet are quite enough for some wild enthusiasts who go with the figure in their eye and see what they wish to see… I have had pictures that might be anything in this or any other world sent to me and gravely claimed as recognised portraits” (Human Nature, May 1875, p202). In no more than about a dozen of his 600 examples did Moses think that psychic activity had been capt­ured on film. Despite his views, he himself was fooled by the French spirit photographer Jean Buguet, who confessed to faking pictures at a sensational trial the same year. Nonetheless, despite Buguet admitting his guilt, many of his victims pathetic­ally continued to assert that their photo of a deceased loved one was genuine; they were never interested in learning more.

    This lack of curiosity was in marked contrast to efforts at investigating other mysterious radiations detected by physicists at the close of the 19th century. These included Roentgen with his detection of X-rays, Henri Becquerel’s discovery of radioactivity and the Curies with radium. Indeed, a number of notable physicists of the period were interested in psychical research, including the Curies themselves, Sir JJ Thompson (discoverer of the electron), and Sir Oliver Lodge. Yet despite the creation of a Society for the Study of Supernormal Photographs in 1919, spirit photography failed to make any advances. As the public became more visually sophisticated, spirit photographs were recognised as double expos­ures. The arrival of infra-red photography from 1945 also seemingly term­inated many alleged séance room phenomena such as ectoplasm.

    These lessons should be remembered today by proponents of orbs. Certainly, it would be highly significant if orbs were a genuine para­normal phenomenon capable of being recorded on camera. It would tell us something about the energies underlying psychic phenomena, indicating they can take the form of light radiation, or some component of the electromagnetic spect­rum. If these energies are capable of interacting with digital technology, better ways of detecting or measuring such effects might be developed, leading to testable theories. There are many directions in which research might go, but no one seems intent on making any progress.

    Just this reluctance beset the previous generation of believers in spirit photography, with a few exceptions such as the 1930 investigation by Dr Eugene Osty into the Schneider brothers, two Austrian mediums. Another exception was Cyril Permutt who built up a large collection of alleged paranormal images, some of which are being republished today (see the Ghosts Caught On Film series 2007 and 2009 compiled by Dr Melvyn Willin). In his own book, Beyond the Spect­­rum (1983), Permutt suggested: “The date of a supernormal photograph can often help us determine the wavelengths of the radiation recorded in it. When the first psychic photographs were taken, in the days of wet plate photography, the active ingredient in the emuls­ions used were silver chloride, which is only sensitive to ultra-violet and violet light, and silver bromide, which extends the sensitivity to include blue light, and only these shorter wavelengths could be recorded.”

    Today, advocates of orbs do not seem interested in thinking along these lines or about how research could develop. Indeed, no one seems to want to take on the mantle or title of ‘discoverer of the orbs’ (if orbs are a genuine psi effect, surely there is a Nobel prize waiting!).

    Instead, many advocates of orbs seemingly want them to remain a mystery, content to go on snapping them without gaining any further insight. Instead of being used as equipment for investigation, digital cameras are being deployed as ritual objects to gather what believers interpret as traces of a spirit world. Effectively, spiritualism has moved from the séance room to photography. Meanwhile, non-believers and people who have no interest in the topic simply dismiss orbs as glitches spoiling their pictures.

    Why should believers want to keep orbs a mystery? At the most basic level, orb photos add excitement to otherwise uneventful evenings. As at Languard Fort, participants gain a feeling they have got something for their money. This is illustrated in an account by journalist Tan Parsons of a “psychic dinner” at the Down Hall Country House Hotel, near Hatfield Heath, in February 2007. He wrote: “Much was made of ‘orbs’ that appeared in some of the photographs taken in the cellar – little white blobs seemingly floating in the air. What some might call photographic abnormalities caused by dust or mote of reflected light are actually, according to the experts, bubbles of ‘spiritual energy’.” (“Is there anybody out there or is it just imagination?” Harlow Citizen, 16 Feb 2007).

    Orbs can also provide an excuse for showmanship and one-upmanship. Any ghost-hunter or medium can expect an orb photograph and claim it as a result, even before the investigation takes place. For example, members of “Light Pen Ghost Club” attended the Sandrock Pub in Shirley, Surrey, after landlord Steve Gilmour tired of jokes about his pub being haunted. He had not seen any ghost and complained: “[T]he locals are always going on about it and making ghost noises.” Investigator Julian Dryden told journalists: “We’re going to be focusing on the cellar of the pub, because that’s where staff say they are experiencing strange feelings and seeing twinkling lights, or as we would say, orbs.” Thus, before the investigation had even occurred, orbs were already identified as manifesting. (Sutton and Epsom Advertiser, 25 May 2007).
    Certainly, it will be interesting to see how the research by Steve Parsons is received by believers in orbs. Will proponents of orbs be prepared to use stereo photography or eschew its use?

    Dr Heinemann states: “But in the end, the paradigm will have been shifted. The authentic orbs in your and my pictures are leading the way toward inevitable recognition and acceptance that there is more to Life than life. The movement in this direction is unstoppable!”

    Unfortunately, without knowing more, such an assertion perhaps provides yet further grounds for rejecting orbs as any kind of revel­ation. Obviously, I will have to read the Heinemanns’ book, but if this is all that orbs mean, it is a rather disapp­ointing notion. Why would entities create eman­ations merely resembling dust and water droplets if they are attempting to convey an intelligible message to humanity? Such revelations are clearly surpassed by the innumerable spiritual and religious communications accumulated over the centuries, all of which are far more impress­ive, inspiring, and æsthetic­ally pleasing than snaps taken in dusty locat­ions with digital cameras..."

    A load of balls | Ghostwatch | Fortean Times
  2. Big read. Ill have to read it when I get back.

    So anyone who believes in the paranormal is loony?
  3. Not at all, as that would include me too:) I should have been clearer, sorry. What I meant was that there are some in the paranormal and UFO fields (of which I count myself as one), who tend to be very open to believing anything at all without any kind of objectivity. That's fine, we've all been taken in by things that we just didnt have any alternative information about. But you must also agree that it does attract more than its fair share of interesting and slightly alarming people.

    More importantly to me though, is the people trying to convince us through books, TV shows, forums like GC, etc. that certain things are real when they're not. Orbs are already regarded as key phenomena in some circles, 'proving' things that don't actually exist. A simple error of modern-day cameras is now the basis of the beliefs of thousands of people, their validation. The phenomena was immediately leapt on by a handful of New Age writers and between them they sold tens of thousands of books on the subject. New Age is a big money-spinner, and I don't think it's fair that they help sustain and develop myths like this just so they can take our money.

  4. I agree whole heartedly. Really, when people start chalking things up to the paranormal with out any investigation or research, it only helps to hide the truth.

    A good dose of skepticism is useful in these situations so we can find out what's really going on.

  5. effin awesome post.. This nether proves or disproves paranormal activity, but gives a scientific way (as far as technology will allow) to try and determine if events are natural or supernatural (if it really was supernatural in the natural world wouldnt it be natural as well?). This gives us information that leans towards no, but in science there is no certain way to prove or disprove paranormal beings. Loved the read, thanks for posting!
  6. Yes, everything that happens is natural, even if we dont understand it.

    My current belief relies on the conservation of energy. As humans, we possess a huge amount of energy over the course of our life. I believe this energy is what you could call our soul. When a person dies a horrible death, their emotions are translated into energy, so it must go somewhere, right?
  7. thanks for posting! I got to the part where you added in the stuff about Ramtha, good thing too cause I was wondering what that was ;p

    will have to finish reading after my phy2 test
  8. Great post! It's really awesome to see some scientific approaches to the paranormal.

    The day I stopped categorizing orbs as paranormal was during one of my sister's birthday parties, where I was taking the pictures (digital camera). There were lots of people in the living room, all bouncing around on our furniture. In every picture I took, there were dozens of "orbs". It didn't matter where I snapped the picture, there were tons of them. After these guys had left the room for about 5 minutes, I snapped another photo with no one in the room and no movement. There were no orbs. That debunked it for me. It was just dust from all the people in the house.
  9. dont have time to read right now but i think its possible
  10. I always looked at "orbs" as dust. Same concept as seeing the dots and squiggly lines on your eyes to me. Just up close and personal.
  11. Yeah orbs are just dust/rain/dirt etc. I've tested it out myself.

    It's the same as the "Rods" phenomenon, just insects.

    [ame=]YouTube - skyfish - flying rods explained[/ame]

  12. To put it bluntly, yes. IMO there is nothing that cannot be explained with science, it just might take a while for us to have sufficient technology and understand of the properties of the world for us to explain it. Loony might be the wrong word; I would say they are misinformed and let their imagination fill in the gaps in their knowledge. Nothing wrong with having interesting theories but they shouldn't be treated as more than that.
  13. A guide to orb-photography in four easy steps:

    1: Get a digital camera
    2: Make sure the conditions are dark enough that the flash need to be used
    3: Make sure there are particles in the air. Dust, pollen, rain, it's all good.
    4: Take plenty of pictures, with a fixed focus some distance away.


    ...and whilst on the subject...

    How to use an Electro-Magnetic Meter to "prove" some supernatural presence in one easy step:

    1: Make sure the main electrical switch in the house is on.


  14. what about orbs seen not in pictures?
    like in real life real time
  15. The article was boring, circular, uninteresting. But i agree with its conclusion
  16. The same cause as above.


    The Main Causes of Orbs:

    There are a number of naturalistic causes for orbs in photography and videography.

    *Solid orbs - Dry particulate matter such as dust, pollen, insects, etc.
    *Liquid orbs - Droplets of liquid, usually water, e.g. rain.
    *Foreign material on the camera lens
    *Foreign material within the camera lens
    *Foreign material within the camera body
    Common Things Orb Claims:

    " But there was no dust when I took the picture! Must be a ghost!!"

    There are also orbs showing up without any "environmental" explanation i.e. no visible dust, no rain, no moisture, no snowing, no light reflections, etc. However it should be noted that dust particles and moisture and most particles that are small, and are present in our environment at all times undetectable to the naked eye. This is actually connected to the next point.

    " ...but the orb appeared in this photo, but not this one taken right after, therefore, it must be a ghost! It moved!"

    Orbs are particulate matter in the air, hence they are subject to the laws of aerodynamics and air currents. In other words, they do move, but not on their own. They move with air currents and can disappear from shot to shot or frame to frame, with no problem at all due to the angle at which an orb is photographed which can also play a factor, on whether or not the flash or the light (from any source) is hitting the piece of matter in the right way as to make it visible. Orbs do not fly in intelligent patterns. They simply follow the air currents. 99.9% of orbs that move in intelligent ways are insects, such as small gnats.

    " But my orbs have faces in them!"

    You are simply seeing a natural activity of the human mind called "matrixing", which is the human mind's tendency to find familiar images in complex shapes, patterns or colors. In other words finding a face in the shapes and shadows of a collection of objects.

    An example is laying on the grass and looking at the clouds. You look at the clouds and your mind makes familiar shapes out of them...a train, a dragon, a hamburger. Most orbs have complex patterns and lines, as well as colors in their "nucleus" which gives fuel for the fires of matrixing. In psychology, this phenomenon is called paredolia. Without it, you could not recognize familiar objects such as a person's face or a chair from the environment around you.
    Solid Orbs and Liquid Orbs.

    How a solid orb is created:

    A solid orb, or dust orb, is created because a reflective solid airborne particle, such as a dust particle, is situated near the camera lens and outside the depth of field, (In optics, particularly film and photography, the depth of field (DOF) is the distance in front of and beyond the subject that appears to be in focus) in other words out of focus.

    The pinpoint of light reflected from the dust particle that would be seen if it were at the hyperfocal distance, (which is the closest distance at which a lens can be focused while keeping objects at infinity acceptably sharp; that is, the focus distance with the maximum depth of field) the distance from the film or charge-coupled device (CCD) to the object being photographed whereby the object is
    in focus as accurately as possible, grows into a circle of confusion with increasing distance from it.

    How A Liquid Orb Is Created:

    A liquid orb is created because a drop of liquid, most often a rain drop, is situated near the camera lens and outside the depth of field, in other words out of focus. The pinpoint of light reflected from the drop of liquid that would be seen if it were at the hyper focal distance, the distance from the film or CCD to the object being photographed whereby the object is in focus as accurately as possible, grows into a circle of confusion with increasing distance from it.

    The appearance of the circle of confusion is modified by aberrations such as chromatic aberration (chromatic aberration is caused by a lens having a different refractive index for different wavelengths of light aka the dispersion of the lens. The term "purple fringing" is commonly used in photography due to the most common type of corona is colored purplish blue ) or coma.

    Chromatic aberration is also the cause of so called "light emission" by orbs and the supposed" corona" of an orb.

    They are also often caused by water or water spots remaining on the negatives during photo processing. Often simply cleaning the negative and reprinting the film will eliminate the orbs.

    Orb Control Comparison Photos:

    Below at the bottom of the article after the conclusion is a control set of photos of different orb types, examples of what I've went over above.

    This first and second chart shows both solid and liquid type orbs. On the charts below the first one shows the variety of colors orbs can come in. The third chat shows orbs and light phenomenon caused by insects and bugs, another unsung cause of orbs and light anomalies.

    These charts were compiled in a mass experiment by the Mid-Night Walker's Paranormal Research Society. The original experiment can be found here: and I want to take the time to thank them for all their hard work and effort. It has paid off!


    So? Where does all this leave us? What is our stance on orbs?


    They are not paranormal, at all. They have debunked for over ten years now.

    SSPRS will no longer be accepting submissions of photos of orbs, of any kind, because we have made our stand, and will continue to stand by it that orbs are not paranormal in nature.

    Rock on and happy hunting!

    SSPRS would like to thank the other teams in this field that are stepping up to the plate and debunking orbs and for all of their hard work in showing that this type of phenomenon is not paranormal but indeed rational.

    More links debunking them here:

    Orbs Debunked!
    Death to the Orb - The Paranormal Orb Phenomenon
    Orbs Debunked by Troy Taylor founder of American Ghost Society … » Ghosts Uncovered
    Gallery - Category: Orbs - Dust

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