what are you wearing? (lol)

Discussion in 'Fashion & Lifestyle Trends' started by speechless, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. It can be kinda uncomfortable but the relief it brings makes it worth it. I'm a B. I know there are risks so I try not to bind longer than 12hrs a day and never sleep with it on (although sometimes I want to). I don't do any yoga although I might get into it eventually, but yeah, I couldn't work out in it, it's too tight for that. What does yoga have to do with chest binding though?

  2. it has negative effects on your back/spine. just thought yoga might help prevent pain and discomfort. now and in the long run. that is all.
    also i am wearing stewie pj pants that say "obey"
    and a shirt like this
  3. black hoodie and tartan PJs
  4. Which implies I wish to know.
    Im pretty high so yeah
  5. Lol but the phone is so strategically hiding my face. Nah. Probably not hott.
  6. #4686 HANGtheDJ86, Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2014
    Light blue t shirt and blue boxers with little anchors on em
  7. LIES you're definitely hot!
  8. You dont know that. You dont know what I like.
  9. See that littlemisspuffit they want me to see
  10. She is just being sweet. 😆
    👻 why dont you imagine what you would like?
  11. #4691 Greenunit, Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2014
    Nah, they're telling the truth :) And being sweet while I'm at it cause that's me.
  12. I tried already. My imagination sucks.
  13. Wouldn't that be "we" since your referring to yourselves
  14. If we're getting technical, shoulda been an I. I was attempting to correct puffit's use of "she" as I use gender-neutral pronouns, hence my use of "they".
    I'm wearing sweatpants and an old T shirt. I'm one classy mofo.
  15. I think ive only posted my face in nirvana and that is long lost among many many posts.
    It's almost bedtime. I will be wearing nothing soon. Except blanket.
  16. Ah I see

    Also as stated before I am still naked cause im still all by myself.
  17. Face shot PM. I dont need to see your naked body. Mine is all I need.
  18. Stiiiiillll nothin'
  19. Black Adidas track pants and a grey hoodie with a blue t shirt underneath
  20. I've actually stumbled on a pic with your face showing and I remember thinking "ayyy" . I have good taste in women so just take my word for it.

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