do girls get their vagina and boobs felt at a physical exam

Discussion in 'General' started by dickens cider, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. why



    Did i goggle that
  2. I don't know how men can become gynocologists without feeling like a total creeper. "Yes I would like to become a doctor and specialize in vaginas. Why you ask? No reason at all"
  3. After 50. No one under 40 gets boob cancer, and hardly any guys get it.
  4. you can't so far to say anyone under 50 is omitted. It happens, only 5% happens to those under 40. I'm 24 and my Dr will ask if Ive been doing self exams. They recommend doing it monthly
  5. lol i fuckin know right?

  6. lol this is sooo true 9.5 out of 10 vaginas he sees would be nasty rofl :p

    poor obgyns...:(
  7. hmmm, my guess is that the doctor gentley cups the vagina and says, "now turn your head and queef".
  8. :D:rolleyes:
    :rolleyes:my thoughts exactly:eek: maybe his friend could become a therapist and start a 12 step program 4 co-ed nymphomaniacs/sex addicts;)maybe even start one on campus while at college:Dlets see:p step one hmmm....:bongin::bongin::bongin:
  9. Truth.

    Id rather get this girl a few shots then give her my own 'physical':ey:
  10. to answer the question... no.. only a gyno "gets" to feel up our naughty bits.. ya know, unless the doctor is hot :pDAMMIT!!!i knew it:rolleyes: i saw this movie once where...

    I have to agree with whoever said that 9 times out of 10, you probably wouldn't wanna touch the vageen you're examining.
    I don't know if that's worth it for the 1 you would haha[/QUOTE] mean like 4 outta 5 dentist surveyed
  11. I haven't had a "physical" from a normal doctor since my pediatrician. But he never felt me up or anything. Only my OBGYN has done that.
  12. Nope, they get felt at my house.;)

  13. When bitches see the M.D. license plate, they can't help but wet themselves. They practically beg for the doctor to feel them up.
  14. Nope. Never in my life has a doctor inspected me like that for a physical. :p
  15. I don't know about you guys, but it's standard protocol here..
  16. Ive always said Men shouldnt be gynos, unless hes gay maybe. Theres just no way any hetero sexual male wont enjoy it just a little bit. I asked my gf if when she was younger did she have a male gyno, she said yes.

    Now i know in the back of his mind he was like "ya 16 year old poon!!!" Any guy whould have to be 110percent gay not to, its just how were wired. Having a male gyno is like having a recovering opiate addict working in a poppie field.

  17. I have always said that half of vagina is better than no vagina :smoking:
  18. #38 MaDKroniK, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2010

    You live under a rock or something? :confused:

    I can assure you women do get breast cancer under 40.
  19. Not to mention, most girls who go to the gyno go for A REASON, aka nasty leaky green puss vagina, not clean check up pussy.

  20. SERIOUSLY... wtf is that?

    And its true.. in the United States at least... OBGYNS are the only ones doing breast and vaginal exams.

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