Proof of Evolution: Humans are Evolving

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by ismokecannabis, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. jesus.. delusions of grandeur much?
  2. Notice how when the Europeans sum odd hundreds of years ago started to get dumber with all the new tech going on in their time, comfortable living will cease your brain from evolving. And yet at the same time on the otherside of the world native Americans like the Maya still lived some what primitive but they had one of the most advanced thinking brains, not to mention their precise calendar, and their mapping of the stars and constellations was phenomenal.
  3. incorrect, evolution is change over time,

    it would have been correct if you said "its not really genetic evolution"
  4. why do people try so hard to prove evolution?

    there is a really obvious case that most evolution teachers teach.

    sicle cell anemia
  5. Because no matter how obvious evolution is, creationists still can't seem to understand how it works.
  6. I think we are vastly under-appreciating our technology.

    Think of trees. They are our external lungs. Through their evolution, animals evolved.

    Now think computers. They are our external brains. Through technological advancements, we can evolve; consciously that is.

    All evolution is, is an increase in efficiency in some facet of our being due to our surroundings influencing us.

    I honestly believe we are in a state of conscious evolution. Technology is growing exponentially and we have yet to fully comprehend the power of the Internet. Evolution happens in two ways: slow and gradual as in part due to the random mutations of DNA codes taking time to come about and actually be of use, let alone dispersing it through the race; the second being another random but super accelerated period of change.

    Time is the difference here, and it's taken a lot of time since we shed our furry coat and began using tools. Think about it, our body has become the perfect specimen to interact with our surroundings - we're the manipulative creators of the planet and so far we've done a whole lot of good.

    man i'm ranting like a banshee here..

    case n point -> think of a race spread across the planet not having the capability to connect, share, and discuss thoughts together except through the limited reach of speech.

    Now throw the Internet into that world and most of our problems could be discussed with TRILLIONS of other minds and solved within a minute instead of a thousand years. Heavy shnite but honestly, things will never be the same

  7. Think about this

    Time is the key to evolution, our evolution
    A test was done and two clocks were perfecrly synchronized and one was raised 12 inches off the ground. Over time, the clock that was raised started speeding up, but slowly. If two clock are synched and one has to travel a farther distance around the earth, it had to speed up to keep up with the synchenized clock.

    Think of a rim and tire. Draw a line from the edge of the tire to the center of the rim. If you turn the wheel, the rim has a smaller distance to go to make a complete circle, the tire( being outside the rim) has a farther distance to go so it must move faster in order to keep the line across the wheel Intacted because if the rim, being smaller than the tire, moved faster, the line would be twisted.

    the tire, being outside the rim, moves faster because it has a longer distance to go and it has to stay attached to the rim which goes slower because it has a shorter disgance to go. Compare distance to time, the object further from the center, the tire, had a longer distance than the smaller rim, but they stayed attached so time is a facter of distance. So if the clock on the ground being closer to the of earth because it is 12 inches lower then the clock raised. If the two clocks which were synrconized and had two different distances to complete a loop, the clock raised had a father distance to travel and since this clocked was synched with the other clock, the time had to stay the same so the clock raised and being farther away from the center had to move a farther distance which made the time speed up since its a factor of distance. Gravity slows time. Earth is a circle, if an object farther away from earth had to move a farther distance, time would increase. So if you were to get farther and farther away from earth you would travel "through time". Time would speed up so then evolution, which could take 1 thousand years on earth would turn into 10 years if your father away from earth, and the farther you got, the quicker
    time goes by because gravity slows down time.
  8. Man, I agree.

    But we could just as easily destroy the world with our rapid advance.
  9. Oh, I know... which is why I wrote that big preachy essay haha, I want people to be confident in themselves and to do the right thing.. because it's so easy to do the wrong thing these days, and it would end just like you said. Honestly, I think a large amount of people are going to have to die if we will ever get away from this greedy society.. and I don't mean I'm going to kill anyone or anyone else should kill everyone but I just have a feeling a natural disaster might do that for us, or unnatural disaster, it's hard to explain but I have an idea of what this world is really coming to.
  10. You are touching on another theory I have and accidently explained it very well.. I would conclude by your example hear that, rather then time has to speed up, that in reality 'time' is just a human measurement, and since it isn't a solid figure, that it does speed up and slow down depending on location, or even species and brain patters (think of a fly), that really time doesn't exist at all, but is more like a 'distance' or measurement we have put in place. In the scheme of the universe, there is no time, and there is no distance.
  11. If humans are evolving, then why did i get a loogie hocked into my double cheeseburger by a zit-faced dweeb today?
  12. sorry about that ;)
  13. When it comes to evolution, whatever causes someone to survive more easily and reproduce is what is going to be the future. we've already created a society where most people survive no matter how your born, so whoever reproduces the most will probably be the future generations. With that being said, the future will probably hold a lot of those religious nuts that breed like rabbits.
  14. ^^ I would say it will become more polar and there will be religious idiots and there will be atheists and there will be greedy people and then peaceful people.. we are becoming devided against ourselves. Think of dogs... different breeds? Who knows
  15. #35 grandmastersmit, Jun 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2011

    Dude I'm sorry but that is NOT proof or even evidence for evolution. The system is repeating specific genes and in turn losing other genetic information.

    It's like saying you chopped your arms off so a cop can't handcuff you, so it's evolution..

    The reason why so many people ask for proof or evidence of evolution is because only the people who aren't fooled by the examples of adaptation and variation haven't seen any! None at all.. I don't get why evolutionists don't get this, but there still after 150+ years has not been any solid evidence for (macro)evolution.

    - And to the silver fox experiment.. can you really not see that it is still all and completely a fox under the dog family? No new information has been added, it has created variation within the gene pool and exaggerated specific genes. When you repeat genes, you are in turn losing other genes to make room for the repeated ones, I repeat this is Not evolution..
  16. Evidence:


    Banana. Wildtype phenotype. Circa 7,000+ yr. ago - present.


    Banana. Parthenocarpic hybrid varieties. Circa 1836 - present.


    Banana. Circa 2000.

    Obviously, some form of macroevolution is occurring.

    But seriously, what about the double centromere/triple telomere in h. sapian's DNA? How but a chromosomal collapse (from an original 48 crom. set, mirroring ape's and monkey's dna) can this be explained.

    Is this not a very applicable and personal example of macroevolution?
  17. Look at that banana. You've exaggerated specific genes to create the modern day banana, it is not changing kind or anything alike, it is simply altering pre-existing genetic information.

    Also number of chromosomes do not prove a single thing. Here's a list of creatures with 46 chromosomes just like us humans-

    - Muntjacs (Muntiacus reevesi)
    - Black rat (Rattus rattus) - European hare (Lepus europeus)
    - Merriam’s ground squirrel (Spermophilus canus)
    - Southern short-tailed shrew (Blarina carolinensis)
    - Mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa)
    - Beach vole (Microtus breweri)
    - Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
    - Kirk’s dik-dik (Rhynchotragus kirki)
    - Grey vole (Microtus arvalis)
    - Large bentwing bat (miniopterus schreibersi)
    - Bolivian Tuco-tuco (Ctenomys boliviensis)
    - Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi)
    - Crowned Lemur (Lemur mongoz coronatus)
    - Red Titi (Callicebus cupreus)
  18. Chomesome numbers don't mean anything unless your closest biological counterparts, expressing MANY similarities has a previously inexplicable extra two chromesomes...

    It's all good illuminati man.

    For each perception, a reality.

  19. Evolution is change, not progress.

    There is no such thing as de-evolution...only evolution in different directions.



    It could go either way...wanna change it? Start fuckin' and don't stop 'till you drop.
  20. When the people of Nepal (Or Tibet, cent remember which for sure) settled, there were many deaths, due to altitude sickness. If you look at them in the current day, they live peacefully. Their blood has evolved to take in more oxygen then your average persons.

    If you compare this type of evolution to the evolution you speak of, they are 2 entirely different subjects.

    I think what your referring to very normal for your average person.

    The reason we didn't know about most people doing something out of the ordinary, but it actually being Ordinary, is because of communication. We have such a vast amount of resources in which to talk to people now, as compared to in the 80's.

    This itself, can stand to prove that we are not evolving currently.

    As stated before. Communication. Communication allows us to be able to chat about certain things from such distances, with little or no down time because of it. If you tried to do this in the 80's, you'd have to call the person. And even then, phone lines and signals where nowhere near as powerful as they are today.

    Remember the whole "Mass birds and fish deaths" thing?

    This has happened many many times before. The only reason we actually notice it as a society, is because of communication. If people in the 80's had the technology we did today, they'd have made it news too. But it wasn't news. It was just people not talking to one another at such a rate that they are today.

    What I mean to say is. People are not evolving at the rate you think they are. Atleast I don't think so. I think it has alot to do with people just being able to talk to more people then they previously were in the past.

    People have been able to multitask before. People have been intelligent before.

    We might be headed towards a societal evolution, but thats about it.

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