any gay stoners out there

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by bkdub, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I know/ am good friends with a BUNCH of gay stoners in real life.

    I love them to death.

  2. ok people i wanna say this and not have to fucking say it again. i myself am a bisexaul man who leans more to gay. i have a lot of gay, lesbian, bisexaul and transgender friends. probably 70 percent of sexually alternative people smoke weed. the reason you dnt hear about a ton of gay stoners is that a lot of them dont make anything of it. i am rare: a gay toker more obsssed with weed than my everyday life. so the truth is, percentage wise, there are probably more gay than straight tokers.
  3. Yeah, the percentage of gays that are into substance abuse is prettty high...
  4. Gay stoner here.
    When I was out tricking, I would say 75% of the dudes I went home with offered a joint or a few bong hits before we did our business. And a few offered more after.

    As far as substance abuse (not USE) I think there are plenty of people from both sides of the aisle who abuse. It is just with gay drug 'users', the RR (religious right) thinks it makes more of an impact on how they society should view us if they include drugs to the mix of homosexuality. I can say the same for them adding HIV/AIDS to the mix too. Damn, if you listen to them long enough, we, as gay people have nothing but negative characteristics to bring to the table.
    The more negative attributes they are able to assign to our group, the more the hatred they have against us is justified.
  5. Hmm..... I really meant to say "use" not "abuse"...
  6. I don't associate myself with gay's, so no.

  7. Oh, what a pity! What will we ever do without you??! How will we go on??!?!
  8. I'm straight but I don't get why he would post in the thread of he hates gay. but whatever....

  9. I though pretty much the same thing.
    actually "your loss" was my exact thought.
    but I wasnt gonna fight that out here.

    I also didnt want to draw conclusions either.
    while the wordings definitely poor. he may not associate himself because he can't.
    you cant toke with a gay/lesbian stoner if you dont know one.

    (I know lots, and I'm thankful for it. I have had some really great times that I would have missed out on had I chose not to associate myself)
  10. yep. we get a lot of shit. and i wasnt saying hard drug use. but, honestly ive never met another gay person my age who didnt at least smoke bud.:smoking: and for a guy like me, thats not a bad thing.
  11. this thread makes me want to vomit
  12. On page 1 you said you have no problem with it, but that you were gonna 'step out'

    And now you're saying it makes you wanna vomit.

    A tad contradictory, ya think?

    If it really does bother you, why'd ya feel the need to come back?
  13. aha.. i was messin.

    I like controversy.
  14. I'm a closet gay... I can't come out 'cause it'll ruin my current friendships with my friends.
  15. My 2 best pothead friends are a gay couple.
    I'm in a serious relationship with a great guy, but I'm bi. And I'm a stoner. High right now. :eek: I dated a girl for almost a year. When I was single, I preferred dating women over men. Looove the ladies, lol. :)
  16. I recently found out a huge group of my friends are gay after munching loads of ecstasy with them and picking up some of the wierdest vibes I have ever felt. Apparently they think im hot :mad:

  17. Then they aren't your real friends bro...
  18. RIGHT HERE! been smoking every day for the past two years. i dont act gay, when people first meet me they would never think im gay. im a senior and being a gay stoner has also proven to a lot of people at my school that not all gay men are the stereotypical girly boy, i used to be bullied, harrassed, ect. but ever since i got into smoking and psychedelics, ive made TONS of new friends, guys and girls and now almost all kids respect me for who i am at my school, i havnt been harrassed for over a year about it. :) it honestly also helped me have confidence in myself as a person. so im happy to say that weed has changed my life for the better, no joke. im a better person, happier person, more involved with friends/family, ect.
  19. I was invited to a party and some random dude asked me if I wanted to "smoke a fat blunt". I was like FUCK YEAH, so we went downstairs. His friend was hiding around the corner and knocked me out with a baseball bat. I woke up with a sore ass and no penis.

    But seriously, no I don't know any gay stoners in real life.
  20. Present! I guess I'm bi technically, but prefer sex with dudes.

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