So what's everyone snacking on tonight?

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by Blix, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. Sunflower seeds n many some bagel bites l8r
  2. pretzels and sneaking bites of lemon cake
  3. crackers with pb and honey, strawberries with vanilla soy yogurt, pasta with both pesto and marinana with zucchini, sun dried tomatoes and shitloads of garlic and red pepper flakes
    more to come....some hummus perhaps
    tonight....i'm being a fatass :D
  4. Started my munchies off with a bowl of blueberry kush and keif. Then I got a foot long hot dog and drink with a chicken bake from costco. After some more ganja and more golden crack (keif) we had taco Wednesday. Stoners are always a day late
  5. reese's pieces and an arizona green tea.
  6. I just mowed a box of six white castle burgers.
  7. Gluten free chocolate cupcakes... mmm
  8. mountain dew
    rotel cheese dip & tostidos

    and what ever sounds satisfying:D
  9. my gf got a text from her friend today saying that a 18 wheeler carrying strawberries flipped over and that her dad went and took some lol..she asked if we wanted a few now im eating them....theyre fuckin good!
  10. Thats fucking rad. I love strawberries. I had an ex gf that owned a strawberry farm so I got fresh strawberries picked by her all the time.
  11. i'm currently shelling peanuts in my bedroom and making a giant mess on the floor
  12. [​IMG]

    4 of them.
  13. tootsie rolls and caramels oohhh yeahh

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