Belief in God shows lack of intelligence.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by UndyingEcho, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. Meh, I don't think we can get ahead in thought with such little curiosity in what can be newly discovered and learned.

    Perhaps, this "God" wants us to try and make the best of a universe that makes it difficult to manage in. Perhaps this "God" is just the abstract thought, of which, humans are the only animals capable of doing.

    A higher plane of thought. For you and me, to try and better the world we live in. Because we aren't just instinct.

  2. Yea, there's a chance that there's a God who is having us go through this crazy universe. But there's no greater chance of that than other other ridiculous explanation you can come up with for the world. There is NO proof of anything pertaining to a God. So, there's a chance there's a God, in the same way there there's a chance that there's a Santa Claus.
  3. But there technically was a Santa Claus..... just not exactly how he is portrayed today.

    So, there could be a "God" just not the Christian God or the Christian God could exist and be absolutely what he is. Who knows?

  4. Boom.
  5. Exactly, So the fact that 2 billion people worship the Christian God is really depressing,

  6. Yeah, we're setting aside bigots on both ends.

    Cause idiots are idiots.

  7. Exactly. These answers are obviously beyond our understanding because nobody knows. I could read the greatest theory I've ever read and it would still only be a theory. And just because I agree with the theory doesn't mean everyone else will feel the same way. People will always have their beliefs, and who is anyone to tell someone else what to 'believe'?

  8. It's not your belief, i get that. It's perfectly fine to believe what you want.

    What I find depressing is that people are still judged by what they believe. What I believe doesn't reflect on who i am, i mean in a way it does, but with or without a God I am going to be who I'm going to be.
  9. Im not saying there isn't life in the universe, I'm saying there isn't some dude watching over all of existence.
  10. you Guys must be talkin bout this


  11. Well whichever you're saying, it's your belief. :smoke:
  12. Whose to say that the superior being, god, creator, or whatever else it could be called has to be the christian god? All of these theories are the words of another human being, who also has no 'know'. I mean, If someone Claims that they actually 'know', they might as well go ahead and make the claim that they are god.

  13. And I don't believe there is a "dude" watching over the universe. I believe whatever happened, whatever created us isn't a "dude". It's not a human, but more of an entity.

    And I certainly don't believe in organized religion. But if you do then that's your business. I'm still going to like you whether you believe in Buddah or simply nothing, as long as you're a good person.
  14. I would neally rather go to church than try and provide a meaningful response to this type of thinking. Its like christian thinking minus the belief in god. Not written to anyone in particular.
  15. HEY watchOut!! this GUyz Gna Get MAD!!!


  16. Well said.
  17. im with her on that!!
  18. Lol at threads where people are so sure of themselves. If you know any one thing, know that you know absolutely nothing. Be humble and unsure of any answers, no matter how convincing they may appear.
  19. best reply i have seen in weeks!! 8^)
  20. For this statement to be true, the opposite must be also true.

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