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How to test THC levels. (POTENCY)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Nirvana High, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. It takes a well equipped lab to do so, and it's illegal in many countries for legit labs to do THC testing.

    Personally most of the numbers quotes by seed banks are most likely bullshit.
  2. i usually just judge by what point i get stoned throughout the spliff/blunt..ive had two hitter quitters never a one
  3. Good weed is good weed, why do numbers need to be involved?

    Just enjoy the herb :smoke:
  4. OSG said it. It's illegal for labs in most countries to test this. I'd also guess that the few places it is legal don't have the equipment to do so. I may be wrong, and if anyone knows a legit lab that test's marijuana please share.
  5. Weigh a gram of bud out. Now soak it in 100% isopropyl alcohol for a day covered and remove the bud, toss it. Let the alcohol evaporate and what is left over is almost pure THC. Scrape up, EVERY LAST BIT, and weigh that. It has to be in the form of point something grams, like 0.12 grams or something. Convert to percentage. There you go, simple as that, how did no one else think of it?...

    As close as you can get without paying money for equipment no one cares about...
  6. Won't work. There is thc in the plant matter don't ya know... and there is random other shit like chlorophyll in the extracted thc.
  7. I won't pretend to have an accurate measure of THC, but i have a rule of thumb i use besides the effects. I watch for how much keif i collect from the buds when stored and ground up for vape bowls :)

    It would be great if their was a simple and accurate test, but there isn't and im not too worried.
  8. #28 WEEirDo, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2009
    Ive been thinking about how theres a percentage of THC in marijuana. Now what Im wondering about, lets say a certain plant is said to have 20% THC. Now, since its a percentage, there has to be another 80% of something else in the plant. Saying this, I wonder, what that 80% of the "PIE" is?

    What I think is, when hash is made that other 80% of whatever has been filtered away, and then that 20% is converted to 100% because, the other chemicals or w/e have been taken away from the "PIE" (just ignore if that is possible or not), but, the THC has not increased in potency, it has just be concentrated. So you have now 2 percentages? One is the THC potency and the other is the THC concentration %. The potency % I guess would produce better quality concentrations.

    I have nothing to back anything I just said up, Im just going on what Ive been thinking about.

    Tell me if that makes sense.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Impossible. Youd have to test each bud each time. What they would do is likely submit the cream of the crop (literally) or use an average. Then that number would probably be the whole batch. Otherwise testing each bag would make the weed WAY more expensive. And different plants and grows of the same strain are obviously going to vary. Its a plant, there is nothign that stable about it.

    Of course you cant do this at home... Apprentice Tokers ^
  10. damn that's not a bad idea. As long as you took several samples and came up with a consistent average and you had a really nice scale you could do this at home
  11. get a wicca box or what ever a quarter ounce of dank and shake the shit out of it. for days and days tell it has appeared to have lost all its keif. then weight the amount of keif compared to the original weight so if its .7 its 10% thc, pretty gettho but waht ever man.

  12. Kief is not THC. At best it's about 50%.

    The ONLY WAY is to have a lab test it.
  13. what they do is they take a measured amount of dry bud, say ten grams for example, then they chemically extract all the THC using a solvent such as acetone, then they refine it to remove all the impurities then they weigh the amount of pure THC and compare it to the weight of the dry bud.
    so if you had 10 grams of dry bud and after extraction your left with 1 gram of THC your weed would be 10% THC :D
  14. No, that's NOT what they do. They use gas chromatography. Nothing else will give an accurate reading.

    God the BS information people keep putting out here as if they know what they are talking about gets me pissed off sometimes. If you're not sure something is a fact you shouldn't post it.

    The method you propose is very crude and will not give any kind of accurate reading.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. oh right, no probs
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Sorry for my tone. I wasn't flaming you. I just get agitated sometimes at bad information. I'm sure you weren't saying it to purposely mislead people.
  17. no worries sorry for my disinfomation, like you said not intended
  18. One of the reasons I got agitated was a lot of seedbanks quote percentages using exactly that same flawed method.

    No matter what solvent is used there are other compounds that get dissolved as well. Other cannabinoids, various terpenes, and other organic molecules.

    I guess if you wanted to make a rough guess you could make a very high quaility solvent based concentrate then assume that 80% of it is THC and other cannabinoids, but it would really just be an educated guess.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. yea mate your right even with refining there is still a small amount of impurities but if your just wanting an idea at home it does give a a (rough) number to work from, you could even factor in a 20% margin for error against impurities (which is a bit on the high end but just to be safe) in the final product, P
  20. Higher potency isn't = more trichomes. High potency = lots of high-grade cannabinoids, whether they're distributed in invisibly few trichomes on the bud or invisibly few of many trichomes on the bud. It is not impossible for a bud to be covered in trichs and still be schwag. It is also very possible for bud to have almost no trichs and still be dank as hell. At least in theory, that is - don't know if it's ever happened.

    Also, the color has nothing to do with the effect - it's not cannabinoids that are causing these colors and the colors aren't affecting the production of each individual cannabinoid type.

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