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Seed to Harvest (Weekly Videos) - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by centurion, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. #1 centurion, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010
    First time grower here. I would just like to show my appreciation to this forum (and the rollitup forum) for making this as easy of a process as it could be, thanks to the countless threads that could answer every single question that could come to mind during a grow.

    Soil- FoxFarm Ocean Forest

    Lights- 23W CFLs (100W equivalent)... 18/6 veg, 12/12 flower

    Nutrients- Jack's All Purpose 20-20-20, Jack's African Violet 12-36-14, Grandma's Original Molasses All Natural

    I always hated waiting for the weekly updates, so I decided to wait until the whole grow was done before posting the videos :D

    And as I mentioned in all the videos, this is a completely legal grow, I do not condone growing without a medical marijuana card!... :p

    And yes I already know there are better ways to grow than CFL, but this is the best that I could work with and it is more than enough for me.

    Alright, no more talking. Let me know what you guys think :smoke:

    Total cost: ~$90 (that includes 6 seeds)

    Week 1- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 1 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box[/ame]

    Week 2- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 2 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box[/ame]

    Week 3- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 3 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box[/ame]

    Week 4- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 4 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box[/ame]

    Week 5- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 5 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box[/ame]

    Week 6- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 6 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 1)[/ame]

    Week 7- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 7 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 2)[/ame]

    Week 8- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 8 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 3)[/ame]

    Week 9- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 9 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 4)[/ame]

    Week 10- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 10 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 5)[/ame]

    Week 11- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 11 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 6)[/ame]

    Week 12- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 12 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 7)[/ame]

    Week 13- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 13 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 8)[/ame]

    Week 14- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 14 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 9)[/ame]

    Week 15- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 15 - Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (flower week 9.5)[/ame]

    Week 16- [ame=""]YouTube - Week 16 - Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box (Harvest)[/ame]
  2. ThATS WHATS UPPPPP!! vids and all at once i like the way u think man and nice grow.
  3. i love it, where did u get seeds?
  4. Very clever. What was the yield like dont think i saw it mentioned anywhere. Like the setup tho and the price
  5. #6 centurion, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I linked them above your post, got em from Attitude seed bank.

    The harvest video has the total per plant towards the end. Got about 20g per plant, so 40 total, which should be enough for the next few months :smoke:
  6. WOW! :bongin: Great thread Centurion, the vids are excellent and informative +1 rep


    Zed :metal:
  7. this thread is fantastic...just what i've been looking for

    subbed :)
  8. Very nice grow. Props to ya. Only advice I will offer is to keep curing it brotha. I started smoking my summer harvest after about 2 weeks of curing. I basically leave it curing forever, as I just take a bud out of a jar as needed, then return the jar to the dark storage area.

    I will say that my bud now, after curing for over 2 months, is SO much smoother and tastier than when I started smoking it. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't that bad to start off with, not terribly harsh or anything. But time really does favor curing weed. It just gets better with age.

    Congratz, and Good Luck. :smoke:
  9. That's not a bad yield for a small setup like that, I'm sure you could increase it by 35% if you kept working at it.

    How does it smoke by the way? Is it good?

    What are 3 pieces of advice you would give to anyone wanting to do this themselves?


  10. Thank you! Yeah I plan on curing them for two weeks before even trying them. And after that, I'm just gonna keep curing them while using up the little nugs. Hopefully those little ones will last me at least a good month or so, making the bigger buds that much sweeter when I get to them :D

    Yeah, I don't doubt being able to get a slightly better yield out of those conditions. Two main things probably affected the final yield, the summer months were not kind and I couldn't get the temp below 90 during the vegging period and early flower period, thankfully during the majority of the flowering process, the weather wasn't as bad (averaging about 80 with the lights on). Also, I chose not to strip down the bottom leaves and little nugs which likely took some energy that could have been spent on the top nugs, but I did that purposefully to try and hopefully reveg the plant successfully.

    As for the smoke, haven't tried the finished result yet. I had a job interview a while back, and I'm waiting to hear back before goin crazy :devious:. BUT, I did try one of the crappy little nugs at the very bottom of the plant (with little to no trichs and barely any hairs) about half way through the flowering, I didn't even have the patience to dry it lol, but even that little piece got me buzzed pretty good. So I can't wait to try the finished product, they smell and look amazing :smoke:.

    Three pieces of advice.
    1-Make sure you plan ahead accordingly and do a bunch of reading and research before starting. Get a firm understanding of the basics (topping, LST, soil to use, how to water and how often, nutrients you want to use, types of light, how to control the temp, your growing space and what you will use, etc).

    2-Germinating is probably the scariest part of the grow lol. Make sure you found a technique that you feel comfortable with. Check up on the germination process about twice a day, you don't want the root growing too long and you don't want it too short (about 1 cm is a good length). My preferred method is taking two plates (one slightly bigger than the other), and put a damp paper towel on the smaller plate, put the seeds on top of that, then place another damp paper towel on top of the seeds (like a seed sandwich). Then cover the smaller plate with the larger one, and place them in a warm dark spot. If the paper towels begin drying out before the seeds pop open, just spray them with water to keep them moist. Once they pop open and the root has grown out, create a little hole about 1/2 an inch deep with your finger, pencil, etc. Plant it in the soil with the root facing down and the seed side facing up, cover it gently and water (some choose to water the soil before placing the seed in). Make sure to use saran wrap and place it on top of the pot while the seed is growing, to help keep in the moisture and humidity. Once the first set of leaves have sprouted, you can remove the saran wrap and just spray the plant about twice a day while it adjusts to the environment.

    3-You have to be dedicated. You need to check up on your plants daily in order to correct any problems quickly if they appear.

    Good luck :wave:
  11. Great compliation of vids!

    Is there any way to get a full list of the songs you used for the videos? Some of them were quite catchy!
  12. what did you use to get rid of the smell. or is that not an issue for you?
  13. what are the dimensions of the grow box?
  14. Any in particular you were wondering about? Youtube was able to figure out half of the videos and tagged them with the song title.

    I used a carbon filter and attached it to the top fan (the exhaust). That got rid of most of the smell, there was still a slight linger of smell in the room if I didn't crack the window open, so I went and bought a Gel odor remover from the local 99 cent store and placed it next to the exhaust, that eliminated any remainder smell and the room smelled fresh.

    didnt measure it exactly, but it was about 1ft wide x 2ft long x little over 2 ft tall.
  15. Reveg part 1

    [ame=""]YouTube - (Reveg Part 1) Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box[/ame]
  16. yo nice harvest:hello:
  17. Reveg part 2

    [ame=]YouTube - (Reveg Part 2) Indoor Marijuana Stealth CFL Cardboard Grow Box[/ame]
  18. hey nice thread!
    i was wondering if you could describe your feeding schedual that you use with the mentioned nutrients, and how are you measuring ph?
    i have always wanted to reveg plants like that!nice show:D
  19. thanks, feeding schedule differed depending on the season for me, it went from once everyday, to every other day, to once every three or four days. I use a little water/pH/light meter from homedepot which costs like $7.

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