Whats your guilty pleasure?

Discussion in 'General' started by ixBeachbumxi, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. Pokemon on gameboy cos they're so addictive and epic!! :cool:
  2. World of warcraft.
  3. Read the HP books, when a new pokemon game comes out beat it in a day with only a charmander...people's girlfriends/sister's kind of fucked up but only in some cases do I don't do it to a close friend :eek:
  4. Trying to do a clean bulk but when the munchies hit it's fast food if I don't plan ahead.

    Just fucking around with people for example my friend spent $$$$$ on one of those train horns and we went out at night to honk at people like they do in those fucked up online videos, pretty fucking fun.

    Or I really, really hate this guy who lives near me. He's a slob and he loves it. In my mind, this is reason enough to throw all of my garbage on his property since he's such a dirty fucker anyway. I'll literally do the lawn and then take the bag of grass and throw it right at his front door or on the front lawn, I'll throw bags of garbage at his car, I see how he's slowly getting pissed and it's hilarious. One time I had a bunch of canned fish and bottles of Pepsi and I just tossed the stuff on his car, went in my place and rolled a fat blunt for the big occasion - watching the birds shit on his car and seeing his reaction. lolz

    I do feel some guilt sometimes but it's minimal.

    Yes, I'm pretty fucked up
  5. Jersey shore...Nothing makes me laugh harder than this :)


  6. yeah jersey shore is one of mine, i watch it every now and again and think its pretty damn funny. its really the only show i ever watch on mtv... aside from fantasy factory

    it makes me feel like such a benefit to humanity that im not one of those people.
  7. I still watch almost all the tv shows that I watched as a kid, well 8 years up. I don't watch those Nick Jr shows lol.

    I go on 4chan sometimes

    Weed obviously

    Still play Pokemon games

    that's about it.
  8. I like an occasionally baby to go with my cashed bowl
  9. Definitely that "your cut off" show.

    Those rich, ditzy bitches really pull out som funny shit.
  10. Listening to Colbie Caillat.
  11. Driving. I like aimlessly driving around with no intended purpose. Sober or not. Go down roads I never went down before or however long and find a way home without using the same roads. Uses a lot of gas but it's a stress reliever when I'm sober and like a video game with I'm not. :smoke:
  12. Smoking an eighth to myself alone without hanging out with people.

    Very relaxing and nice.

  13. That also works for me! I prefer my own roll!
  14. Smoking Alone...by that I mean not being around anybody for like a day or 2 to gather my thoughts not worrying about drama, and broken apartments
  15. doing anything and everything i can to my car haha, i just love it. no matter how much money i spend, or how many hours of sweating it takes in the heat, ill still do it because its fun and always a learning experience no matter what ;3
  16. This made me laugh so hard because I'm watching it right now :eek:

    Also the Darkness, glam rock should never feel that good :/
  17. Prostitutes. All shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors ahahah. Jk. My girlfriends music is prob my guilty pleasure. That shit is too catchy.
  18. I love pissing outside. If it's a nice day and I'm inside and I have to piss. I will get up and go outside and piss instead of using the bathroom. I even do it at work.

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