Poorly describe a movie - people guess what it is

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Baloobas, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. Guy gets tired of some motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking plane.
  2. Oooo ooo Charlie and the Chocoloate Factory.
  3. Two stoners on a mission
  4. Not a bad guess, but no.
  5. The Green Mile

    Harold and Kumar
  6. Robots, hot girl, terrible acting, sequel
  7. no idea man

    a british spy saves the world from his brother
  8. Blow or Fear and Loathing

    Man searches for the key to immortality.
  9. Austin Powers
  10. Transformers

    Austin Powers 3?

    Man gets assaulted in his home, needs new rug
  11. The Fountain?
  12. Transformers 2?
  13. Crazy guy wants to sew some people together...

  14. The Big Lebowski

    also, above = The Human centipede

    Old guy hates his life, smokes weed and gets killed by a gay dude.
  15. #35 howoldami, Mar 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2011
    That one stumped me. Jigsaw? (ah, Human Centipede, haven't seen that yet)

    American Beauty

    Guy gets framed for murder he hasn't committed yet, psychic helps him find the truth
  16. human centipede

    high school kids vow to fuck
  17. American Pie...

    A woman in Hollywood has her best friend/lover killed and then dreams that her friend survives and they meet in an alternate dream reality where they become lovers/friends again. Essentially this movie is just one big mindfuck.
  18. An orange running perfectly.
  19. Law abiding citizen
  20. A guy meets people and fights them, finds out he's crazy, shoots himself

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