Share Your Movie Ideas!

Discussion in 'Movies' started by brewmaryjane, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I know you guys are always thinking and imagining, so you know that great feeling when a perfect movie idea hits you? You could be sitting alone or chatting with a few friends when BAM it hits you. 'Wow they should totally make a movie of that, man.' Well get in here and share em! With any luck, some big-wig Hollywood director will be reading this and next thing you know, all your weed is royalty paid!

    Hey, even if your ideas are lame and in early stages of development, well have a group edit on this shit!
  2. I want to make a thriller about someone meeting up with a crazy person off of craigslists personals section.
  3. ive only got the beginning so far, but man is it golden.

    So it starts off with this regular guy, not lame or uncool, but definitely not living to the fullest. his life is pretty good man, he cant complain. Hes an author(not famous) and he sits in his apartment all day writing. to keep make some money between books he sells some drugs(mostly pills and pot) from his apartment, but only rarely uses.
    then it can really go anywhere from that, ill let you guys work on that, i was thinking
    DRAMA/COMEDY: he starts smoking, becomes free spitited and gets out of house and meets girl or just fucks off somewhere nice blah blah blah bullshit
    ACTION/SUSPENSE: he could get into some serious shit with suppliers and have to kill them or maybe some shit involving his writing, use your imagination.

    Thats all i got for now folks, help me out.
  4. ooh i like it, sounds kind of like that Catfish, which i heard was shit even though the plot sounded good.
  5. Gonna be honest here, kinda sounds like you're going for Pineapple Express.
  6. haha your right, after re reading it it sounds fucking exactly like pinaple express. Damn, and i thought i was getting some genuine inspiration here. the setup needs to be more of a drama i think, the action set up is to close to James Franco haha
  7. Movies gets relaxation and refreshment in this busy life. There are many type of movie like comedy, action, suspense, romantic, drama and many more. so I think movie give message. people have happy and satisfied after watching movie. people watch movie with family.
  8. I have an idea in my mind..You can watch Means Girls 2 movie or No Strings Attached movie...

    watch The Roommate online
  9. I have an idea; it's kinda like Smiley Face except not a comedy. Basically the protagonist for whatever reason, whenever they take any drug, cannot come down ever. They've never been sick, so they never had to take any pharmaceuticals.
    Anyways, they discover this with weed, and at first it's great, they love it. Then they start moving on to alcohol, they like it, but eventually start to grow sick of constantly being drunk. They go to doctors, try all sorts of things to come down, can't.
    This causes them to move on to harder drugs, coke, meth, heroin, etc. They cannot come down, and slowly descent into madness, and eventually kill himself. The end.

    I had this idea when I was really high like 2 or 3 years ago, and for whatever reason it's stuck with me.
  10. Okay, so here is my idea. I'm a lttle high still from earlier (had a sesh after school with a few mates). But yeah, the main character's name is greg fortye. the movie starts out with him being born (seen from his view in high speed, growing for the age of 0-20) with the song 'time to pretend' by MGMT. at this part, we'd show the credits. like who directed it, who acts in it.


    The movie is based around greg, a troubled busker in NYC. He begins to sell pott to try and earn more money. he starts selling to all the school children that come outisde the near school. the movie focuses around his views on life, how he wished he was famous, and how he hates his life, selling weed to teenagers. eventually, he tokes up with one of his regular customers, enters next character named Declan. after smoking a joint with declan in a park, he begins to realise how important what he's doing is. he realises that eclan has a shit life at home, and that smoking weed is his only escape. greg becomes fixated with being declans escape. he does so buy giving declan free weed, guitar lessons, an old harmonica and trips to places like the zoo, the cinema etc.

    eventually, greg gets caught by the DEA and is arrested. declan goes on living his hard, depressing life, and starts abusing harder drugs. The movie ends with declan shooting heroin, with time to pretend playing again.

    Dont critisze, legalize :smoke:

    Greg would be played by (in my head) Jonny Depp
    Declan would be played by Joe Thomas
  11. Anything with Kevin Bacon and a trampoline will work.... Just get a million for filming and he will do the rest! 1989-kevin-bacon-lg-82970707.jpg
  12. Its an idea my friend and I came up with a couple years ago....
    A group of stoners finds some crazy bud growing in a graveyard. They smoke some it brings all the dead people back to life and they attack the town until they take care of their munchies.
  13. Title: My Awesome Movie 3D
    Starring: Tommy Wiseau

    It starts off with a man and his wife walking around in a forest. The wife suddenly dies of pneumonia, even though it is a warm day. The guy says, "I wonder who did this?"

    The man decides to get revenge by destroying the forest. The next 90 minutes consists of the man using a wide range of weapons such as a chainsaw, hammer, egg shells, peanuts, a gun, his fists and a torch to destroy all the trees and plants in the forest. He also punches a bear in the face.

    The End
  14. I have always wanted to make a dark, depressing, fuck-you of a movie. It would just be about this 19 year old average kid's day that should have been good, and would have been good for anyone else in the world, but events conspire to push him over the edge. It would just be shitty, yet kind of badass to see how he deals with all the random events and experiences he has to put up with, and what eventually marks the epitome of a terrible night/life for this kid.
  15. I want them to do Harold and Kumar but from the two white guys perspective. I mean I want those scenes from the first movie to fit in. Have it start the same and end almost the same instead of the elavtor scene they would do something else. They could even work Neil Patrick Harris a role into it. (yes I had to look up his name)
  16. i have a major hit success of a movie idea. it is a sci-fi part fantasy which i am hoping for VFX similar to transformers. it is set in the far future with a 19 year old boy who is used and abused by his uncle and has a shrouded family history. mankind's greatest enemy has returned from centuries of slumber and has now come to seek revenge and conquer all. so it is down to the boy and a robot (which is soon stumbled upon in a scrapyard) to stop the darkness which comes. also i would like to add that the stories title is currently GOLEM and more information will be available upon request.
    At the beginning of the movie we are introduced to our antagonist, we aren't told his name. We see him boarding a plane, at the Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH, to New York. He arrives in the city, he hails a taxi, and tells him to go to Times Square. There, he releases a deadly toxin, in the biggest tourist attraction in the world. He leaves the city on the next flight back to Stuttgart. The disease is highly contagious and spreads through simple DNA exchange. VIRGINIA President Don Brooks is at a campaign event, as he's up for re-election. "Senator Holt has only been in office for four years. What makes him think he's ready to lead?" The crowd cheers, holding up Brooks/Flass campaign signs. "I've been President of the United States for 4 years!" The crowd cheers strongly. "Before that, I was a senator for 8 years, and a governor for 6!" The crowd cheers. "Over the past four years, unemployment has dropped 4%! And our national debt has dropped 3 trillion dollars!" The crowd cheers. "I plan to proudly serve as your president for 4 more years! Tell Senator Holt that I'm not going anywhere!" The crowd cheers. "Thank you!" The crowd cheers and chants "4 more years!" as President Brooks walks down from the platform. He walks through the crowds, shaking hands, to his limousine, he waves at the crowd once more, then he gets in. An agent in the car says "Mr. President, we have seen a massive outbreak of an unknown disease in the Northeast. We've traced it's origin to New York." "Very upfront, but okay. What are it's effects?" Brooks asks. "Insanity, cannibalism. It kills so many brain cells, that those infected are basically brain dead, sir. This should be taken extremely seriously." "Jesus H. Christ! Quarantine the areas of outbreak. Take me back to the cottage, with my family. Assemble the national security team. As of right now, the United States government is on lockdown."
    In the situation room, President Brooks meets with his cabinet, Vice President Douglass Flass, and top national security advisors. "Okay, people. Let's evaluate our options. How are our quarantine efforts holding up?" Brooks opens with. "Not well, sir. It's spreading, we have outbreaks all along the Eastern Seaboard, and some in Ohio. Which raises the question 'Should we evacuate high-ranking officials, now, such as congressmen, agency officials, supreme court justices, and, uh-the president and his cabinet?'" The aide replies. The president's face shows that he is not about to the abandon the White House. The aide realizes this and quickly says "What I'm trying to tell you, Mr. President, is that half of the Eastern Seaboard has gone dark, and we need to evacute Washington, now. Or face the collapse of the United States government as we know it-sir." President Brooks nods quickly, stands up, and says "Yeah, okay. Let's-uh, let's go." Chaos ensues in the White House as evacuation is beginning. Helicopters touch down on the White House lawn to secure President Brooks, Vice President Flass, the cabinet, and others at the chief executive's mansion, which happens to be Brooks' and Flass' families, and the president's cabinet. Riots of civillians start jumping the White House fence demanding that their government help them, and storming the helicopters trying to escape the infection which is quickly spreading, especially in Washington as there are many airports, train stations, and bus depots. Armed guards throw tear gas at the rioters, to secure the president's exodus. The infection spreads throughout the entire crowd within seconds. An unifected civillian runs out from the lawn as the chopper takes off, yelling "No! Don't leave me! Help me!" weeping "Help me..." and screaming in gorey way as the infected consume him. President Brooks stares down in horror watching this. Congress is evacuating when the infected break through the doors of the Capitol Building, and infect congressmen, spreading it until the evacuation is thwarted, and Congress is gone. MONTANA The president's convoy touches down at the executive bunker. A meeting is held with the president and top national security advisors, this time, the cabinet is left out of the mix. "Do we have any reason to believe this is a foreign chemical attack?" Brooks says. "It's a possibility." An aide replies. "What about the North Koreans? The rising tensions? It seems at least plausable." Another advisor says. "Our intel suggests they aren't capable of such a long-range attack. Especially a chemical attack." President Brooks replies. "Our intel could be off. And they could have easily sent a single man in, and spreaded it just like that." As he snaps his finger. "I think it's definitely something to look into." The advisor replies. "Let's make this simple." President Brooks says, leaning forward. "Jim, look into Korea." "Yes, sir." President Brooks continues. "Steve, get me a list of every nation we believe to be capable of this. Until then, we're done here." President Brooks stands up and walks out. An aide walks up to him and tells him that it is imperative that he gets in front of cameras, so as to prevent mass panic. President Brooks schedules an address the American people. The background makes it seem as though he is still at the White House, in Washington, although, this is not true. He tells the public not to panic. He tells people to stay in their homes. Brooks assures the American people that the government has the situation under control. He says that if a family member is infected, to quarintine or kill them, and that people should be aware that they are very dangerous. He declares martial law, he says, until the outbreak is contained. He tells people not to worry, and not to try and reach loved ones, saying "Don't attempt to reach your children at school or spouses at work. You will remain the safest by staying where you are, wherever that may be. If you're outside, get inside, and lock the doors and windows. We have not abandoned you. And God bless America" Then he goes off air. President Brooks walks down from the podium. An aide walks up to him. "Sir, we have the list of nations capable of this, and all signs point to North Korea." The president replies. "Alright, no more of this. No more hide and seek. Assemble the national security team," he pauses, "and get me the football." "Yes, sir." He replies. President Brooks walks into the makeshift situation room. The national security team fills into the room. Brooks opens, saying "We have strong reason to believe this is the North Korean's workings. We have to launch a full nuclear retaliation. Tom." President Brooks gestures for Tom, an agent, to pass him the nuclear football. He does this. Various advisors show concern in their faces, but don't express it. He takes it, sits back down, and opens it up. He sighs. "I never thought it'd come to this." Cut to a man walking down a corridor into an office. He asks the man at the desk "Thank God there's somebody I know here." They laugh. "So, Rob, do you know where President Brooks is? Rob replies "Oh, yeah, Chris, he's in a national security meeting." "Seems fitting." Chris replies. "How so?" Rob says. "We just recieved intel from the Germans. They say it's one of their's, some disgruntled geneticist, a 'lone gunman,' anyhow." Rob says "Oh, shit!" "What?" Chris says. "They think it's the fucking North Koreans, and Brooks is in there, right now, with the fucking football! Authorizing a full ICBM nuclear retaliation!" Rob shouts, standing up. "What room?!" Chris says. "Situation Room. Go, run. Now!" Chris turns around and starts running down the corridors, pushing people who are in the way. The music is strong, and intense. It cuts to President Brooks inputing in the launch codes for a nuclear attack on North Korea. Cut back to Chris sprinting down the corridor, with a complete disregard for human life. Cut to President Brooks inputing in the final launch code and saying "For America, gentlemen." Chris still running down the corridor. President Brooks is about to authorize the ICBM retaliation, when Chris runs into the room, out of breath and yells "Stop!" President Brooks looks up quickly. "Stop." Chris says, breathing heavily. "It's not the Koreans. It's a German. A single German, working alone. Put the football away, and let me give you the details." Chris sits down and starts explaining. "Christoph Schwartz. A disgruntled geneticist who's started to fall off the horse for the past couple years. He's mentally unstable. Anyway, the Germans say it's him. Not a foreign chemical attack, a single man. A 'lone gunman.'"
    HAMBURG, GERMANY A team is being assembled to raid Schwartz's Stuttgart home. The movie ends with President Brooks asking to see a map of the world that shows areas of outbreak. Almost all of North America is covered, Northern South America, parts of Western Europe, parts of Eastern Asia, and New Zealand are all covered. The camera zooms through the moniter to Washington, crumbling, in firey ruins. The Washington Monument collapses, and the camera zooms out showing the entire planet. A barren destroyed, firey,
    post-apocalyptic Earth, almost unrecognizable. Cut to black. The credits roll alongside footage of President Brooks sitting alone, in a dark room. He listens to tapes of distress calls. As the footage ends, he submits to tears.
    At the beginning of the movie we are introduced to our antagonist, we aren't told his name. We see him boarding a plane, at the Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH, to New York. He arrives in the city, he hails a taxi, and tells him to go to Times Square. There, he releases a deadly toxin, in the biggest tourist attraction in the world. He leaves the city on the next flight back to Stuttgart. The disease is highly contagious and spreads through simple DNA exchange. VIRGINIA President Don Brooks is at a campaign event, as he's up for re-election. "Senator Holt has only been in office for four years. What makes him think he's ready to lead?" The crowd cheers, holding up Brooks/Flass campaign signs. "I've been President of the United States for 4 years!" The crowd cheers strongly. "Before that, I was a senator for 8 years, and a governor for 6!" The crowd cheers. "Over the past four years, unemployment has dropped 4%! And our national debt has dropped 3 trillion dollars!" The crowd cheers. "I plan to proudly serve as your president for 4 more years! Tell Senator Holt that I'm not going anywhere!" The crowd cheers. "Thank you!" The crowd cheers and chants "4 more years!" as President Brooks walks down from the platform. He walks through the crowds, shaking hands, to his limousine, he waves at the crowd once more, then he gets in. An agent in the car says "Mr. President, we have seen a massive outbreak of an unknown disease in the Northeast. We've traced it's origin to New York." "Very upfront, but okay. What are it's effects?" Brooks asks. "Insanity, cannibalism. It kills so many brain cells, that those infected are basically brain dead, sir. This should be taken extremely seriously." "Jesus H. Christ! Quarantine the areas of outbreak. Take me back to the cottage, with my family. Assemble the national security team. As of right now, the United States government is on lockdown."
    In the situation room, President Brooks meets with his cabinet, Vice President Douglass Flass, and top national security advisors. "Okay, people. Let's evaluate our options. How are our quarantine efforts holding up?" Brooks opens with. "Not well, sir. It's spreading, we have outbreaks all along the Eastern Seaboard, and some in Ohio. Which raises the question 'Should we evacuate high-ranking officials, now, such as congressmen, agency officials, supreme court justices, and, uh-the president and his cabinet?'" The aide replies. The president's face shows that he is not about to the abandon the White House. The aide realizes this and quickly says "What I'm trying to tell you, Mr. President, is that half of the Eastern Seaboard has gone dark, and we need to evacute Washington, now. Or face the collapse of the United States government as we know it-sir." President Brooks nods quickly, stands up, and says "Yeah, okay. Let's-uh, let's go." Chaos ensues in the White House as evacuation is beginning. Helicopters touch down on the White House lawn to secure President Brooks, Vice President Flass, the cabinet, and others at the chief executive's mansion, which happens to be Brooks' and Flass' families, and the president's cabinet. Riots of civillians start jumping the White House fence demanding that their government help them, and storming the helicopters trying to escape the infection which is quickly spreading, especially in Washington as there are many airports, train stations, and bus depots. Armed guards throw tear gas at the rioters, to secure the president's exodus. The infection spreads throughout the entire crowd within seconds. An unifected civillian runs out from the lawn as the chopper takes off, yelling "No! Don't leave me! Help me!" weeping "Help me..." and screaming in gorey way as the infected consume him. President Brooks stares down in horror watching this. Congress is evacuating when the infected break through the doors of the Capitol Building, and infect congressmen, spreading it until the evacuation is thwarted, and Congress is gone. MONTANA The president's convoy touches down at the executive bunker. A meeting is held with the president and top national security advisors, this time, the cabinet is left out of the mix. "Do we have any reason to believe this is a foreign chemical attack?" Brooks says. "It's a possibility." An aide replies. "What about the North Koreans? The rising tensions? It seems at least plausable." Another advisor says. "Our intel suggests they aren't capable of such a long-range attack. Especially a chemical attack." President Brooks replies. "Our intel could be off. And they could have easily sent a single man in, and spreaded it just like that." As he snaps his finger. "I think it's definitely something to look into." The advisor replies. "Let's make this simple." President Brooks says, leaning forward. "Jim, look into Korea." "Yes, sir." President Brooks continues. "Steve, get me a list of every nation we believe to be capable of this. Until then, we're done here." President Brooks stands up and walks out. An aide walks up to him and tells him that it is imperative that he gets in front of cameras, so as to prevent mass panic. President Brooks schedules an address the American people. The background makes it seem as though he is still at the White House, in Washington, although, this is not true. He tells the public not to panic. He tells people to stay in their homes. Brooks assures the American people that the government has the situation under control. He says that if a family member is infected, to quarintine or kill them, and that people should be aware that they are very dangerous. He declares martial law, he says, until the outbreak is contained. He tells people not to worry, and not to try and reach loved ones, saying "Don't attempt to reach your children at school or spouses at work. You will remain the safest by staying where you are, wherever that may be. If you're outside, get inside, and lock the doors and windows. We have not abandoned you. And God bless America" Then he goes off air. President Brooks walks down from the podium. An aide walks up to him. "Sir, we have the list of nations capable of this, and all signs point to North Korea." The president replies. "Alright, no more of this. No more hide and seek. Assemble the national security team," he pauses, "and get me the football." "Yes, sir." He replies. President Brooks walks into the makeshift situation room. The national security team fills into the room. Brooks opens, saying "We have strong reason to believe this is the North Korean's workings. We have to launch a full nuclear retaliation. Tom." President Brooks gestures for Tom, an agent, to pass him the nuclear football. He does this. Various advisors show concern in their faces, but don't express it. He takes it, sits back down, and opens it up. He sighs. "I never thought it'd come to this." Cut to a man walking down a corridor into an office. He asks the man at the desk "Thank God there's somebody I know here." They laugh. "So, Rob, do you know where President Brooks is? Rob replies "Oh, yeah, Chris, he's in a national security meeting." "Seems fitting." Chris replies. "How so?" Rob says. "We just recieved intel from the Germans. They say it's one of their's, some disgruntled geneticist, a 'lone gunman,' anyhow." Rob says "Oh, shit!" "What?" Chris says. "They think it's the fucking North Koreans, and Brooks is in there, right now, with the fucking football! Authorizing a full ICBM nuclear retaliation!" Rob shouts, standing up. "What room?!" Chris says. "Situation Room. Go, run. Now!" Chris turns around and starts running down the corridors, pushing people who are in the way. The music is strong, and intense. It cuts to President Brooks inputing in the launch codes for a nuclear attack on North Korea. Cut back to Chris sprinting down the corridor, with a complete disregard for human life.


    Cut to President Brooks inputing in the final launch code and saying "For America, gentlemen." Chris still running down the corridor. President Brooks is about to authorize the ICBM retaliation, when Chris runs into the room, out of breath and yells "Stop!" President Brooks looks up quickly. "Stop." Chris says, breathing heavily. "It's not the Koreans. It's a German. A single German, working alone. Put the football away, and let me give you the details." Chris sits down and starts explaining. "Christoph Schwartz. A disgruntled geneticist who's started to fall off the horse for the past couple years. He's mentally unstable. Anyway, the Germans say it's him. Not a foreign chemical attack, a single man. A 'lone gunman.'"
    HAMBURG, GERMANY A team is being assembled to raid Schwartz's Stuttgart home. The movie ends with President Brooks asking to see a map of the world that shows areas of outbreak. Almost all of North America is covered, Northern South America, parts of Western Europe, parts of Eastern Asia, and New Zealand are all covered. The camera zooms through the moniter to Washington, crumbling, in firey ruins. The Washington Monument collapses, and the camera zooms out showing the entire planet. A barren destroyed, firey,
    post-apocalyptic Earth, almost unrecognizable. Cut to black. The credits roll alongside footage of President Brooks sitting alone, in a dark room. He listens to tapes of distress calls. As the footage ends, he submits to tears.
    At the beginning of the movie we are introduced to our antagonist, we aren't told his name. We see him boarding a plane, at the Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH, to New York. He arrives in the city, he hails a taxi, and tells him to go to Times Square. There, he releases a deadly toxin, in the biggest tourist attraction in the world. He leaves the city on the next flight back to Stuttgart. The disease is highly contagious and spreads through simple DNA exchange. VIRGINIA President Don Brooks is at a campaign event, as he's up for re-election. "Senator Holt has only been in office for four years. What makes him think he's ready to lead?" The crowd cheers, holding up Brooks/Flass campaign signs. "I've been President of the United States for 4 years!" The crowd cheers strongly. "Before that, I was a senator for 8 years, and a governor for 6!" The crowd cheers. "Over the past four years, unemployment has dropped 4%! And our national debt has dropped 3 trillion dollars!" The crowd cheers. "I plan to proudly serve as your president for 4 more years! Tell Senator Holt that I'm not going anywhere!" The crowd cheers. "Thank you!" The crowd cheers and chants "4 more years!" as President Brooks walks down from the platform. He walks through the crowds, shaking hands, to his limousine, he waves at the crowd once more, then he gets in. An agent in the car says "Mr. President, we have seen a massive outbreak of an unknown disease in the Northeast. We've traced it's origin to New York." "Very upfront, but okay. What are it's effects?" Brooks asks. "Insanity, cannibalism. It kills so many brain cells, that those infected are basically brain dead, sir. This should be taken extremely seriously." "Jesus H. Christ! Quarantine the areas of outbreak. Take me back to the cottage, with my family. Assemble the national security team. As of right now, the United States government is on lockdown."
    In the situation room, President Brooks meets with his cabinet, Vice President Douglass Flass, and top national security advisors. "Okay, people. Let's evaluate our options. How are our quarantine efforts holding up?" Brooks opens with. "Not well, sir. It's spreading, we have outbreaks all along the Eastern Seaboard, and some in Ohio. Which raises the question 'Should we evacuate high-ranking officials, now, such as congressmen, agency officials, supreme court justices, and, uh-the president and his cabinet?'" The aide replies. The president's face shows that he is not about to the abandon the White House. The aide realizes this and quickly says "What I'm trying to tell you, Mr. President, is that half of the Eastern Seaboard has gone dark, and we need to evacute Washington, now. Or face the collapse of the United States government as we know it-sir." President Brooks nods quickly, stands up, and says "Yeah, okay. Let's-uh, let's go." Chaos ensues in the White House as evacuation is beginning. Helicopters touch down on the White House lawn to secure President Brooks, Vice President Flass, the cabinet, and others at the chief executive's mansion, which happens to be Brooks' and Flass' families, and the president's cabinet. Riots of civillians start jumping the White House fence demanding that their government help them, and storming the helicopters trying to escape the infection which is quickly spreading, especially in Washington as there are many airports, train stations, and bus depots. Armed guards throw tear gas at the rioters, to secure the president's exodus. The infection spreads throughout the entire crowd within seconds. An unifected civillian runs out from the lawn as the chopper takes off, yelling "No! Don't leave me! Help me!" weeping "Help me..." and screaming in gorey way as the infected consume him. President Brooks stares down in horror watching this. Congress is evacuating when the infected break through the doors of the Capitol Building, and infect congressmen, spreading it until the evacuation is thwarted, and Congress is gone. MONTANA The president's convoy touches down at the executive bunker. A meeting is held with the president and top national security advisors, this time, the cabinet is left out of the mix. "Do we have any reason to believe this is a foreign chemical attack?" Brooks says. "It's a possibility." An aide replies. "What about the North Koreans? The rising tensions? It seems at least plausable." Another advisor says. "Our intel suggests they aren't capable of such a long-range attack. Especially a chemical attack." President Brooks replies. "Our intel could be off. And they could have easily sent a single man in, and spreaded it just like that." As he snaps his finger. "I think it's definitely something to look into." The advisor replies. "Let's make this simple." President Brooks says, leaning forward. "Jim, look into Korea." "Yes, sir." President Brooks continues. "Steve, get me a list of every nation we believe to be capable of this. Until then, we're done here." President Brooks stands up and walks out. An aide walks up to him and tells him that it is imperative that he gets in front of cameras, so as to prevent mass panic. President Brooks schedules an address the American people. The background makes it seem as though he is still at the White House, in Washington, although, this is not true. He tells the public not to panic. He tells people to stay in their homes. Brooks assures the American people that the government has the situation under control. He says that if a family member is infected, to quarintine or kill them, and that people should be aware that they are very dangerous. He declares martial law, he says, until the outbreak is contained. He tells people not to worry, and not to try and reach loved ones, saying "Don't attempt to reach your children at school or spouses at work. You will remain the safest by staying where you are, wherever that may be. If you're outside, get inside, and lock the doors and windows. We have not abandoned you. And God bless America" Then he goes off air. President Brooks walks down from the podium. An aide walks up to him. "Sir, we have the list of nations capable of this, and all signs point to North Korea." The president replies. "Alright, no more of this. No more hide and seek. Assemble the national security team," he pauses, "and get me the football." "Yes, sir." He replies. President Brooks walks into the makeshift situation room. The national security team fills into the room. Brooks opens, saying "We have strong reason to believe this is the North Korean's workings. We have to launch a full nuclear retaliation. Tom." President Brooks gestures for Tom, an agent, to pass him the nuclear football. He does this. Various advisors show concern in their faces, but don't express it. He takes it, sits back down, and opens it up. He sighs. "I never thought it'd come to this." Cut to a man walking down a corridor into an office. He asks the man at the desk "Thank God there's somebody I know here." They laugh. "So, Rob, do you know where President Brooks is? Rob replies "Oh, yeah, Chris, he's in a national security meeting." "Seems fitting." Chris replies. "How so?" Rob says. "We just recieved intel from the Germans. They say it's one of their's, some disgruntled geneticist, a 'lone gunman,' anyhow." Rob says "Oh, shit!" "What?" Chris says. "They think it's the fucking North Koreans, and Brooks is in there, right now, with the fucking football! Authorizing a full ICBM nuclear retaliation!" Rob shouts, standing up. "What room?!" Chris says. "Situation Room. Go, run. Now!" Chris turns around and starts running down the corridors, pushing people who are in the way. The music is strong, and intense. It cuts to President Brooks inputing in the launch codes for a nuclear attack on North Korea. Cut back to Chris sprinting down the corridor, with a complete disregard for human life. Cut to President Brooks inputing in the final launch code and saying "For America, gentlemen." Chris still running down the corridor. President Brooks is about to authorize the ICBM retaliation, when Chris runs into the room, out of breath and yells "Stop!" President Brooks looks up quickly. "Stop." Chris says, breathing heavily. "It's not the Koreans. It's a German. A single German, working alone. Put the football away, and let me give you the details." Chris sits down and starts explaining. "Christoph Schwartz. A disgruntled geneticist who's started to fall off the horse for the past couple years. He's mentally unstable. Anyway, the Germans say it's him. Not a foreign chemical attack, a single man. A 'lone gunman.'"
    HAMBURG, GERMANY A team is being assembled to raid Schwartz's Stuttgart home. The movie ends with President Brooks asking to see a map of the world that shows areas of outbreak. Almost all of North America is covered, Northern South America, parts of Western Europe, parts of Eastern Asia, and New Zealand are all covered. The camera zooms through the moniter to Washington, crumbling, in firey ruins. The Washington Monument collapses, and the camera zooms out showing the entire planet. A barren destroyed, firey,
    post-apocalyptic Earth, almost unrecognizable. Cut to black. The credits roll alongside footage of President Brooks sitting alone, in a dark room. He listens to tapes of distress calls. As the footage ends, he submits to tears.
  20. #20 zvit, May 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2014
    <span>Resurrection. There are many movies about people going back in time and meeting famous people from the past but imagine a comedy about <span><span>resurrection, where famous people arise from the dead and are in our time again... with us! Famous inventors and scientists... Isaac Newton, Einstein, Eddison, Benjamin Franklin... baffled by the advanced technoligy from their inventions... Presedents... </span></span></span>George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Kennedy... the political comedy this can cause... Hitler, Ben-Laden, Joseph Stalin... the comedy this can cause with the CIA... People that vannished... Amelia Earhart, Harold Holt... their mysterious story can be revealed... the sky is the limit as to who to bring back and make it hilarrious.

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