Acid in sugar cubes?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by .iLLadelphIAN., Aug 31, 2009.

  1. My friend just told me his friend had acid that was inside sugar cubes. Ive never heard of this being done, but is this normally a good way of using acid? Its my first time trying acid and im picking it up on thursday. I just want to make sure its good though.

    And of course... how is it? Ive done DMT before and salvia didn't do anything for me so im hoping acid will be a truly amazing trip.

    Thanks in advance. I know i don't know much about acid so sorry if i sound dumb.
  2. dropped ON sugar cubes, yeah...inside them..dunno about that one.
  3. Liquid lsd is put onto sugar cubes, but unless those sugar cubes are stored properly the acid will be weak. I wouldnt take them unless someone besides the dealer has taken then and can vouch for them.
  4. ideally you would watch the dealer drop the lsd onto the sugar cubes. if he knows what he is doing he should have them dosed out and stored properly, but that's not always the case.
  5. ive never had it on sugar cubes but that sounds sweet.
  6. ^^^This
    I actually got my money back after me n my sister dropped n nothing happened. Acid is tricky because if its not stored properly, its garbage.
  7. Goodness! They used to do it like that in the late 60s/ early 70s! Deja vu!

    Granny :wave:
  8. Like Storm said, this was the method of choice by many of the late 60's/early 70's.

    The issue with this, however, is if you don't take it immediately, air and light begins to destroy the LSD.

    I'd suggest NOT buying sugar cubes for a dose.

    More likely than not, it was done a longer time than you'd want and not enjoy your dose.

    That's why blotter is the preferred material, but you still have to store it correctly away from light.
  9. YO first time i dosed was on suger cubes and it was awesome..took two an hour apart but besides that ive bought a box of 200 of them damn things got rid of about 20 of them from some nice liquid i had and the rest are worthless cause i cant find cid for shit rite now.:mad:...

    but yea they should be good just take them within a day or so
  10. yeah, they're legit. Ask your dealer how they were stored and everything to make sure the dose isn't weakened.
  11. I have had the same sugar cubes all summer with no noticeable potency loss. Saw the dealer drop them when I got them in June, still have one left and the most recent ones I took were still good. I store them in a mason jar in tin foil, no air or light so they should be good.
  12. Alright guys. Unfortunately around here in NJ, I can't find acid for shit so I may just have to go with it. As for temperature storage... should I keep it in my fridge or my freezer? Or just a generally cool place with tin foil around it? I don't think I will have a safe environment to trip in until next week or so. For my first time, I don't need the strongest and most mindfucking cid possible, so I can deal with some weaker stuff. Other than that, i have been looking for acid all summer. Can't wait for this back to school trip.

    Thanks for all the advice too. My mom told me that one of her neighbors used to use the sugar cube method all the time. Although she hasn't admitted it, im almost sure shes tried acid. She admitted to smoking though, haha.

    Enough OT. :smoke:
  13. NJ is SO DRY DRY DRY, fuck couldnt get cid all summer....but now a new school year hopefully it will flourish:p
  14. Your going to want it as cold as possible, both heat and light degrade acid and make it weaker.

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