Post questions you thought were too stupid to ask

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Volcano South, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. So that means you get on an elevator and escalate?

  2. Do Asians smile as much in there country ? Or do they just have a "smile that american is looking" thing going on ?
  3. If angels didn't have free will .. How did Lucifer decide to switch to the dark side...

    Also do you think Yoda picked dagobar because they got that hydro bud?
    I don't see asians smiling anymore than anyone else. Maybe you make them nervous and they're smiling because they're scared.
  5. Lol well my Cambodian neighbors Japanese wife smiles when she is mad .. I can't understand how she does it.. It tickles me
  6. Why is it that I wipe my butt with my left hand, when I'm right handed?
  7. To keep your right hand clean for other things, of course :smoking:
  8. Where the fuck is everyone? This place used to be hoppin. Now it's practically dead.
  9. I'm over here!!!
  10. Its prolly obv but watched a news report tonight about pharmaceutical companies being underhanded and really greedy.

    Then the next report was about research on parkinson and an appeal for donations.
    Now my question is this, if this charity funded research facility found a cure,would that mean it would be free or basically cost price?
    After all its a charity like cancer research,and not one the big profit driven companies.
  11. What the fuck you doin over here? Weren't you just over there? [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. I'm wherever the smoke takes me...
  13. Does anybody know what the fuck this is in the back of this truck?
  14. It looks like a kief tumbler.  Not really but it's made to do something similar.
  15. Is Ehle pronounced "ay luh" , "Ay Lee" , "LE" ,or "ELL" ?
    It's been killing me for a while now to know this. lol
    I've only heard it pronounced as Ellie
  17. When you refresh your page on a kijiji ad or youtube video, does the view count go up each time? Or do the sites track ur IP so only the initial view counts?
  18. Websites track both, and each time you refresh the page the view count does indeed go up, but every time a new adress loads that page it counts as a "unique view" which is more valuable than a regular page view
  19. #21779 hitops, Apr 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2015
    Does hemp really have over 25,000 uses including fuel for cars? Is that also the reason it's still illegal at the federal level  because of the threat it poses to big tobacco - oil just to name a few? I also heard it could replace tree farms completely would it really change the us economy the world economy that much?
  20. Yes..............

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