research chemicals (mephedrone ect.)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by n3wb13, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. hey guys just thaught id give a little heads up on these, mephedrone while being awesome is a nasty beast unless you control yourself.
    1. do not do more than a gram in 20 hours not so more than 300mg at one time or withing say 4 hours
    3. snort carefully and not in excess, there will be pain/blood
    a large dose (i have found usually always oral) more than say 350mg swallowefd will cause phycotic behaviours, shouting god knows what and acting like a madman.

    just posting this hoping that you wont get it the state someone i know did haha

    also if you start to turn purrplie blue in the arms and legs its time to stop, if it is very severe/hurts os is numb aswell call an amnulance. the ambuland will take you th the hospital, threat you and maybe keep you in overnight, hpowever your pearents do not need to know so you can lie and say you are staying somewhere, if it is bad call for help, play your cards right and no one will be the wiser

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