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Sketchiest place you've toked...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ChamberChamber, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Either when I had 8 people in a 5 person car, or when I was with some friends and they didn't want to smoke in the car so they dropped a few of us off and we walked in a random suburb and smoked a joint while we followed behind the car. We were probably 20, 25 feet but it was so sketchy haha had no idea where we were or what neighborhood it was.
  2. i used to walk and toke around my suburban neighborhood all the time, they're pretty safe to toke at in my opinion.
  3. the woods behind our kindergarten/1st grade school there is a federal electricity field where power lines run through. Me and 4 friends blazed there. Apearently even being there sober is a felony:eek: hahahaha pretty sketchy
  4. Haha Probably yesterday at the mall in my car.After my bowl was done a security guy walks up and i put a cig in my mouth and light it and eyes are not really but a little red and says what am i doing and i say smoking a cig then going in and he said ok and do you have any illegal substances and i say know and hey said alright have a good day. i knew he smelt it cause i did when i got back in the car. I got lucky i was sketched out so it was the sketchiest place for me.
  5. high school bathroom (twice), high school parking lot (ducking under cars) (twice), the side of some random guys house that lives by my high school (twice)
  6. me and my buddy smoked at some old closed down factor, in the back in my car.... well some old bastard came flying up, and as soon as he got text to me i gunned it, and he started fuckin chasing me down the road, eventually he just left though..
  7. walking through campus on my way to class with a j in my hand
  8. It's really not sketchy if you're cool about it. Some places definitely are. I mean a friend and I almost got fucked smoking a bowl walking down the street in Hampton Beach at night. Cops patrol because theres a curfew and shit.
  9. behind an elementary school near my house. It was dark and out of nowhere a lady walking her dog came around the corner as I was hitting my bowl. I dipped and vowed to never smoke there again lol
  10. Me and three of my friends clambaked a dumpster yesterday.
  11. The side of a shell gas station, in broad daylight with a supertrooper at the front.
  12. last night we were in my friends 4 door hyndai elentra we had 7 people in there and 2 girls were on laps and we were rolling thru down town with the windows down was really sketchy
  13. Anywhere from Abandoned Schools, Abandoned warehouses , crap like that.....

    Also.....Smoking In line for the superman at 6 times
  14. wow, some pretty sketchy places listed!

    mine would probably be when i was a sophomore in college, it was about 10 am on a weekday, and i was pretty hungover, just sitting on the steps by the library. two of my friends walk up and tell me i look like i need a smoke, so i'm like sure (finished classes that day), thinking that we were gonna go out to our usual smoke spot. but she just pulled out her pipe and handed it to me, so i took a hit really quickly, still processing that i'm smoking in front of the library on a school day...anywho, i took it just on time because a group of people turned onto the stair right at that moment, and i had to hold the hit in until they passed! i nearly choked but i managed to pull through :p

  15. Dorm rooms. I do it everyday, and it's a BITCH if you get caught. Wish me luck :smoke:
  16. In class. Highschool. True Story.
  17. In the middle of a huge, flat, open park with a bong
  18. bus stop outside of university/dorms in the middle of the sketchy. hahaha blazed a fatty with some black homies i met at the dorms. felt pretty sketchy but i guess no one cared...
  19. A back alley next to my school
  20. Just outside a funeral home when people started to arrive. It was so fucked that we were just casually smoking a bowl and a bunch of people come crying looking all sad and shit. Took me by surprise when I realized where we actually were haha

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