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I don't want marijuana become a crutch...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thorvale, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. Hey guys. I'm posting in the seasoned tokers thread because I think this is the perfect question to ask you guys.

    I've recently been smoking every day all day, and I've been loving it. I'm learning to become a functional stoner haha

    Here's my problem. I'm a college student, and I'm really unsure of where I want my life to go, career-wise. Right now I'm going to be a personal trainer, which I know I'm going to love, but i don't need a degree for that, but a degree will make me so much more marketable. However, I brew beer with my brother, and it's good stuff. My ultimate goal/dream would be to open up a brewpub, so I can sell my beer, and my brother can finally cook.

    But anyway, that's not what I'm here to talk about, forgive my being baked right now.:smoking:

    Long story short, I've been feeling depressed/lost, like i'm outside of my body, watching my life progress in front of me. I feel like i'm going to end up with a mediocre job that i'll resent, and by them time i do get what i want, i'll be too old.

    Mariujana has really helped that. I've beeb so much more moitvated now that i smoke regularly. I feel more confident in both aspects of what i want to do. I feel like i could have a balance of those two careers. I'm generally just a happier person on weed.

    BUT! I don't want marijuana to become a "crutch" for my happiness. i want to be able to fucntion without it. i don't want to quit, but rather not turn into a pot "addict". I have friends that can't fucntion without it and they are in the same place as they were when I knew them in high scool. Do you guys see hwere I'm coming from on this? How do I stop THAT from happening to me? I don't want it to get to the point where I "need" to be high just to get through the day.

    Any advice would greatly be appreciated!
  2. they have different personalities. If you want to stay motivated you will, it just takes effort. Weed will not take over your life if you don't let it.
  3. ^ agreed. it sounds like your conscious, as long as you are conscious you should be okay. also try to be sober fo at least some of the day every day. That will help.
  4. Try and adjust your smoking habits to put weed in more of a recreational use and realize that confidence and happiness is within all of us. You shouldn't need weed to bring that out.
  5. the easiest way for me is to get all of the bud out of the place(s) i spend most of my time, and taking regular t-breaks helps a shit ton, helps me learn how to function again without my weed.
  6. Think about all the things in your life that make you happy. Would you consider those things crutches? They're just a means to an end, that end being happiness.

    Like the other guys have said, the very fact that you're intelligent enough to be aware that MJ can cause problems if you're not smart about it should be enough to protect you.
  7. #7 HIGH IQ, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2010

    People take pain pills all day everyday, for pain.

    Depressive patients take "anti-depressants"/"SSRI's" (otherwise a psychoactive with a different label") every day for their problems.

    Some people take vicodin for both.

    But what you get with these medicines are different then what you get with a natural herb or specifically weed.

    The body has not and did not evolve to break down synthetic compounds.

    Drug companies created pills and medicines because they could not patent herbs and plants.

    I have personally taken over the course of just 6 to 7 months(last year) about 5 different meds for my anxiety and depression, and none of these "proven" name brand medicines showed any signs of a positive impact on my life and daily function.

    What they did do was cause my metabolism to drop to nearly nothing and cause me to gain 25 pounds in about 3 months.

    If I did not take them with food, I would get the worst stomach aches I had ever had in my life.

    If I missed a dose, I would get irritable and flip out over small things.

    What im saying is, using weed is not using a crutch. You are using an herb, that grows naturally on this planet, and is highly renewable, not to mention the human body is fimiliar with THC. You are simply being resourceful.

    Marijauna IS NOT physically addicting.

    What you find with prescribed medicine, is what doctors like to call "dependency" other wise known as PHYSICAL ADDICTION.

    Its incredible what marketing can do.

    So what you should do, is, moderate your usage, pay attention to your tolerance, use the least harmful methods of smoking (vaping and water bongs). Keep a schedule for smoking, as in dont light up on the way to work. Also handle your shit while high, acknowledge it to yourself, but treat it as though you are not high while doing your daily obligations.

    When I smoke, I do it the minute I wake up and then take a shower to take down the high to a medicated level. I might smoke recreationally mid day, and maybe at night, and then I might toke up right before I pass out.

    I hope that helps out.

    and for future reference I recommend the medical marijuana area for these questions.

    EDIT: By the way, if you dont live in an MMJ state, like me, I highly recommend you find a responsible, reliable, and somewhat friendly dealer who sells at least high quality mids and up.
  8. Sorry if you took as an offense to medical users. I wasn't even talking in the medical sense. It's true, it's not physically addictive, but I'll say that it is mentally, a little bit. I'm just saying that I'm not diagnosed with depression, and have no need for medical marijuana whatsoever. I'm in a slump right now in terms of where myl ife is going, and weed has helped out a lot. I just don't want to have to depend on it to be happy.

    Thanks everyone for the speedy replies! I guess you're right. If I'm aware and conscious of it, then I should have no worries.:)
  9. Follow your dreams man

  10. I was not offended at all. I was more trying to get across that nobody should be ashamed to use marijuana for recreation or for medication, and that there is no real proof currently to debunk its medical value.

  11. this. be positive, have a good attitude, work towards what you want, and know that you can do it. the only thing that can stop you is yourself.
  12. Yeah I agree with people here, the only thing i would say is i CANNOT get work done when high, so for that reason, when I was at uni i always had all my study and chores done then smoked my weed... i know it sounds sad, but it made sure the study got done cos I had something to look forward to as a reward for it!

    Plus my final maths thesis I had to get baked to get my head around it... but that's another story ;)

  13. dude this doesnt sound sad at all. i do the same exact thing. theres so many benefits: keeps tolerance lower, you dont burn through weed so fast, and best of all is that its so much more rewarding using it as motivation to GETSHIT DONE.

    i think this is how everyone should smoke weed
  14. yeah, i've been smoking daily for the past 2 months and will be for the rest of the summer break, after which i'll be going back to school in Canada.. definitely gotta watch how much you smoke.. if you have nothing to do and weed to spare being stoned all day is fun, but once i'm at school i'm gonna have to make sure i only smoke after my work is done :) moderation is the key. plus i'm getting a vape so i'll be using even less weed anyway.. launch box ftw
  15. Live your life and smoke some pot

    Simple as that :)
  16. :smoking:Awesome thread, thanks for the responses, i realized what should have been good old common sense to begin with, just my naivete at work.
  17. Hey man what your doing is great. there's 4 different people in my opinion:
    1. Rewarders like yourself
    2. Enhancers (smokers than toke before things like working out so they can experience things in a new light
    3. Medicators (people who use weed for things like anxiety, depression, etc.
    4. Abusers (people that revolve their life around weed.

    Your on a good path, Toke on
  18. So much this.
  19. I've been going through a VERY similar situation to yourself for the past couple years. I will say that it is very easy to let yourself start smoking as a crutch.
    The key for me was to closely monitor myself and learn to understand my body and mind. Sometimes when things are going great in my life, I can smoke whenever I want to, get all my shit done and be responsible. Then when my depression sets in, I get really unmotivated, down on myself, and start smoking to cope if I don't watch myself.
    I told myself for months "Man, I'm so much more motivated when I smoke, maybe I should be high all the time". Well turns out, smoking made me REALIZE what I wanted to change about myself and that I wasn't happy. It didn't make me motivated to change it. Well, it did while I was high, but then when I sobered up that motivation disappeared and I turned into a lazy fuck, yet when I was high unless I just took a couple puffs I didn't have the energy to go do anything.
    So what I did was write down a list of the changes I wanted to make, I took a month of smoking and completely focused myself on attaining these goals. By the end of the month I had a relatively steady routine, improved sleep schedule, better study habits, wasn't showing up late for shit, was working out regularly, etc etc.
    I actually used my return to weed as my motivator. I told myself my highs would be way better if I fixed my life and became someone I wanted to be first, and accepted that I just wouldn't be as efficient at achieving that if I was still smoking (I'm a loner stoner, I get very introspective, distracted and thoughtful/creative when I smoke more than a very small amount, so it's rare I smoke with anybody outside of my close friends. Never was one to smoke and go to class or sit down and do homework). I went back to it and I've been enjoying it much more.
    I do now find myself regularly moderating my consumption on busy weeks or when I'm down, as well as mostly keeping seshes til the end of a long day, but that's fine because that's what works for me.

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