Movies that have made men cry

Discussion in 'Movies' started by iDope, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. 1. When Donnie dies in The Big Lebowski
    2. When Scar kills Mufasa in The Lion King
    3. When Will Smith kills his own dog in I Am Legend

  2. "Up" 
    you shut your mouth, that old man was fuckin adorable. anyone with a fraction of a heart would've cried
    stop judging me
  3. Toy Story 3.
    Brought the feels.
    :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
    One and two were my go to movies as a kid man. 
  4. You know, I'm not much of a crier in real life but for some reason movies get me every time. All it takes is a semi touching moment and an orchestra swell and I lose it. So really my list would be too big to list. So let's just say that any movie that's supposed to make you cry, has probably made me at least tear up.
  5. Not a movie but Dukes of Hazzard. So many innocent, poor chargers destroyed for no reason...
  6. i hate to see animals die and after i found out that will smiths dog was a girl it teared up a little 
  7. When micheal left the office and jim told him he was a great boss
  8. The first day that I met my wife's parents, we watched War Horse and I cried like a little girl. The horsey, man. The horsey.
    I'm in touch with my feels. I've probably cried at more movies than I'd want to admit.
  9. Might sound odd but 4 lions. I was just there thinking about all the people who grow up around extremists and think it's the norm, and never make a life for themselves

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  10. #191 docleary, Nov 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2014
    children of men, and during a few speeches/monologues in the LOTR trilogy. also the lion king on OTHER DRUGS NOT ALLOWED!... too much.
    charlottes web, the fox and the hound, and the first land before time, when i was kid.
  11. #192 Brother Urb, Nov 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2014
    Children of Men squeaked a tear out my eye.  That shit was deep. ^^
    bahahahah Homeward Bound when I was a kid.
  12. Did anyone say Radio (2003)...when his mom died i said fuck :(
  13. the hobbit: war of five armies last night, i knew what was coming and i still cried at the end 
  14. big lebowski when donny dies....idk but it tears me up for such a hilarious genius movie to have such a heartwrenching scene.
  16. Spirited Away
    Seven Pounds
    Reign Over Me
  17. Stand by me and Slingblade get me a bit.  :cry:
  18. #199 Goldmine, Dec 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2014
    I Am Sam... that was one pathetic retard
  19. The Goonies and Sandlot

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