Obama bans flavored tobacco products

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Person12593, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. No, THC is not destructive or addictive.
  2. This thread is still going, the president did this like immediately upon entering office lol.

    All he did was not allow manufactures to make Flavored Cigarettes, so they just made slightly larger "cigarillos" .
  3. That is bullshit! I am a free citizen and I want my right to decide how I will ruin my lungs!
  4. Hmmmm might start up a little flavored blunt and papers business from London haha
  5. I think your a bit too late for that. If I'm not mistaken Sensible Seeds and a few others already beat you to it :)
  6. Lol I was so fuckin high when I posted tht lool

  7. That's the way I prefer it. I pay for my insurance=its my business.;)
  8. Would you actually think about that?... He does make sense. No I wouldnt compare marijuana to meth. But having it illegal is the reason people even contribute to it.
    It makes money.

    As for crime, it would go down. As for users, do you think people are going to buy heroin just because its legal?...
  9. like people saying that if weed is legal, more and more people will smoke, more problems will occur and shit.

    tell me.
    what are those problems? that we dont ALready have now? i mean come on now.

    fuck the other side.

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