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Caught at school

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stuprice, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. 2 months ago I was caught at school with weed. It isn't a small offense at my school.
    They called my dad, who then searched my room and found several bongs, pipes, and a stash jar, papers, etc. (In the process he trashed my entire room and destroyed all of my personal things.)
    They called my work and got me fired.
    Then they gave me two options: The case is handed over to the police in town or I submit myself into a 3 month drug rehab. program(which costs $1500). Of course I chose the latter of the two.

    In the rehab program I am tested once a week(an extra $25 a test) for three months. I have two appointments a week(after school an hour across town, they teach me a bunch of bullshit about weed and drug use). I have 24 hours of community service to do.
    Here's the worst part. I lost my job, and my dad has me on, like, survelance and he's paying for my "treatment." So, if I try and move out, he stops paying, and if he stops paying I get expelled from school and my case is handed over to the police. It sucks!

    Don't get caught at school, especially if they are strict, you'll be royally fucked.

    My last appointment and drug test is on December 16th. on the 17th I have my last day of school before the winter break, I am moving out then.
    You probably don't care, but i thought I'd share my experience for the other students out there. I'm still in High school with perfect grades and attendance. These people are so ignorant.

    Peace and Pot,
    Stu price.
  2. that sucks dude, less than 3 weeks to go till you are home free!
  3. perfect grades + attendence is just proof that u deserve none of that. You're already sentenced so your beat with that, but continue to do great in school and then u might be able to reason with ur dad and show him that weed isn't really as bad as most people believe.
  4. Sorry things worked out this way. If you ride it out it will all just be part of your past. I was caught when I was in high school as well and even though it was a big deal at the time, years later it doesn't matter in the least bit.
  5. Heres a better option. Dont bring weed to school. Seems logical doesnt it?

    Also...Im pretty sure they dont call the parents for people over 18...

    Grades doesnt reflect intelligence as we can see. He deserved it
  6. Makes me sick man. All you can do is be super successful and toke it up and give them the finger from your house in the hills.
  7. your a real chill guy. glad your a stoner man :rolleyes:

    anyways, same shit happened to me dude, i got caught blazing at school. i got a paraphenelia citation from the school pig, and had to go to court. they surprised me with a court drug test, and i had blazed 4 days prior so thankfully i was able to cheat it. i had to pay a fine, do community service for like a week over summer, and go to my schools drug counseling classes (which are actually pretty chill). fuck my school.
  8. Same excact thing happened to me bro. Had weed on me at school and my best friend ratted me out after he got caught high at school. Said he got it from me and i got expelled for distribution. I have to go to treatment to but its free. Its called the S.A.F.E program (Substance addiction and family education) lmao. Just pass all them test and get the hell out then get baked. Thatss what im doin, im already 3 weeks into it.
  9. Yup. Im a stoner. So I should always side with a stoner, no matter if he is the one who is at fault, and stupid enough to get himself caught and then insult any person of authority...

    You cant tell me that he asked for it
  10. They can't be searching your house without a warrant or your permission as you are 18+.
    I got caught at school also, all they gave me was a 3 month program, it was free because almost all health insurance programs cover it. If you need help passing the drug tests I can help you, some of them are fairly cheap and easy to pass. Best of luck.
  11. Sorry for the delay. I had to find a facepalm that fit this. I still dont think its enough

  12. Not true bro, I got a minor consumption/underage when I was 20 in college a state away from my parents, they wrote them a letter detailing everything that happened. Different than a phone call yes, but they'll still do it even if they aren't supposed to. I agree not bringing pot to school is the best option, but really bro, stop trying to get everyone in trouble and get off your high horse.
  13. I don't think that it's legal to call your job, and if you're attending a rehabilitation program, your former employer should be legally obligated to give you your job back.

    Then again, I don't know what state you're in, how old you are, etc...
  14. #14 adambommb, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2010

    thats fucked, but you sir are a FUCKING IDIOT for taking bud to school. common fuckin sense isnt it? seems like you were asking for it..

    Name calling like this is really unnecessary and causes nothing but bad vibes.
  15. Stfu dude he made a mistake he doesnt need you to come her bash him. Im sure he's realized all of this already.
  16. lol

    Its funny how people say Im on a high horse when I call kid out on their stupidity. He was a dumbass, got caught, and hes trying to blame everyone else. Same with that other kid. They need to learn some damn responsibility for once.
  17. He apparently hasnt.

  18. #18 RedMagic, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2010
    Well at least you're doing the smart thing by not smoking or doing anything to fuck up the "treatment". It goes without saying you shouldn't have bud in school, or anywhere where there's going to be consequences like this for getting caught. But hell, you got less than a month to go, you'll be gettin super baked when you're done :smoke:

    And to all these people here saying mushroom on a "high horse" and whatnot, do you realize the situation? These people who are callin suji out are probably idiots who had sacks in thier pocket every day in high school.

  19. I don't disagree with this. I should have had pot at school with me. I shortened the story for forum reasons. I didn't mean to bring it to school, it was on accident.
    I didn't say fuck the authorities either, they are doing their job. I'm more pissed off that there are people making $2000+ off of laws that shouldn't be inplace.

    No one needs to trip over what this guy says. He's entitled to his opinion, whether he's an asshole or not.
  20. Moral of the story: don't bring an illegal drug to school.

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