Does WEED make you LAZY?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by StrikerSiX, Jun 12, 2002.

  1. Right on Ganjaphish about getting more done than you thought. Yesterday, the toking and the right mood in me lead to a whole day of gardening and yard upkeep that was really pleasant. I had thought I would work a couple of hours is all. LOL.
  2. it doesn't take weed to make me lazy...
  3. lol on the "drug minority people" kno u have a taste on how ethnic minoritys feel...pot doesnt make people lazy its the character and how people are that gets them to the state they're in when stoned, personally it makes me more creative and when that kicks in eye pop out my sketch book and diligently go to work, take it to skool and get praises on my assidious work i only wish i recieved if i was to draw eye owe alot to MJ wich is why eye stand beside it when arguments on reform arouse when im around "intelectuals" who oppose it...

    GROWW ONN-peace o u t

    e y e d o n t w a n n a b e e a r t i c u l a t e m a n ! !
    l i b e r a t e u r m i n d m a n !
  4. With all the other meds I'm on, weed tends to make me a bit tired... Therefore I get lazy. I don't feel like doing shit. I merely have the desire to sit here and post on the board.

    I leave you with this: I toke therefore I get high. My words of wisdom for the evening. Thank you and goodnight.
  5. Well sometimes My body gets very lazy, but my mind is very inventive, it depends from ganja to ganja.

    But emember, when ur stoned 'n u start eating, there is a big chance you get lazy, something to do with insuline.

    anyway, don't give a chance to y'r lazyness
    be active :)

    grtz El_Funt
  6. well it isnt that bad if ur lazy i mean its the stereotype once in a while i dont mind being a little bit listless around my place when i get high i love 2 just mellow out on the couch n crank up mah beats, sum people call that lazy i just call it chillen lol idle hehehe but when it becomes all the time then thats when the problem kicks in but once in a while is koo wit me!!

    GROWW ONN-peace o u t
  7. well that depends on what you mean by lazy.

    your body and your mind are separate beings.

    it increases mind activity and reduces body activity.

    you use a lot, you do nothing but think.
    it affects the mind (increase) and slows down the body.

    it does make the body 'lazy' but you just have to find the right balance.

    use enough to blow up your mind, but not too much to live in your own world.
    use it and live 'high' in the physical world.
    that way, u can still 'make something out of your life'
    and get high.

    (unlike opium which puts you far away)

  8. Lol well opium doesnt really do much for me i love bud alot more but thats great ur bodys lazy (for some) but ur mind isnt!! i can bring that point up when arguing with people who say it makes u a lazy slob THATS LAZY INTELLECTUAL SLOB TO U!

    GROWW ONN-peace o u t
  9. Hmmm...Well smoking doesnt make me lazy really, Im agreeing with the people that say it depends on the person and their character...See I have real bad anxiety problems, and weed keeps me calm day/night. When I need to workout at night or during the day I'll smoke a bowl or two or three, and that makes things a lot easier. If I wanna relax and sleep or just chill, then it makes it easy for me to relax. So yeah, I agree with most of you.
  10. Hi all, I am new to this forum but is sure as hell enjoying the company...

    When I first had my first toke at 18, the feeling, euphoria is unsurpassed from any other chemical substances I've experienced with...from LSD to Es.... My friends claimed that they saw a different side of me as I jumped up and down, shaking my body to the tune that was played on my Hi-Fi...

    See...the word "addiction" was crafted with a negative connotation. In our present society, almost 99.9% of the population is addicted to some form of material or cause, tangible or intangible. Some are addicted to coffee, TV, pot, heroine, name you have. It's a consistent motion, of constant motion as you wish. The point here is that we human beings have a need to maintain a cycle, a schedule. Our society brought us up this way and so has nature... Whether it is a sleeping cycle or work schedule, it's a way of life....just like how marijuana is a way of life to us.

    So to take away that cycle of life from us will inevitably create a group of non-conformist. What right do they have to take away our cycles? So you have these 2 extremist groups in a country, each addicited to their cause. We have no intentions of overthrowing the other...that is simply too barbaric....but some of us feel this way. Why does Marijuana parties worldwide win their way of life except for America? It's all about the money. To legalize pot in the US will shift the money from the hands of the CIA, DEA, Administrations invloved in this drug war, to the marijuana farmers. See the picture here....all governments in our history have been corrupted one way or's also part of the cycle......

    Legalization will soon be a reality as the baby-boomers (most of which are smoking pot today) will be the next generation to the majority sense.

    Laziness is once again a state of mind. If you allow your bodily movements to stay stagnant, you will feel stagnant.

    Sorry for the ranting....just had to write something to take my day off....

    Good Day!

    Wavy Gravy

  12. I agree with most people on here.. If you are lazy before you smoke then you will be lazy after your high .. I personally like to smoke and work ,makes it go by faster I would also like to comment on the legalizaton of marijuana ..... CONTRARY to popular belief it has nothing to do with who gets high and what not ...AS with any thing else in this country it DEals with money ...MARIJUANA was LEGAl in the UNited States until 1937 when it was banned supposedly because people were getting high ... but the people who pushed for it to be banned was DuPont chemicals and a host of other investers who came up with a expensive chemical process to make white paper and textiles ..Kentucky had the largest crops of cannibis and could make paper and ship sails and textiles at a much cheaper cost than the chemical way. At the hearing to ban it .. The American MEdical Association was against the ban also the Department of Algiculture (SP) was against the ban. ... Trust me .. If Canada legalizes the United States will at leat decriminalize it .. so keep hope alive.


  13. Very true but i would have to disagree with you, the fact that people use it in a recklessly ignorently way GREATLY i mean HUGELY affects the judment on legalization no matter how much money is involved. -People- choose to ban it or not, the majority chooses too, why? because u got billy over there driving his truck into a bystander and claiming hes high so it taints cannabis in general so people tend to label it dangerous hence the statement that it impairs ur judment so u have all these 'junkies' running around or so the people in power think...we have to change the image intellectuals can smoke too but they chose to do it inconspicuously because they dont wanna be labelled that if the general public sees its possitives then we have the majority we have THE PEOPLES VOICES and that my friend can change ANNYTHING law and goverment chucks at us cause when u have the majority u have the righteousness to be heard and once ur heard ur on ur way...LIBERAL 4 LIFE

    GROWW ONN-peace o u t
  14. alot of people say they get lazy from smoking weed, but i get alot of energy from skunk its solid that slows me down but you can do anything on weed
  15. A good amoutn of the time all I want to do after I smoke a joint is roll another one. I do not want to be productive whne I'm stoned, but I love it

    I love feeling completely and utterly useless. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction!
  16. I'd answer you but fuck it...
  17. lazy lazy lazy, yeah makes me lazy... Actually it kind of depends whether I smoke a lot or I smoke just a little bit. If I smoke a lightly packed bowl, I actually feel a motivation because my mind is thinking a bit more clearly.

    But if I pack bowl after bowl, then I began to become lethargic and sit on my lazy ass and post these posts.

  18. lol post these posts...nice

    GROWW ONN-peace o u t
  19. Weed is the only thing that gets me going

    i do homework, housework, work work and everything else far better when high

    its like my coffee, but i only smoke sativa and i think thats part of it

    its all about bieng a responsible smoker, of course smoking 5 bowls will make you lazy

    but smoking 1 or 2 can do someone LOADS of good

    LEAGALIZE IT, it saved my life
  20. Yep, same way. Weed gets me focused on whatever task at hand.

    However, as soon as I get some food in me, I'm lounging on the couch flipping through channels for an hour or so.

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