i fell in love with a whore

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by kannabiskid, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. I dont have much to say on the matter besides that...

    Love can really fuck with your mind. I wasted so much of my time... I crippled myself. I stopped my life in its tracks because I thought I had actually found someone.

    I'm doing much better now... my life has almost completely filled in the void that I had cleared out for her... things are slowly getting better.

    I am just amazed that her name alone can cause me to relapse...
    Gina... I love that fucking whore.
  2. time heals all wounds
  3. Gina? Hahaha
  4. :eek:
    im not even attracted to her... i just love her.

    she walked all over me... it was awesome

    oh well... me and wifey mary j will always be swingers
  5. No you didn't

    You fell in love with her PUSSY!!!!!

    Bet she had you curling your toes each and every time huh? :cool:
  6. nah I dont think so, i fell in love with her before we ever got physical...

    and even tho she is a whore shes not too much fun in bed haha lets just say I have found greener pastures...

    Am I like THE last person who believes in love? Love that can overcome anything? I am a romantic.... and I hate to think that I am just getting my hopes up for nothing. I have never met a 'good girl'.

    They don't exist.
  7. everyone woman you will meet is a whore, except for your mother.
  8. Happens to the best of us. Now go find you a good, clean girl.
  9. Is her first name Va?
  10. theres good girls out there... but dont expect to get laid by them any time soon lol

  11. yes.... it is

    haha thats probably why ill never meet one
  12. Gina's usually turn out to be whores
  13. We've all been there, my friend. Personally, had I known I was marrying Satan I never would have signed the papers.


    It takes a while, but you'll learn to forget about her entirely.
  14. Believe it or not, I think you're on to something.

    I have not met one Gina that has been anything less than a life-draining succubus.
  15. good girls haha ....even if they existed why would you want to waste your time with someone soooo fucking boring. yeah im gonna go to church with you every day for 2 years for a chance to have sex. id rather slit my fuckin wrists. that will teach you to fall in love so quick.....love is a process bro. and dont be so naive next time.

  16. truth.

    hey guy, i knew this girl for years before we started dating. we had been through so much already and we sort of just... happened. it was such a bad idea in the beginning and it only got worse... but we 'loved' each other so we dragged it out for months...

    i dont think i was being naive... and if i was then im just blind to the fact that love dont exist.
  17. nah man i think love exists but i just think its rare. really fuckin rare.
  18. #18 NySt0nerPunk, Dec 7, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
    This is what you get for falling in love
  19. yea yea yea i get im an emo bitch very good
  20. Well if her names Gina...

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