civil rights commission Obama appointee is confirming voter intimidation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dronetek, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. #1 Dronetek, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2010
  2. You've lost your mind, son.
  3. Me? You need to look in to a mirror pal.

    I'm just posting news on an important story about people's voting rights. You're sticking your head in the sand and hoping it just goes away. You're the one with issues.

  4. How has Drone lost his mind, please explain or is this just a weak attempt to insult since you disapprove of the story and can think of no logical reasoning to defend your disapproval?

    Drone just reported the story, he didn't write it,
  5. Here is the clip:

    [ame=]YouTube - Gaziano: Obama Appointee, 'Never bring another lawsuit against a black'[/ame]
  6. NBP leader says he wants to kill cops:

    New Black Panther Party to Glenn Beck: We’ll Be Seeing You (Exclusive Video) | Mediaite

    Quite amazing, especially when you consider how the media went on and on for over a year about how violent the tea parties were (with no evidence of any violence). You might also remember the hutaree group that was arrested by the feds for wanting to kill cops and how outraged everyone was about that.

    I wouldn't expect the same outrage here.
  7. Now you're just complaining about the NBP, and it looks racist to me, because SPLC classifies them as a hate group, and by every metric they ARE a hate group, so there's absolutely no reason to waste your time ranting about them, other than to feel like a victim.

    NBP = fed controlled, I bet
  8. reporting any news what so ever on the black panthers = hate and racism.

    funny how government doesn't care about 'terrorists' anymore.
  9. If a black person complains about he KKK, are they racist?

    I posted it in the context of the MSM ignoring the story. They went on for weeks about that Christan group that was planning to kill cops and the feds arrested them. This guy can casually talk about killing cops, while his minions preach about killing white babies and not a peep from the feds or MSM.

    It also seems to me that such an organization would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law when they intimidate voters at polling location. Yet again, nothing.

    Come on Sublime, if they were white KKK members and Bush was president, this would be front page news.
  10. #10 sublime8992, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2010
    your motives are suspect, and your prior behavior regarding "MSM" and race issues really invalidates most of what you say, then all the other Libertarian cronies who say underhanded racist statements all the time will come in and try to insult/troll me for calling it how it is.

    i'm not interested in debating you, i've done that with facts many times and you just ignore fact and reason, i just want everyone to be aware when they read your topics that your motives are to make the American white man look like a victim, even though he is still the most powerful and oppressive person in the world :)

  11. I forgot you're not only a mind reader, but a decoder of other people's subconscious mind.

    I've never said anything racist. I'd have to have racist beliefs for that. Like I've told you before, to me we're all just the human race or earthlings. I'm no genius, but even my mind works on a higher level than hating people based on skin color.

    My motive if anything, is to expose hypocrisy in the MSM. I think your physic powers might be broke.
  12. and you act as if it's an excuse to ignore real institutional racism that matters.

    your motives are suspect

  13. I'm not ignoring anything of the sort. How many times do I have to tell you that I know racism against black people exists at the institutional level? Guess what? That doesn't excuse or justify racism against everyone else.

    No you. :rolleyes:
  14. You mean racism isn't the solution to racism?

  15. Nice generalizations and assumptions. :rolleyes:

    It's really a mystery to me how anyone, including yourself, takes anything you post seriously.

    Please defend the underlined statements. I'd love to see these "underhanded racists statements" that are posted by "other Libertarian cronies." Also, please elaborate on how this topic is making the "American white man look like a victim."
  16. pity for the white man is obviously what this thread is about, folks
  17. The brainwashing with sublime is strong. All the times he's been asked to qualify his statements, he never does. He's just a troll.
  18. I understand what you're doing I just don't understand why you care what people do if they're not hurting anyone else, why you're afraid of a dude who looks to be about 5'7 holding a Colonel Klink-esque plastic wand, and why a voting place is so special. :confused_2:

    A democrat could be intimidated by a group of republicans holding up signs and saying anti-democratic shit outside of a polling place. What's the difference, what does it matter? Since when do words hurt? I believe it is sicks and stones that break bones good sir.

    And why are you so quick to condemn these guys when there's no video evidence?
  19. For the 10th time, we have this thing called the voters rights act.......

    Thats not allowed at polling locations either. That being said, you think holding signs is equal to holding a weapon in military garb while shouting racial slurs?

    Ah, we seem to have transported in to an alternate dimension.

    On that note, here is a video of the incident I'd never seen till now. Around 3:00 minutes in it gets really weird.

    [ame=]YouTube - I was told to take this video off youtube[/ame]
  20. at the Canadian g20 protest, a protestor was arrested for impersonating an officer for saying he was with the "LOVE police". i'm glad there's the same outrage when a black panther poses as security at elections.

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