DXM "hangover"?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by nik12937, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. I was planning on taking a 2nd plateau trip on DXM in a bit, how's the day after with it? I have school, but nothing so intensive, just want to know if I'll be tired really, I can deal with being a little spacey, being tired is always a nuisance. Have some caffeine handy just in case :)
  2. You may notice some lethargy, cloudy thoughts, and blurred or slight double vision. You also will need to drink a few big cups of water before you pass out and drink another big glass when you wake up. Drink it[the DXM syrup] now, by the way.
  3. I did dxm for the first time last night. I only took 400mg though. Only thing was I woke up really early with a terrible headache. I took some Tylenol PM and went right back to sleep and when I woke up again I was fine.
  4. dont try to really understand a word anyone says

    but it kinda makes ya feel hazy

    just throw some music on and enjoy it

    drink lots of water
  5. Kinda like how you'd get after smoking weed when you first started? (At least for me) I'll go for it then, I can deal with hazy, being tired is pretty annoying but even if I am I'll have my trusty caffeine
  6. The day after for me i feel great, my mind just had a nice work out the night before and my whole bottle feels like i took a bunch of pain killers. I almost like the day after more then the trip lol
  7. i don't notice much of a hangover unless its a big dose
  8. Do you smoke cigs? Its kind of like, if you haven't had a cig in awhile and then you smoke one. You have a slight buzz all day, its usually pleasant for me. :) hope that helps.
  9. I smoked a black one day while i was on dex and it was some crazy shit. Like i wasnt trippin at all then half way into the it started to hit me, then by the end of the black the shit got so intense lol

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