How many fucken times do i have to get jacked........

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by A1017, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. I know I would have fallen for this maybe when I was like 15. :rolleyes:
  2. hey dude, just make sure you NEVER hand over money until you get buds and you don't have anything to worry about, and try your best to cut out the middle man.
  3. you're hella stupid.

    how bout this? you don't go through M and get the bud your damn makes so much sense......

    this is a huge face palm thread.
  4. How about you not buy from him anymore. Or stop fronting
  5. This guy must be 15 years old or something..
  6. Well first, it was never a lot of money. Second, why do you fucking hang out with that guy?
  7. exactly. Espically if it happened 3 fucking times man. Just learn from your mistakes OP. Don't trust "M" again.
  8. nah ***** i knew this ***** my whole life i aint a newb
  9. wait, why do you keep giving him money?
  10. He aint got jacked.... he jacked yo money lol.
  11. Sorry for double post but I've known some niqqas all my life still betrayin me. only people i trust is family and really close family friends.. everyone else Ill trust you to a degree but if some bullshit come on i dunno lol.
  12. i found this to be quite confusing. Why would you keep goin through "M" man?
  13. Oh and to answer your question

    Your gonna keep gettin jacked until you go get the weed yourself... and stop giving "M" the money. Or be with "M" when he gets the shit.
  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahaahhahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahah
    epic facepalm
  15. You should have learned man. And get the weed yourself. Beat his ass man.
  16. Beat his ass for what? Because OP allowed him to take his money not once, not twice, but 3 times? OP is the idiot, not his friend.
  17. is it me or does it sound like M is playing you
  18. chalk it as a loss for ur low iq about the black market.

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