Why do girls talk about there ex's so such?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Bobmarleyo21, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. #21 jamesh, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2010
    Ah I see. Np Np.
    I was more or less joking either way.
  2. I get it. But why cant girls just come out and say this shit instead of playin these fuckin games. Its way easier to just say how it is and not how it is in some twisted fucked up mind altering, mind game that only confuses the shit out of the people they are trying to get through to. i just dont get that, and I dont play games i smoke the herb


  3. I don't see how that's an indication of her having feelings for her ex - it sounds to me like she's just telling you to NOT do something that her ex used to do because it probably pissed her off or annoyed her.
  4. when a girl is with her guy she shouldn't really be reminded of past guys...i know that it always bummed me out if i was talking about something with my guy and he'd relate it to his ex-gf. strangely enough, i never brought up any of my ex's and yet he occasionally brings them up...how strange haha

  5. Exactly.

    I just don't bring up ex's to save pointless drama. Usually they won't even hear about any of mine until someone says something like "Hey how's carrie been?"

  6. I agree with you and WAB. I only ever talk about my ex when i'm referring to my dog and how the whore took her when we broke up or when i'm explaining to him the fucked up things she did.

    No, i don't care for her anymore. I just can't help but be hurt by the things she did to me while we were together. I never told anybody most of the things and once my boyfriend asked what all she did. I told him I didn't want to talk about it because talking about all the stupid shit i put up with makes ME look like a retard and those incidents still effected me in a big way.
  7. Sorry for this being a totally irrelevant point, but I'm really curious
    as to who did you find more easier to please in general, the male partner or female?

    Haha Please don't feel obligated to answer this if you don't want to or
    anything, I've just been itching to ask someone who has
    experience in the field, so to speak!
  8. Hell no, she better answer.
  9. It's a good way to annoy you...
  10. Exactly.
    Shit actually makes me think they don't want me.
    So fuck them.

  11. Hey guy, that was kinda inconsiderate. =P

  12. First off, I ain't your guy alright pal?

    Na, I'm just kiddin'!

    Honestly though, I wouldn't have minded in the slightest if she chose not to answer.
    To me, GirlyS seems to be secure, quite chill and very informative;
    so I figured her opinion would bare validity and reliability.
    She hasn't proven me wrong.
  13. haha you're probably right. i'm just super not down with any mentioning of ex's. its probably my biggest pet peave. that and girls putting their damn FEET ON MY DASHBOARD, what the fuck is with that???
  14. So it looks like other men are interested in them.

  15. ya thats one of the reasons that I think too...its the like the girls i talk to are almost showing off when they mention there exs
  16. Shit pisses me off. Ive noticed that if I even mention the words "my ex" a girl will get pissed, but I am expected to listen to her tell me about how her and her ex fucked after they broke up.
  17. *sigh*attention...
  18. People are always going to have some sort of connection to their ex, no matter what. Unless it was a really bad situtation where they completely burnt each other out but that doesn't happen that often.

    Any girl I've talked to always mentioned something about their ex. That's one of the many things that women do that men will never totally understand.

    No reason to get mad about it though. Just remember that the ex probably knows him/her better than you and they were very close at some point. What do you expect? It's like best friends seperating at the same time.

    I've also come to believe that people who still talk to their ex's do see them time to time just without the other person knowing. That's what humans do....
  19. What I'm wondering is why some girls feel the need to tell other men about their current boyfriend. This girl who was, and probably still is into me talks about her boyfriend, and all the good stuff. Its like what are you doing? Challenging me to break you and your boyfriend up for me, then leave you? Because thats what happened.
  20. Tha Professor pretty much hit the nail on the head.
    I've never had a problem listening to my fiance talk about his exs, hell we hang out with his exs too. Theres no reason to feel insecure about them, they're exs for a reason.
    I've had some real assholes for boyfriends and as a result I have trust issues and behave much differently now with men than I did when I was younger, so I tell him these stories in hopes he'll understand WHY I am the way I am.

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