How to Report Things

Discussion in 'General' started by RMJL, Jan 2, 2010.

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  1. The members of the Grasscity Community have helped make the City what it is with their informative and helpful threads and posts. Quality is more important than quantity and we definitely appreciate good quality posts within our forums. Unfortunately, we don't always get quality in every post. In fact, some posts do nothing but break the rules of our Community and rock the good vibes that we have here.

    In cases where rules are being broken or the positive vibe of the City is being compromised, the members can continue to help the Grasscity Community by reporting such posts. When a member reports a post, the report goes to a place where the Moderators, Super Moderators and I can review the post and take further action, if needed.

    This applies to all Threads/Posts, Private Messages, Visitor Messages, Blog Entries/Comments, Social Group Messages and Photo Gallery Pictures/Comments.

    We greatly appreciate members reporting issues because we can't be everywhere. There's a lot going on here with the tremendous growth of the Grasscity Community so it takes everyone to maintain the City and keep it the cool place we love to call home. :)

    Here's a link to the Grasscity Community - Forum Rules.

    Please follow the instructions below for all issues.

    Thanks so much! :)
  2. To report a Post, click on this icon in the upper right corner of the post [​IMG] and then give a quick explanation as to why you're reporting the Post and click Send Report.

    Attached Files:

  3. To report a Private Message, click on this icon in the upper right corner of the Private Message [​IMG] and then give a quick explanation as to why you're reporting the Private Message and click Send Report.

    *Please do not forward Private Messages to anyone on the Moderating Team. We can only take action if the Private Message is reported as instructed.

    Attached Files:

  4. To report a Visitor Message, click on Report and then give a quick explanation as to why you're reporting the Visitor Message.

    Attached Files:

  5. To report a Blog Entry, chick on this icon in the bottom right corner [​IMG] of the Blog Entry and then give a quick explanation as to why you're reporting the Blog Entry.

    Attached Files:

  6. To report a Blog Comment, chick on this icon in the bottom right corner [​IMG] of the Blog Comment and then give a quick explanation as to why you're reporting the Blog Comment.

    Attached Files:

  7. To report a Social Group Message, click on Report and then give a quick explanation as to why you're reporting the Social Group Message.

    Attached Files:

  8. To report a Photo Gallery Picture, click on Photo Options in the upper right hand corner, click on this Icon [​IMG] from the drop-down menu, choose the Reason for Reporting from the drop-down menu (choices include: Inappropriate Material, Copyright Infringement, Image in Wrong Category and Other) and then add More Information if necessary and click on Report Photo.

    Attached Files:

  9. To report a Photo Gallery Comment, click on this icon in the top right hand corner [​IMG] of the comment, choose the Reason for Reporting from the drop-down menu (choices include: Inappropriate Material and Other) and then add More Information if necessary and click on Report Post.

    Attached Files:

  10. Thanks to all members who report any issues within the forums. It's greatly appreciated by me, Superjoint and the Moderating team. :)

  11. I wanted to bump this due the addition of information regarding Private Messages. See the bold red in the quote, please.
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