Reasons not to use synthetic fertlizer (steroids) to grow your plants

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by adamantasauras, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. How did we get there from fertilizers? I agree, rockwool is pretty nasty stuff. In many cases it can be recycled, though, so it's not quite as bad. I don't always have a choice, since many of my medical clones come in rockwool. I personally use peat or rapid rooters for clones, so I'm not sure what your point is.
  2. I don't use any pesticides that don't wash off in a couple of days and I prefer to never use pesticides that are not OMRI listed, with the exception that I use Dr. Doright's, which is not listed but is just a bunch of oils. I have only used a pyrethrin spray once, and it was to prevent a severe infestation. I would never use it on flowering plants, even though it only leaves a few weeks of residue. I don't really have many bugs in my soil, ideally, since I'm indoor, but those bugs that do appear, I control with biologicals - beneficial bacteria now, and probably beneficial nematodes at some point. There are a variety of ways to kill bugs. I am actually with you on only using organic pesticides, but for me this is an issue of purity. I am growing medicine and do not wish to risk my health by taking a shortcut and using a nasty pesticide. I do use bleach or hydrogen peroxide in cleaning, but I thoroughly dilute it before it goes to the drain. I haven't gotten to the point of cleaning pots, but I'll probably look at a biodegradable cleaner later. I use biodegradable soap as a wetting agent. As you see, a great deal of my additives are organic, but some of the additives are salts though they are high quality nutrients.

  3. hahahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!! this is the funnietst thing ever dude way too stoned:hello:

  4. Could you please post some references for this information? IM not sure how melted and spun rock is different from sand? Although i do find small metal deposits in my cube usually, im wondering exactly what chemicals you are claiming is put into this particular medium.

    Im not sure what insulation has to do with our discussion, im assuming you meant the chemicals in the insulation are the same ones in synthetic ferts? Of course these chemicals were banned from insulating homes. But lets say you jam pack the spaces in your wall with cow manure, bet you don't live healthy for long in THAT house either :)
  5. Well when you buy a package of rock wool you will see that on the package it says not to breathe in the fibers that come off of it. Rock wool used to be used as insulation in the 70's thats why I am talking about it because I used to grow in fuckin insulation that is one of the worst ideas ever... Like Terrence Mckenna says "the biggest problem with this world is that it is full of a bunch of bad ideas". Ok urea formaldahyde was used as a insulation and now the same exact chemical urea formaldahyde is being used as fertilizer why is that? Instead of buying urea formaldahyde just piss on your plants it's free and convient and doesn't contain formaldahyde. Just stop buying ferts completely it's a waste of money you can get everything you need for free.
  6. Why not the plant is living organism too if you develop an intimate relationship with your plants you will see what I am talking about. Take some shrooms and just look at your plants see what happens (I developed a much greater respect toward all life after that). Using synthetic ferts is like living on multi vitamins It can be done but what kind of life would that be you would not experience any type of good food you would be missin out on life.
  7. i think ur overreacting to synthetic ferts. ive grown both with shultz and fox farms. both tastes almost exactly the same.
  8. Most of the OP's points are meaningless. If you talk about cheap garden store nutrients then yes they probably aren't the greatest for you and your plant, but the ones designed for cannabis growing are just fine to use if used properly.

    I've done organic grows, synthetic grows, combination grows. If done well I would give a quarter pound to the person who could smoke a bud of my organic and a bud of non-organic and tell me the difference.

    Before anyone says 'I'll take you up on that', it's been tried. Nobody, even other organic growers, can tell the difference.

    The whole 'organic is better' meme is getting old, and that goes for food crops as well.
  9. :devious: those are 50/50 odds...... i've just accepted your challenge. lol jk
    and ROFL @ you going thru with Candy Mountain. hahah
  10. you guys don't know shit. this guy's spot on! matter of fact, he's scratched just the tip of the iceberg! I always do tons of research before I spout off but I'll tell you right now I ain't ever gonna breathe again. POISON

    man, I'm seein stars

    and another thinc mc'ds.v
    fg;bv c ]

  11. This thread is still going? Hey, OP, yeah it says "not to breathe in the fibers " on Rockwool, you know what else has almost the exact same warning, a bag of organic soil. Anything containing impure dust is not healthy to breath in. Giv eit up, you are wasting our time. Go TRY to grow, then come back and talk to us.

    Oh, if anyone is interested, I have placed a thread up in the restricted section, sorry, but they are poison if you listen to this guy, so maybe you don't want to look.


  12. Yeah that's right. I don't know shit :rolleyes:

    I'll see your research and raise you 30 years of research and growing. If you use quality chealated nutrients (so called 'synthetics') there is no danger or risk.

    Like I said I've done both and still do both, but the zealotry of the organic religious fundamentalists is annoying (and that's what OP is).
  13. Well first off if you are buying organic soil YOUR NOT GROWING ORGANIC if you buy "organic" fertilizer you aren't growing organic... If you are buying soil you are a moron there is plenty good soil all around you!!! and if it is not good soil like say it is too much like clay and clumps together add more sand and if it is too sandy (water runs through it too fast) add more organic matter too it like saw dust wood ashes bannana peels orange peels lemon peels... All the fertilizer you need is right in front of us for free all you have to do is go get it, like today I cut down some tree to use to make stakes for my tomato plants and I'm going to use the saw dust for my plants when they flower the saw dust has a lot of phosphorus in it. I also water my plants with water from a frog pond and that water has a lot of nutrients because the frogs poop in it and whatever other organic matter decomposed in it. So that bag of organic soil that tells you not to breathe it in DON'T BUY IT!!! its probably a bit poisonous too because even the ferts companies offer as "organic" aren't really organic and are less poisonous than the synthetic bullshit.. So if you are going to TRUELY grow organic go outside and get some soil add some grass clippings and add other organic matter to it and plant your plant in it and the thing will be happy as hell and grow beautifully.
  14. like i said in my previous post if you are going to grow organic using fox farms fertilizer is not organic it's half ass... Make some compost add some chicken shit (works really good these kids I know used it) and add whatever other organic matter. That is organic growing not buying some premade bullshit fertilizer off the shelf you have to work for it for it to be truely organic.. I know organic tastes better because my tomatos I ate this morning tasted like heaven compared to the ones my mom grew with shit ass store bought soil and chemical nutes
  15. Lol, I don't enjoy the smell of shit enough to put it in my indoor plants.
  16. the four greatest recipients of hazardous industrial waste are air, water, pharmaceutical companies, and fertilizer companies. in other words, hazardous waste is recycled back into every corner of our living environment. this is a fact. so that banana peel or tea bag that we lovingly compost into our gardens for our lucious oh-so-tasty tomatoes has already been treated numerous ways and numerous times with the most deadly stuff that humans have to offer. that 'stuff' is minute and probably near undetectable but sure as cowpie, it's there. and it's also already in your garden. in the end it comes down to personal preference - chemical or 'organic': pick your poison.
  17. Okay, I'm done with this thread. Namecalling is a pretty desperate cop-out. I don't live on the ground floor of my building, do you think I have a lot of free/good soil? No? Oh, well I guess that means I'm a moron for buying soil or *gasp* peat moss! You go ahead and stick to your guns, and keep pasting propaganda rather than actually thinking about the information being discussed. Learn the difference between one experience and hard and fast rules. Just because one organic tomato tastes better than one grown with salts does not mean ALL organic tomatoes taste better than ALL tomatoes grown with salts. To state otherwise is either a total lie or you're horribly mistaken.

  18. I'm a moron. Well, you are all talk, and what makes it even more funny, is you do not even know what you are talking about.

  19. I'm not saying your a moron I'm saying if you buy soil that is a moronic action when there is free soil right in front of you do you not agree?
  20. yes I am aware of that stuff that I do compost has some poison in it but it is a lot less than the chemical fertilizer and eventrually I will make compost completely out of all the stuff I grow so there eventually and I stress eventually I will have a poison free compost. So when you talk about either doing compost or synthetics it's more like pick a poison with 300000 ppm of lead or any other poison vs. 300 ppm of lead or any other poison. and plus the banannas or any other plant does a good job at filtering out alot of the poison.

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