Comparison of the Effects

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by oltex, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. #1 oltex, Jul 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
    Comparison of the Effects
    of Marijuana and Alcohol on
    Simulated Driving Performance

    JACK C. DELAY, M.D.,

    We have determined the effect of a “normal social marijuana
    high” on simulated driving performance among experienced
    marijuana smokers. We compared the degree of driving
    impairment due to smoking marijuana to the effect on driving
    of a recognized standard-that is, legally defined intoxication
    at the presumptive limit of 0.10 percent alcohol concentration
    in the blood. This study focused attention on the
    effect of smoking marijuana rather than on the effect of
    ingesting a9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (a9 -THC), the principal
    active component.
    Weil et al. l have studied the clinical and psychological
    effects of smoking marijuana on both experienced and inexperienced
    subjects. They suggest, as do others,’ that experienced
    smokers when “high” show no significant impairment
    as judged by performance on selected tests; they also
    establish the existence of physiological changes that are useful
    in determining whether a subject smoking marijuana is
    “high.” A review of the relation of alcohol to fatal accidents3
    showed that nearly half of the drivers fatally injured in an
    accident had an alcohol concentration in the blood of 0.05 or
    Crancer4 found a driving simulator test to be a valid indicator
    for distinguishing driving performance; this result was
    Reprinted from Science, vol. 164, May 16, 1969, pp. 851-854.

    282 Marijuana: Medical Papers
    based on a five-year driving record. Further studies5 indicated
    that a behind-the-wheel road test is not significantly
    correlated to driving performance. We therefore chose the
    simulator test, which presents a programmed series of emergency
    situations that are impractical and dangerous in actual
    road tests.
    Subjects were required to be (i) experienced marijuana
    smokers who had been smoking marijuana at least twice a
    month for the past six months, (ii) licensed as a motor
    vehicle operator, (iii) engaged in a generally accepted educational
    or vocational pursuit, and (iv) familiar with the effects
    of alcohol. The subjects were given (i) a physical examination
    to exclude persons currently in poor health or under medication,
    and (ii) a written personality inventory (Minnesota
    Multi-phasic Personality Inventory) to exclude persons showing
    a combination of psychological stress and inflexible defense
    patterns. Seven of the subjects were females and
    twenty-nine were males (mean age, 22.9).
    We compared the effects of a marijuana “high,” alcohol
    intoxication, and no treatment on simulated driving performance
    over a four and a half hour period. We used a Latinsquare
    analysis of variance design6 to account for the effects
    of treatments, subjects, day, and the order in which the treatments
    were given. To measure the time response effects of
    each treatment, simulator scores were obtained at three constant
    points in the course of each experimental period. A
    sample of thirty-six subjects was determined to be sufficient
    in size to meet the demands of this experimental design.
    Three treatments were given to each subject. In treatment
    M (normal social marijuana “high”), the experimental subject
    stated that he experienced the physical and psychological
    effects of smoking marijuana in a social environment comparable
    to his previous experiences. This subjective evaluation
    of “high” was confirmed by requiring a minimum consumption
    of marijuana established with a separate test group, and
    by identifying an increase in pulse rate.’
    In treatment M, the subjects smoked two marijuana’ cigarettes
    of approximately equal weight and totaling 1.7 g. They
    completed smoking in about thirty minutes and were given
    their first simulator test thirty minutes later.
    Some confirmation that the amount of marijuana smoked
    was sufficient to produce a “high” is found in Weil’s’ study.

    Effects of Marijuana on Simulated Driving Performance 283
    His subjects smoked about 0.5 g of marijuana of 0.9 percent
    A9 -THC.
    In treatment A, subjects consumed two drinks containing
    equal amounts of 95 percent alcohol mixed in orange or
    tomato juice. Dosage was regulated according to subject’s
    weight with the intended result of 0.10 blood alcohol concentration
    as determined by a Breathalyzer reading.’ Thus, a
    subject weighing 120 pounds received 84 ml of 95 percent
    laboratory alcohol equally divided between two drinks. This
    was equivalent to about six ounces of 86 proof liquor. The
    dosage was increased 14 ml or one-half ounce for each additional
    fifteen pounds of body weight. A Breathalyzer reading
    was obtained for each subject about one hour after drinking
    began; most subjects completed drinking in thirty minutes.
    Treatment C consisted of waiting in the lounge with no
    treatment for the same period of time required for treatments
    M and A. The experimental subject stated that his
    physiological and psychological condition were normal. Subjects
    were requested to refrain from all drug or alcohol use
    during the time they were participating in the experiment.
    A driver-training simulator was specially modified to obtain
    data on the effect of the treatments. The car unit was a
    console mockup of a recent model containing all the control
    and instrument equipment relevant to the driving task. The
    car unit faced a six by eighteen foot screen upon which the
    test film was projected. The test film gave the subject a
    driver’s eye view of the road as it led him through normal and
    emergency driving situations on freeways and urban and suburban
    streets. From the logic unit, located to the rear of the
    driver, the examiner started the automated test, observed the
    subject driving, and recorded the final scores.
    A series of checks was placed on the twenty-three-minute
    driving film which monitored driver reactions to a programmed
    series of driving stimuli. The test variables monitored
    were: accelerator (164 checks), brake (106 checks),
    turn signals (59 checks), steering (53 checks), and speedometer
    (23 checks). There was a total of 405 checks, allowing
    driver scores to range from zero to 405 errors per test. Errors
    were accumulated as follows:
    1. Speedometer errors. Speedometer readings outside the
    range of 15 to 35 mile/hour for city portion of film and 45
    to 65 mile/hour for freeways. The speed of the filmed presen

    284 Marijuana: Medical Papers
    tation is not under the control of the driver. Therefore,
    speedometer errors are not an indication of speeding errors,
    but of the amount of time spent monitoring the speedometer.
    2. Steering errors. Steering wheel in other than the appropriate
    3. Brake errors. Not braking when the appropriate response
    is to brake, or braking at an inappropriate time.
    4. Accelerator errors. Acceleration when the appropriate
    response is to declerate, or deceleration when it is appropriate
    to accelerate.
    5. Signal errors. Use of turn signal at an inappropriate
    time or position.
    6. Total errors. An accumulation of the total number of
    errors on the five test variables.
    Two rooms were used for the experiment. The lounge,
    designed to provide a familiar and comfortable environment
    for the subjects, was approximately twelve feet square and
    contained six casual chairs, a refrigerator, a desk, and several
    small movable tables. The room was lighted by a red lava
    lamp and one indirect red light, and contemporary rock
    music was played. Snacks, soft drinks, ashtrays, wastebaskets,
    and a supply of cigarettes were readily available. Subjects
    remained in this room except during simulator tests.
    The driving simulator was located in a larger room about
    fifty feet from the lounge. The simulator room was approximately
    twenty by thirty feet and was kept in almost total
    Each subject took three preliminary tests on the driving
    simulator to familiarize himself with the equipment and to
    minimize the effect of learning through practice during the
    experiment. Subjects whose error scores varied by more than
    10 percent between the second and third tests were given
    subsequent tests until the stability criterion was met.
    The experiment was conducted over a six-week period. Six
    subjects were tested each week. On day 1, six subjects took a
    final test on the driving simulator to assure recent familiarity
    with the equipment. A “normal” pulse rate was recorded,
    and each was given two marijuana cigarettes of approximately
    0.9 g each. Subjects smoked the marijuana in the
    lounge to become acquainted with the surroundings and
    other test subjects, and with the potency of the marijuana. A

    Effects of Marijuana on Simulated Driving Performance 2 8 5
    second pulse reading was recorded for each subject when he
    reported that he was “high” in order to obtain an indication
    of the expected rate increase during the experiment proper.
    They remained in the lounge for approximately four hours
    after they had started smoking.
    Three of the subjects were scheduled for testing in the
    early evening of days 2,4, and 6; the remaining three subjects
    for days 3, 5, and 7. A single treatment was given each evening.
    Within a given week, all subjects received treatments in
    the same order. Treatment order was changed from week to
    week to meet the requirement of a Latin-square design. Procedure
    for each evening was identical except for the specific
    Subject 1 arrived at the laboratory and took the usual
    simulator warm-up test. Treatment A, M, or C was begun at
    zero hour and finished about a half hour later. One hour after
    treatment began, subject 1 took simulator test 1, returning to
    the lounge when he was finished. He took simulator test 2
    two and a half hours after treatment began, and test 3 four
    hours after treatment began. Pulse or Breathalyzer readings,
    depending on the treatment, were taken immediately before
    each simulator test.
    Subject 2 followed the same schedule, beginning a half
    hour after subject 1. Time used in testing one subject each
    evening was four and a half hour, with a total elapsed time of
    five and a half hours to test three subjects.
    The three simulator tests taken after each treatment establish
    a time response effect for the treatment. For each treatment
    the total error scores for each time period were subjected
    to an analysis of variance. Table 1 presents the analysis
    TABLE 1
    Analysis of variance of total driving simulator error scores for three treatments;
    marijuana (M), control (C), and alcohol (A).
    Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Mean square
    variation squares freedom square ratios
    Treatments 2.595.1 2 1.297.5 6.7’
    M versus C (11.7) (1) 11.7 0.1
    A versus M and C (2,583.4) (1) 2J83.4 13.3t
    Days 738.5 2 369.3 1.9
    Subjects 40,872.S 24 1,703 .o 9.7t
    Squares 13.708.5 11 1,247.Z 6.4t
    Pooled error 13,253.8 68 194.9
    Total 71,168.4

    286 Marijuana: Medical Papers
    of variance for period 1 scores; results comparable to these
    were obtained for scores in periods 2 and 3.
    The simulated driving scores for subjects experiencing a
    normal social marijuana “high” and the same subjects under
    control conditions are not significantly different (Table 1).
    However, there are significantly more errors (P<.Ol) for intoxicated
    than for control subjects (difference of 15.4 percent).
    This finding is consistent with the mean error scores of
    the three treatments: control, 84.46 errors; marijuana, 84.49
    errors; and alcohol, 97.44 errors.
    The time response curves for “high” and control treatments
    are comparable (Figure 1). In contrast, the curve for
    alcohol shows more total errors (P<.Ol). These higher error
    scores for alcohol persist across all three time periods with
    little evidence of the improvement shown under the other
    two treatments.
    A separate Latin-square analysis of variance was completed
    for each test variable to supplement the analysis of total
    errors (Table 2). In comparison of intoxicated and control
    subjects, significant differences (P<.OS) were found for accelerator
    errors in periods 1 and 2, for signal errors in periods
    1, 2, and 3, for braking errors in periods 2 and 3, and for
    speedometer errors in period 1. In the comparison of mari

    juana smokers and controls, a significant difference (P<.O5)
    was found for speedometer errors in period 1. In all of these
    cases, the number of errors for the drug treatments exceeded
    the errors for the control treatment.
    Other sources of variation are Latin squares, subjects, and
    days. In all of the analyses, the effect of subjects and Latin
    squares (representing groups of subjects) were significant
    (K.05). In contrast, the effect of days was not significant,
    thus indicating that no significant amount of learning was
    associated with repeated exposure to the test material.
    For normal drivers, Crancer4 found a significant correlation
    (P<.O5) between the three simulator test variables
    (signals, accelerator, and total errors) and driving performance.
    An increase in error scores was associated with an increase
    in number of accidents and violations on a driving
    record. In the same study, error scores for brake, speedometer,
    and steering were not correlated with driving performance.
    It may not be valid to assume the same relationship for
    persons under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. However,
    we feel that, because the simulator task is a less complex
    but related task, deterioration in simulator performance
    implies deterioration in actual driving performance. We are
    less willing to assume that nondeterioration in simulator performance
    implies nondeterioration in actual driving. We
    therefore conclude that finding significantly more accelerator,
    signal, and total errors by intoxicated subjects implies a
    deterioration in actual driving performance.
    Relating speedometer errors to actual driving performance

    288 Marijuana: Medical Papers
    is highly speculative because Crancer4 found no correlation
    for normal drivers. This may be due in part to the fact that
    the speed of the filmed presentation is not under the control
    of the driver. However, speedometer errors are related to the
    amount of time spent monitoring the speedometer. The increase
    of speedometer errors by intoxicated or “high” subjects
    probably indicates that the subjects spent less time
    monitoring the speedometer than under control conditions.
    This study could not determine if the drugs would alter
    the speed at which subjects normally drive. However, comments
    by marijuana users may be pertinent. They often
    report alteration of time and space perceptions, leading to a
    different sense of speed which generally results in driving
    more slowly.
    Weil et al,’ emphasize the importance and influence of
    both subject bias (set) and the experimental environment
    (setting). For this study, the environmental setting was conducive
    to good performance under all treatments.
    Traditional methods for controlling potential subject bias
    by using placebos to disguise the form or effect of the marijuana
    treatment were not applicable. This is confirmed by
    Weil et al.’ ; they showed that inexperienced subjects correctly
    appraised the presence or absence of a placebo in
    twenty-one of twenty-seven trials.
    The nature of selection probably resulted in subjects who
    preferred marijuana to alcohol and, therefore, had a set to
    perform better with marijuana. The main safeguard against
    bias was that subjects were not told how well they did on any
    of their driving tests, nor were they acquainted with the
    specific methods used to determine errors. Thus, it would
    have been very difficult intentionally and effectively to
    manipulate error scores on a given test or sequence of tests.
    A further check on subject bias was made by comparing
    error scores on the warm-up tests given before each treatment.
    We found no significant difference in the mean error
    scores preceding the treatments of marijuana, alcohol, and
    control. This suggests that subjects were not “set” to perform
    better or worse on the day of a particular treatment.
    In addition, an inspection of chance variation of individual
    error scores for treatment M shows about half the subjects
    doing worse and half better than under control conditions.
    This variability in direction is consistent with findings re
    Effects of Marijuana on Simulated Driving Performance 2 8 9

    viewed earlier, and we feel reasonably certain that a bias in
    favor of marijuana did not influence the results of this experiment.
    A cursory investigation of dose response was made by retesting
    four subjects after they had smoked approximately
    three times the amount of marijuana used in the main experiment.
    None of the subjects showed a significant change in
    Four additional subjects who had never smoked marijuana
    before were pretested to obtain control scores, then given
    marijuana to smoke until they were subjectively “high” with
    an associated increase in pulse rate. All subjects smoked at
    least the minimum quantity established for the experiment.
    All subjects showed either no change or negligible improvement
    in their scores. These results suggest that impairment in
    simulated driving performance is not a function of increased
    marijuana dosage or inexperience with the drug.
    A significant difference (P<.Ol) was found between the
    pulse rates before and after the marijuana treatment. Similar
    results were reported’ for both experienced and inexperienced
    marijuana subjects. We found no significant difference
    in pulse rates before and after drinking.
    Thus, when subjects experienced a social marijuana
    “high,” they accumulated significantly more speedometer
    errors on the simulator than under control conditions, but
    there were no significant differences in accelerator, brake,
    signal, steering, and total errors. The same subjects intoxicated
    from alcohol accumulated significantly more accelerator,
    brake, signal, speedometer, and total errors. Furthermore,
    impairment in simulated driving performance
    apparently is not a function of increased marijuana dosage or
    inexperience with the drug.

    For better charts and graphs go to the link in the title

    BY ALFRED CRANCER, JR., Ph.D., is the man that released the study in this article that was posted earlier.
    This is actually an older study than I originally thought. I was hoping it was the "gold standard" study conducted by CMCR earlier this year,using NIDA furnished marijuana. Apparently they are still typing up the report on that one or NIDA is sitting on it,because they got the same results.

    :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello: :hello:

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