Is it a good idea to take Vyvanse to assist in weight loss?

Discussion in 'General' started by sederynick, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. I recently got into it and I've noticed a huge decrease in my appetite which is making losing weight much easier
  2. We're not supposed to speak of other drugs here, so let's not.

    Taking anything to assist in weight loss is dumb.

    Eat right, work out and you'll lose weight. Eat clean, might I add. Food wise. No need for drugs, man.

    EDIT: Not eating is not the way to lose weight. It'll jeopardize your health. But your call. It's not good. Know that.
  3. Do you really need to ask this question? No, it's not a good idea.
  4. ^this.

    i remember my cousin took this illegal substance, which basically heated up his body and prevented his body from fully taking the nutritional value from food, so he ate whatever he wanted, then at night sweated his ass off and sometimes threw up. It was fucking pathetic, no wonder i have no respect for him anymore. He was like a zombie, barely strong enough to walk up the stairs, in his fucking underwear with matted beard and hair, just fucking weak and gross.
  5. You do what you do but you should ask yourself if its a good idea to take a pill to assist you losing weight and be able to decide
  6. You might lose some weight, but you'll be a malnourished weakling

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