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Weed isnt a drug??

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by AlpineType420, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. I hate when people say that!! If its not a drug why the hell am I paying 60$ for an 8th of it
  2. katt william said it best.

  3. "Its a fucking plant!" lol. Don't remember his whole bit about weed but it's great.
  4. Its a plant that grows from the earth and if i happen to inhale it while its burning then so be it.
  5. drugs are things made by man. prescription drugs, medicine, coke, e, acid, herion, crack, pcp, meth.

    those are drugs because man creates them

    marijuana and mushrooms are not drugs because they grow natural in the wild.

    If it Grows from the ground its good to me.
  6. its a drug...:smoke:
  7. definition of a drug from oxford online:
    a medicine or other substance which has a marked effect when taken into the body.

    THC fits this description perfectly.
    thus, weed is a drug.
  8. A drug is not something made by man, a drug is something that alters your bodily function. There is no room here to argue about it. It may be a drug but that doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. It isn't cut and dry.

    That being said, chocolate changes your bodily function. Chocolate would be considered a drug.
  9. It is a drug.

  10. That might be your personal idea, but that is not the truth.

    The truth is, it is a drug... Chocolate is a drug... Caffeine is a a drug...
  11. #11 enV, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2009
    Close but it was "Don't give me that shit about it's a drug it ain't no mother f#*king drug, I had done the research, it's just a plant. It's just grows like that. And if you happen to set it on fire, there are some affects. But that's not the same as drugs.
    Drugs, you got to do shit to it chemically. You got to add baking soda, water stir it up. I don't know the recipe, I'm just saying."


    he also says "Aspirin is perfectly legal, but if you take 13 of them mother f#*kers, it'll be your last headache. As long as you've been living you ain't never heard of a mother f#*ker overdose on marijuana. "

    so true...
  12. weed is a plant...i did my grows like that...and if it happens to be set on fire...theres side effects
  13. It is a drug don't be stupid
  14. Um, I don't know guys. It sounds like some people aren't willing to accept that they are doing drugs. Of course THC and other canabinoids are drugs! They happen to be contained in a plant. They are there to prevent insects and animals from eating it.

    The definition of a drug is any substance that when absorbed by an organism, alters normal body function. It sure is a great drug though, that is so friendly to us perhaps because of its proximity to nature.

  15. +Rep. It is a drug. If you use the term 'drug,' which is a scientific label, then you have to abide by the definition set by scientific establishments. You don't get to make up new definitions to words because it makes you feel special.
  16. In my opinion, a drug is a chemical or combination thereof that can cross the blood-brain barrier and have a psychoactive effect (positive or negative) upon the imbiber. In this case, marijuana would easily fit within these guidelines.

    In addition, I would like to speak on the supposed distinction between man-made "drugs" (such as, "coke, acid heroin, crack etc.) and the supposedly natural marijuana. There are two fallacies in this argument.
    First of all, many of the man-made substances listed (heroin, cocaine (freebase and otherwise), acid) come from sources just natural as marijuana such as the opium poppy papaver somniferum L., the coca plant Erythroxylum coca or the ergot grain fungus. Granted, the production of LSD from ergot rye does require some synthesis, however its source is still natural whilst cocaine and heroin (anyone out there want to argue that those aren't drugs?) are simply extractions and thus on a pair with hash and keif. It seems to me that whether or not a drug, "[grows] [naturally] in the wild," has little to do with how beneficial or safe it is.
    Secondly, I think we must accept that most weed is not as natural as we would like to believe. First of all, it is hardly the same drug that , " god put here," due to centuries of genetic alteration and breeding. In addition, some of the bud (if I can even call it that) out on the streets is so full of chemicals either through a lack of flushing, an attempt to increase perceived potency (spraying), or pure negligence, I would hardly call it natural. I myself, avoid such bud at all costs, but I know someone out there must be smoking it.
    In conclusion, the argument that marijuana is not a drug because it is natural as opposed to other drugs that are man-made is false on two counts: 1. alot of drugs are just as natural as marijuana 2. alot of marijuana could hardly be called natural. I think we all need to come to terms with the fact that marijuana is a drug so that we might understand its effects upon our bodies and minds better and so that we take this already wonderful plant one step closer to perfection
  17. #17 Shazbuckle, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2009
    Go ahead and feast on some Datura seeds and then come back and say something which comes from the ground isn't a drug.

    Shit makes most people trip for 3 days straight.

    edit: sorry i quoted the wrong person xD

    oh and don't actually feast on Datura seeds. Can be fatal.
  18. #18 aero18, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2009
    As others have pointed out, the 'natural' vs. man-made argument is complete horse shit. This image points out the stupidity:


    They all come from the environment and we are part of it too. There's nothing inherently wrong with 'man-made' products because, in the strict sense, it is natural too.
  19. its a plant...ur paying that much for it because its an illegal plant.
  20. becuase people seek profit in something that people want.
    Are expensive shoes a drug? im paying 200 for only two pairs
    and no marijuana is not a drug. nor is the coca leaf,or shrooms
    what is a drug even?
    do you mean poisen?
    but the human race seems to seek profit in everything that is of value.
    we can go alot deeper but i dont have all day

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