post your strange, abstract thoughts here

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by sebastian, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. Recently i've came across a few questions that i can't find any good definitive answers on in most theological, philosophical, theistic, religious, etc books or documents. After a talk i had with a friend about Chakras, Khundalini activation, and third eye awakening, and lastly enlightenment. After a few hours of explaining and bouncing questions a thought occurred to me since lately i've been slowly exploring and questioning what our soul constitutes and the inherent nature of our souls.

    The two questions i have at the forefront of this topic/research deal with the soul itself and it's nature not focused on our incarnate life. So when enlightenment is reached we are allowed access to all our past memories of lives and other experiences and then get to remain conscious and sentient in the afterlife until we reset and return to incarnate life cycles until it's reached again. So logically that would imply that your soul is some kind of being (which is you) that is being incarnated to learn and grow. Now in many old religions and spiritual disciplines there are many different species of spirit. Some good, some bad, some neither. They do exist in the same spaces as us though. My question from here is : If our souls are the real form of our consciousness and are only incarnated into a body that would mean that there is a name for the species our soul would be. Now take it a step farther and i wonder could there be multiple species or races that share the incarnate plane on earth? Could the person next to me have a different kind of soul than i?

    Now i'll go into the next question which this second question actually brought me to asking the first one but they don't make sense written in that order. Is it possible that there are different inherent types of souls? Some that are naturally positive/good in nature and others that are dark/evil in nature? If either were true that would imply there's intermediate species also. So if this idea was correct and there can be souls that are not by nature good/positive/peaceful that means there is the antithesis out there. A few religions say we are all inherently stained black by evil and others say we are born pure and acquire it later. That's one detail that can't be proven so it remains an inconclusive answer from the texts.

    To throw one more twist and turn into this little theoretical theory. What is the definition of what's right and wrong, good and bad? Where was the original set of morals invented? Were we naturally made to have a conscience and know what's wrong and what's not? I don't believe that is the case considering sociopaths (although extreme example and rare) exist and there are quite a few disorders that have similar issues. Also taking a look at morals across the globe puts in perspective how subjective moral codes are.


    Now i have done alot of research over the years and done alot of spiritual work. Meditation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, and so on. A good friend introduced me to the idea and methods and i was in love. One lesson i did learn is that entities that are non human or beyond our realm have a different view on morality. Right, wrong, justified, etc are not concepts they need or want. They are in no way concerned with good and bad atleast in the understanding we hold. It's the same idea as if aliens invaded earth what would they think? They may find wiping us all off this planet to be the right thing to do because they have a different perspective. Now that i got that out of the way the real question can be asked. By who's standards are we measuring and determining what's right and wrong, evil and good? Do you use ours? theirs? gods? noones? What constitutes these things. Is there a universal moral scale that is found in all forms of consciousness?

    If in theory morality is subjective and invented by man and moral rules and boundaries were dependent on the observer what are the implications? If there is a universal undeniable moral code in this realm what happens when it is disobeyed or broken? Who enforces the laws? Also how would souls be screened or selected for life on earth?

    It's frustrating to me because you have to take every religious or theistic text with a fist full of salt and spotting the technicalities that you need to get your answer is a developed skill. Even if it is an unbiased text you still have to work to find commonalities cross reference and so on to ensure it's a common theme found in different places. As far as i've found there is no information or text that discusses what our souls are exactly and how they are chosen for life here . Also no definition of morality is really given aside from religious law there's no underlying unbiased reference.

    So i'll run a lil summary paragraph here for everyone or a TLDR: for you people with attention spans the size o...ff.....  oo shiny ... of ... balloons!!

    1st question: What are our souls? are we all one species or type of soul? or are there multiple species used on earth?

    2nd question: Do souls have an inherent state of good or bad (in the broadest sense of the words) not by human moral standards btw?

    3rd question: Who's right about the nature of our souls? are we marked from the start like the bible says or are we neutral and pick our own nature? On the farthest side of spectrum could only good or positive souls be allowed on earth? kind of like the bible but reversed.

    4: If multiple kinds of souls exist and they all have different properties how are the types of soul expressed in physical life? If you have an evil soul does that mean you'll commit evil acts or could the evil nature of the soul not define the actions of the soul just the type?

    5 question: In conclusion my last set of questions. Let's imagine there are multiple soul species, they are good and bad no inherent state, and the laws defining right and wrong are different from species to species. Could it be possible that some humans could be "in-human" or part human part something else? Most importantly does our soul start it's learning and training on earth or do they come here from somewhere else? If souls got transferred between incarnations from world to world what would be the result? If all souls that were going to live on earth started at birth here and stayed until their lesson was complete would they all be innocent by nature and only become corrupt through free will?

    Sorry guys for the rambling i just wanted to type this down and see if anyone had some input since i know a few of my friends are into the spirituality and so on.
  2. so true

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  3. I feel like every person in the whole world other than me is imaginary and set up by a higher power to test. idk what the test is tho..
  4. Yes!

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  5. I had a dream about a purple condom and I can't help but feeling it's somehow significant. 
  6. It seems that more things become worse than get better as they get larger.
    Examples of that get worse:  Religions, governments, countries, cancer cells, hospitals, schools, my beer gut,.
    Examples of things that get better:  my bank account, my boner, women's boobs.
  7. when actos act out a story, it becomes real.
    that means it really happened, even if they were just acting..
    because by them acting on it, they've created it..
    its mind blowing to think about..only I could jus be super baked..
    either waay, it trips me out :huh:
  8. when Alex trebek finally retires he should make one appearance as a contestant
  9. This whole concept of success and happiness is one that I find myself pondering more than every so often. Isn't is something that's entirely subjective? Why do we live our lives according to what we're told is success? Why do we go to school for things we have no desire to learn, to get a job somewhere that we're told is professional and top-notch success story, despite not being what we want to do. We have homes and families, things we don't need to impress people we don't like. 
    Isn't to be successful something that you're supposed to define on your own? Isn't it something that you personally aspire to achieve, and you set what that goal is yourself? Maybe it's $XXX in the bank account, maybe it's sleeping with a thousand women, maybe it's to own the biggest company in the world. Maybe it's to have those you hold dear and a roof and some clothes, a meal to feed hungry bellies, and nothing more. Maybe it's everything in the world. But isn't it your own? 
    And happiness is a laughing game for me. People seek and yearn to have some hole filled in themselves by others, when in all reality, if you wander down the hole or fill it with yourself, you'll find that even the darkest of days come with a smile. It's never all bad, nor is it ever all good. But to be happy is a personal decision that you make. It's not a feeling. It's knowing that you'll be alright, no matter what goes down. I read somewhere once that attitude is 98% of life, and you can choose that. Why not make it a good one? While I can be very cynical and negative, isn't it easier to laugh and smile the day away? Don't the hours pass much more quickly and lovingly with good thoughts and activities? How much slower does it tick by when you're down on yourself? 
    There's no absolutes, for sure in life. Except that things will always change. What you thought was your definition of success may change, or happiness as well. But it should. No person should go through life and stand at a further point and claim to be the same as they once were. If you're doing it right, every interaction, connection, every damn day should teach you something that you can change for the better. Right? 
    :smoking:  :smoking:  :smoking:
  10. It seems the "civilized" world is becoming a large cult, sub-consciously obsessed with the digital world. Taking the physical world for granted, and completely refusing to believe that which cannot be perceived, as if it cannot exist.
    There is something ironic about this reply...
  11. Whenever im high i like to see the world in this satire visions, like everything fucked but its fun. Its black and white and people look all disfigured, lol when i vision that i feel cozy..
  12. I was watching an alien documentary when I was really high along with reading a lot of philip k dick, so this is going to sound crazy.
    My reality is a simulated reality projected into my head from aliens who are use random samples of humans and put them through tests to see how they react. They use these random samples to determine when the right time is to unveil themselves to humans. (I was reading "Ubik and Valis")
    Another one is that aliens talk to use through adjusting our reality hyper-dimensions to lead us in ways to understand greater things "I was reading "The Adjustment Team").
    Conscious energy can propagate events on the quantum level.
    My parents didn't really die when I was 14, I was only pulled to a timeline in which they died by someone with a greater influence on reality so that I might meet or do something for this person but once that person's wishes are complete our wavelengths will disentangle and my reality will collapse back into my original timeline when my parents didn't get into that car. (I was reading "My Tears Flow The Policeman Said")
    These are all just high thoughts, I don't necessary take them as truths

  13. This is strange.
  14. Pooping is the byproduct of eating, we plan dates and events around eating but we almost always poop alone. Now, after centuries of this behavior; poop discussion is taboo.
  15. I'm going get an ink master to put these on my body. I need your permission to use it.Oh I need to quote your name as well.
    Do whatever you want. I was 16 when I wrote that. If you want my advice, try DMT before you ink yourself.
    Listen mate,you need to smoke a bowl, sit on the couch, and watch Donnie Darko.
    All your questions will be answered in 28 days 6 hours 42 minutes and 12 seconds.
    If you seek my advice,do not try DMT! If your already wanting to ink yourself up from reading a quote on grasscity then you need a different kind of mental enlightenment ;)
  19. Well, I am keen to try mushroom and kratom. DMT is hard to obtain over here.
  20. Consciousness is nature's most ingenious form of self torture...

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum

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