Waco texas...ruby ridge...k.k.k.,,,,black panther party...e.t.c.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by chicken, Oct 26, 2010.


    bill clinton and his murdering goons....did waco texas... killing many people who wanted nothing more than to be free from the government and raise thier kids based on a militant philosophy.....whats wrong with that...

    ..ruby ridge... happened many years ago.... a mans family murdered by the same government that was thier to protect them....a man who secluded himself in the mountains to remove himself from the grid....

    a man whom's only charge was trying to sell a sawed-off shotgun to a undercover,,, that was there to sit him up....

    not to mention he was a member of a militant group that opposed the government....


    the k.k.k. the klan of the modern times is actually a peacefull orginization... that preaches racial loyality and racial purity....a mainly christian organization... but as usual the government wiped thier numbers way down...

    and acorn,,, infested with fraud and funded by our government,,{ allthough barely being scrutinized right now }

    my question is why does the justice department do anything about this voter intimidation... or the whole movement for that matter....

    the presidence has been set allready....i ask our government our government to set aside it's pro-racial views and do something about this organization....

    or is it that only white people have a target on them?:confused:

  2. lets not let the thread go racial that way it wont get closed....

    and maybe we can have a good debate why some orginization gets a pass..

    some get's bullets....

    one got burned.... many people dead by being burned by our government...

    one gets disbanned due to taxes.?

    one dont even have a day in court or a arrest made....for a violation of our voter laws....:cool:

    one has a pass to do anything....

  3. Hell, yes its a double standard.

    IDK, i think the world would be a better place if we locked both the NAACP and the KKK in an arena like they did back in the coliseum and let'em at each other. Or let lions loose like they used to with the Christians.
  4. i just wish blades research what happened at these events....

    instead of just typing f-you.

    because i see it as a double/standard.

    and i say whats good for one is good for the other also...

  5. Five characters
  6. [​IMG]

    a actual pic. of a agent who gunned down this mans family....for what selling a undercover a sawed off shot-gun...

    just because they were trying to infiltrate a militant organization...

    and waco burned to the ground....

    i expect to see the streets littered with dead black panther { joking but relivent }members....especially if just ONE of them is armed....

    lets follow the example that has allready been set by our peace-loving government....

    but then again.. if the government made a move on them the A.C.L.U. would have a field day....

    it's time to acknowledge the corruptness of our government,, and the total disregard they have for our constitution.. and take our country back from washington.....:mad:

  7. What do you have against the Black Panter Party?
  8. Well, the voter intimidation thing is fucked up

    But the KKK isn't the Justice League either :laughing:
  9. Very true

    But weren't the two men accused of this actually part of the New Black Panther Party?
  10. The government pretty much killed off the black panthers(which is not the same as the NAACP). I don't see what the issue is?
  11. is thier a difference between the new.. and the old?:cool:

    maybe i will elaborate on how the klan has changed... from the old to the '' new''

    allthough im not a klan member,,, i work with a guy that is,,,and some of the hoops you gotta jump thru..are not for the criminal minded....

    they dont play the weed game,, no felons can join....e.t.c.

    at least this branch im around is pretty straight.. and very peacefull:cool:

  12. Waco and ruby ridge were massive and tragic fuckups by the FBI, but i dont think the govt planed or intended that shit to happen, as for the KKK and black panthers both pray on the stupidity and fear we all have for people who arent like us. The deal with free speach is those groups you dont like have a right to be heard because everyone is protected by the first amendment. which i think is a good thing.

    yeah dude the govt is fucked but what are you suggesting? Overthrow? we elected those people and we can vote em out

    aslo the sole purpose of the ACLU is to defend the bill or rights how can you hate that?
  13. Yes, the Black Panther Party publicly denounced the New Black Panther Party for their hateful views.

  14. nothing really... i firmly believe, that a movement can be formed dedicated to a race,,,,as long as it pertains to the purification and history of the race....

    ..thiers nothing wrong with racial pride,, or racial purity...

    but with the black panther party.. they have allready crossed the lines of the law... as did the other orginizations i spoke of....

    but wheres this '' HARSH'' criminal justice system that comes in with tanks,,, men armed in suits all black in colour and ski-masks....

    no they have a pass.. because it wouldnt be politically correct to do such a thing....

    unless this government is using them as a USEFULL TOOL right now....:cool:

  15. and am i suppose to believe they are not the same ?

    i dont buy it... most of them are converted to islam....so it's o.k. to lie under thier religion....

    it's a proven fact a black inmate will either convert to islam,, or be greatlly influenced to switch while incarcerated,,,

    ive seen this with my own eyes,,, while i was locked down...

    and the islam they learn is a lot like OBAMAS preacher jerimiah wright,,,, they dont learn the koran or the teachings of mohammed.....

    they just talk shit on how everything wrong in thier lives is the fault of the white man....

    ..if i was a man in charge of such matters.... i'd declare them domestic terrorists,,, and commit operation.....panther patrol....

    and round them up... and meet violence with violence....

    all the orginizations i spoke of has fired upon u.s. agents,,,,

    would the black panther party,,, not meet my expectations of firing on officers serving a warrant....?:cool:
  16. or would they surrender peace-fully knowing the a.c.l.u. has thier back...

    it's bullshit,,,,,,,,,,,:cool:
  17. They are completely separate organizations.

    Also, if you think about it racial purity and racial pride are pretty ridiculous concepts, as humans are all one race.

    (Thank you for keeping the conversation civil, by the way)
  18. agree. I'm white but my DNA is nearly exactly the same as a black or mexican. and if we all stuck to our own race humans would have died off long ago. look at the english royal family (hemophilacs, genetic disorders) diversity is the key to our survival
  19. #19 SmokinP, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2010
    Big difference between the kkk and the Black Panthers..

    Black Panthers set forth on a just and righteous mission to protect African Americans from police brutality and some of the non black American population.

    The kkk's main agenda seemed to be the oppression/elimination of the black man, Jew, Catholic, Gay etc.. in the US.

    The kkk were and are nothing but racist bullies...
    Scum imo...

  20. Which is hilarious seeing as they're all Christians and their messiah was Jewish.

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