7 steps to help dissolve the ego

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by budsmokn420, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. multiple + reps
  2. 8. Compare your penis to mine.

    It will really ruin your day. Goodbye, ego.
  3. No but really, over-inflated egos are bad. It's important to be confident, but don't let it turn into arrogance.
  4. i can't do this, it's hard.
  5. That was amazing. *starts a slow clap*
  6. Ironically, I think that if you tell yourself that you has dissolved your ego, that's your ego telling yourself that you are now superior. Idk what I'm saying or if this even makes sense.
  7. I've got a few already crossed off.
    It would be nice if I finish the rest off, really makes me happier, though sometimes dull.
  8. Great read, I've always been humble and life has been very smooth. :smoke:
  9. You can to be humble, but you can't let yourself step on your morals to balance your ego.
  10. So basically become a big hippy
    Pussy and let everyone walk over me? No thanks ill go on being an asshole whos a winner like Charlie sheen.
  11. It's basically a list of things I can't do or say.......no thanks.
  12. Charlie has bigger ego than (insert large object here) (i couldnt think of one) (are you allowed to write double parenthesis? oh well) (fuck, that just made it 3) (what am i doing?)

    cocaine/crack boosts your ego to destructive levels.

    the world is in dire need of an atomic psilocybin BOMB
    and your stigma of a "hippy" will soon melt ;)

    :D :bongin:
  13. Now you need to make a tutorial on how to follow through with the steps. Most of these would be hard :rolleyes:

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