Do you name your Toking Tools?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by tomshark, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Hell yeah i name them, i ran into the problem where i kept sayin my peice and i would always get the reply "which one" so i ended up naming them all. except the one givin to me... i dont really feel attached to that one so its just my pipe and everyone knows which one im talking about.
  2. And belladonna noice. im lookin at my belladonna right now lol...
  3. I usually name my pieces, never name my lighters... except for 3, a dark purple one I refer to as "pimp daddy purps", a brown one we call the shit brown bic, and a yellow one called the lemon.
  4. I dont usually name my pieces, except for this big 12inch tri-color gandalf style pipe I have, which I named Gandalf for obvious reasons..
    I once named a lighter though, we were baked and my lighter was black so we came up with the blackest name we could think of for it...''Sahib''
  5. I only just bought my first piece and I named her Artemis. It just felt right. I don't think it was childish and still don't think it is. I'm cool if people don't name them or not, it's just a personal choice, ;).
  6. i did, then i turned 12.
  7. It's a girl. motorcycles are always girls. Why woulld you want to "go ride hank"

  8. this.
  9. when I first started collecting I did name them but once I started getting heady glass, it didnt feel right slapping a name on someones artwork. so now I dont bother naming anything.:smoking:
  10. Iv thought of a couple names, but I never call it by a name just the bong or kaos.
  11. my shits all named. we never call it by name though, and i dont see why you would.

    Barak Obonga
    The boss


  12. Well i just bought my first two pieces about a month or two ago. YES i did name them.

    Glass Pipe- Voldemort ( I dont care what you guys think, i was watching harry potter when i got blitz off this pipe with my friend).

    Chillum- Shiva.

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