I almost just fucking died!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by LulzMaximus, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. Alright so I was walking home after a smoke, and I passed this parked red truck. It started up when I passed it, and it drove slowly besides me. Then, it did a U-Turn and tried to fucking hit me. I dove out of the way and ran up this dirt path they couldn't follow that's next to my house. As I ran away, I heard the truck turn around again and a lot of yelling.

    That truck almost fucking hit me. The only reason it didn't is because I jumped out of the way, and even then I missed it by about an inch. But why me guys? Why did this guy fucking try to hit an innocent dude? I'm scared to even leave my house. I'm so fucked, they're going to kill me. I didn't get a license plate number either. Seriously, I almost died.

    What if you almost died?

    Help me out of this black hole that continually drags me in... when and how will I die?

    asfuck I',m afreaking out I ca[nt eve, typwe help!1
  2. #3 Viral Frog, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2011
    Edit: meant to edit this post, and posted a new one instead. Fail.

    Anyway, as I was saying..

    You should have just gone super sayan and let that truck hit you.
  3. All i have to say is im glad you didnt die. Cuz i wouldn't have gotten to see your awesome Eddy picture :D

  4. Pure win.
  5. yewwwwwwww
  6. they were trying to hit you and then take ur shit. look out for red trucks now lol paranoia.
  7. guys seriously im afriad theyre coming back im treally quick typuing because im so freaaked out what do i do im fuckinfg aserious i almost fucking died guys

  8. If you're inside, they're going to have a hard time hitting you with their truck.
  9. Thats why I keep a combat ready shotgun under my bed.
    Seriously though, if they were trying to kill you and saw where you live.. you're fucked if they really want to take you out (though I can't see why). Call the cops, thats attempted murder! I wouldn't take it lightly, who knows, if you don't call it in and they kill someone else.. you'll have their blood on your hands!
  10. smoke a bong fo sure
  11. Quit faking on the typing part its annoying. You type two paragraphs fine then all the sudden your freaked out? Chill out n inform the cops about the make n model of the car.
  12. @whoever says im faking - i was at my peak, and I just understood the severity of the situation.

    They're gone now
    I had a knife in my right hand I ran away, but that won't do much against a truck. Also, it seems like everyone is after me. Thanks a lot, asshole, for making me have my first bad high/buzz kill after 6 months of smoking everyday!

    Also, I smoked a resin bowl to get baked. Does resin make you more paranoid/anxious than weed?
  13. I wouldn't think resin would make you more paranoid. Generally speaking, its the THC that causes paranoia and the CBD that mellows you out. I would think that theres more CBD to THC ratio than normal. hm..
  14. I'm not trying to be a dick.
    If it really happened, then call the police.
    But, to be honest, I'm finding this whole thing to be extremely unbelievable.
  15. Maybe they were just driving by and you freaked out? The yelling was them probably trying to figure out why some psycho dove into the air and ran away. They were probably driving toward you to see if you were okay.

    Or they want to kill you.
  16. shit happens tough guy. now at least you got a bitchin tale to tell all the young ladies
  17. sounds ike he knew you were high and had a laugh tripping you out. Like the dude at Nimbin Madri Grass (aussie trip out weekend) who dresses like a wolf and hides in the bushes. Acid heads hate him. I saw him get punched twice.
    what was your question ?
  18. It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you! :hello:
  19. honestly dude, I feel like you tweaked out when a truck drove kinda close to you and dove out of the way...happens to the best of us

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