Pharmaceutical Rant

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Loogie, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. Hopefully I spelled the title right (I'm anal like that)

    Anybody been watching t.v. lately? (what a dumb question:eek:) Two things I've noticed a lot recently:

    First, every other commercial is for a pill that cures some godforsaken thing that years ago nobody paid any attention to. If you can't sleep, take Lunesta. If you're depressed, take Paxil. If you're still depressed, add Abilify. If you can't get your dick up, have a Viagra, or Cialis. The commercial is a minute long, and they spend at least three quarters of that minute talking about all the horrible shit that can happen to you if you take this drug. And they always warn against drinking alcohol "in excess" with this drug. So many do's and don'ts with all these damned pills that fuck up your liver and kidneys and turn you into a money machine, spending hundreds of dollars a month on shit that will make your life slightly more comfortable, but a lot shorter.

    Second, as if to answer the drug commercials, there's always another commercial advising you to take action against these pharmaceutical companies when you finally realize that your eyes are yellow or your piss is orange or your balls are falling off. Always an urge to SUE SUE SUE when we fail to take responsibility for our own decisions or to listen to our doctor when he says "you should change your sleep schedule' or "try taking a run every morning" or "eat a fucking apple or something you fat fuck". All we are doing is creating a destructive circle in which we are ruining our health and happiness, all the while finding someone else to blame. We create these diseases, invent a drug, put it on the market before it's even tested, jump on the opportunity for instant gratification, shove these liver nazis down our throats, and then sue the piss out of those very same companies for "not warning us".

    Aside from smoking weed, here is a basic solution for all our diseases, one which nobody will ever consider. It cures cancer, aids, diabetes, depression, stupidity and all the other major ailments that society has been dealing with increasingly over the past century or so.

    Stop re-producing. Thing is everyone has a right to have children of their own, and even if I were in a position to stop it, I wouldn't because damned if I won't have kids too. Cancer, depression and drug addiction runs in my family like an olympic sprinter, but I still look forward to sharing a joint with my son when he grows up. So basically, we're doomed. :D

    Just had to get that off my chest. Time for a shmoke and a pancake. :wave:
  2. shit wrong section, my fault
  3. yeah I hear you man, and most of these "problems" can be easily fixed with a little herb

    Fuck the Pharmaceutical Industry
  4. Gots a problem take a pill mayne!
  5. we've become a nation of medicated housewives and crooked policies thats for sure

  6. funny part is that theres laws limiting how many pets people can have, but not kids lol
    fucking stupid.
  7. "pill with million side effects, take em when the pains fealt
    wash em down with diet soda killin off your brain cells"-lupe fiasco

    i agree with you one hundred percent. the worst shit is when they have a cure for viruses and they would sell you some shit that alleviates the symptoms rather then get rid of the shit. not to mention they over price the shit out of everything. the world we live in is really fucking sad. why cant we love one another?

    "human beings killing monkeys to conquer the planet" immortal technique

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