New outdoor - August start...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by NewSalvia, Aug 14, 2005.

  1. Wait arent you gonna trim off all the leafs. :S you dont want a bog mess after might aswell trim it all off now.

  2. Lol...

    good job.. and congratz on your harvest..
  3. I'm left most of the leaves on because i was totally unprepared to harvest that day. There was all kind of people near my home, and i was in a crunch for time w/the rents coming home. I can trim that stuff later!

    This grow goes to show, if you live in the Southern part of the US AND you plant August 1st, you can get your plants to produce. She would have produced more if i could have controlled the temp somehow. I also had to harvest early.
  4. Let's see a picture of the cured weed after it's all done!
  5. erm, Love to give you one, but I smoked/sold it all. :)
  6. happy smoking glad someone else never got to steal your grow...
  7. Well, at least the person didnt steal your plant. Thats the best part of it, they just cut a branch off. Either way nice harvest for an early one, how did she smoke?
  8. how much did it yeild dry?
  9. She yielded a little over a half-ounce dry. The smoke was REALLY harsh at the beginning b4 cure. The little bit of stuff i have left (mostly leaves/stems) smokes WONDERFULLY. Curing is definitely required to make your smoke better in taste and better for your throat!
  10. Cheers to that :p

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