
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by provin1327, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. Well i'm going to grow my weed plant till it has some leafs, and a good height, indoors. Then I want to plant it outside, in some soil. Is there any type of technique? Im going to be growint it under a flourescent light, in a plastic cup, then taking that soil and putting it in the ground. Should I just slowly run a knife on the edge of the cup, and pull it out, and plant it. P.S I'm not really growing super good bud, that I want to be awsome, im just seeing if I can grow it.
  2. HIGH All, when you grow to transplant make sure the soil is dry and put the plant between your forefinger and middlefinger and tip upside down...should just pop out.

    Hope your growing to be digging some nice deep holes with some good soil for your baby.
  3. Well now im getminating the seeds, and im going to just plant it. My friend is giving me a zip lock bag of soil, since im only growing 1 plant and I see no need for a big bag, and i'll be trying to grow using natural sunlight. What is the sucess % of a plant growing outside in winter?

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