Smoke Buddy, is it Worth it?

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by TrueNirvana, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. Just buy activated carbon from your local pet store and make a spoof out of that. Way cheaper.
  2. they are very handy I got my smokebuddy and I love it, seriously has saved me a few times already!
  3. It works very well but after a month or so it gets clogged up. A homemade one works pretty well to and its free with stuff around the house
  4. i used to smoke in my dorm multiple times a day. i put towels under the doors, soap on the shower floor, and steamy water running on top of it. i used a homeade sploof and never had a problem.

    i had a buddy who bought a smoke buddy, they liked it alot. brought it to my dorm alot. it was pretty cool. compared to a regular sploof it takes less maitenence cuz you dont have to replace any dryer sheets but they deff dont last forever.
  5. I bought one for occasional use in situations where I need to have zero smell. You can get them for like $10 on amazon, fuck local businesses.
  6. I wouldn't smoke in the dorms. I did a bit my freshman year until I almost got caught while having a large quantity on my person. After that, I smoked outside all the time. Now I live in an apartment so I can blaze whenever :D. My advice...don't smoke in the dorms...just be smarter about it. Hell, finding a place to blaze might even spark creativity! :p

  7. The Smoke Buddy is only good for 400-500 tokes i believe... something along those numbers.

  8. Ozium is the most amazing shit ever. However, it's poisonous as fuck. I sprayed it whenever i smoked which means i did my fair share of breathing it. It gave me nocturnal asthma. Attacks only when i'm sleeping. So i'm all disoriented from just waking up, and i'm having an asthma attack. Shit's intense. So yeah, use ozium, just clear the room for like 10 minutes after you spray for a second.
  9. #89 billaBONGz, Oct 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2012
    just a thought personally, in dorms, i would just make edibles, no their not that nice smoke high, but they definately get you higher, with less smell. i just made firecrackers in a microwave oven. (high for 2-4 mins depending on the microwave) then leave them be so all the THC can soak a bit. get you nicely blazed and with MUCH less smell. (hidden by the beautiful smell of melting PB)

    GL bro, :smoking: if you do smoke, ultimate hook up:
    ~fan by the window, pile of clothes by the door (covering the cracks,) put a note on the door saying you just got out of the shower (so roomie asks if they can come in)
    ~sploof, either the smoke buddy, a carbon filter one or a dryersheet one.
    ~a quarter, to cover the bowl so it doesnt cherry up and reek out the room.
    ~blow the smoke out the fan when you exhale, it kinda chops it up
    ~hold your hits (zero them if you can) lowers both smell and visible smoke out the window
    ~i highly suggest no bongs (the water is stanky) or joints/blunts cuz they tend to REEEEK
    ~finally emergancy bottle of frebreeze and axe to spray things down if the rommie or anyone comes in soon after. :p

    GL happytokin :bongin:
  10. i used one in a bus bathroom with some buddies going on a trip, couldn't use it on the way back because it was so clogged tho
  11. Yes. an expenssive spoof with a carbon filter

  12. its worth it man, i smoke everyday and have only ever bought 2 smokebuddys
  13. Just light an incense also if you want to be super precautions, and aim out window. But for me it kills oder. You just have to know when to replace it.

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    That is exactly what happened to me. I had mine for 4 days before it became impossible to use again. It has sat now for about 5 days open as I'm trying to air it out but its taking forever
  15. Gf just bought one. Smoke buddy jr. Def cuts the smoke to nonexistent but keep in mind the JR only suppose to be used for one person. If it gets passed around too much it becomes increasingly harder to blow into. It does work great just wish we went with the full sized.
    Only thing the smoke buddy dont cover up is the smoke coming from the bowl or end of joint. ;-) I prefer homemade spoof but thats because I love hotboxing my car whereas GF doesn't so when we're in her car we use it.
  16. How bout investing in a portable vape instead of setting fire to the herb you can just get the THC and they put off very little noticable odor. ;)
  17. Smoke Buddy works but you have to replace them pretty often if you toke regularly.
    Other options:
    - Vape
    - Blow out window (won't completely get rid of smell but blowing it out a window with a fan beside it the smell will be gone by morning and it won't escape the room generally)
    - Ozium, only use after a sesh when you're leaving

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