Hey, new to the forums, close call story inspired me to join

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by averagetoker, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. Usually I would just toke up and get on here and read what others have posted, but if everyone just read, we wouldn't have much of a site here I guess...

    Because I'm paranoid and for safety reasons, this story is fictional. maybe.

    Anyways, now that I'm done introducing myself, earlier tonight I was getting high with a buddy I don't hang out with too often. We went to a friends house, he was out of town so we went in the backyard and toked down. We agreed it wasn't too safe where we were, so we decided to go to a 100% safe place I've been going to almost daily. On our way there, we pass the local playground.
    A friend calls my friend who was driving, asking if we had just passed it. So my friend decided to turn around and say hi to him, I was down too. So we park across the street and our friend comes running up to the car, and by then it was pitch dark outside. After talking for about 15 seconds, a car is coming down the road, and at first i thought he was holding a flashlight out a window. Turns out it was a cop with his flood light thing. Shined right into the car, here we sat, a bowl and some weed right in my pocket. My friend tells me to throw it out, but I thought "no, we'd get busted for sure, plus i'm going to want it later."
    So he walks up to the car and asks for our ID. My friend says our names, and the cop then says something smart alecky, I can't remember, something to do with identification. I don't know how, I was in my own little world the whole time, my friend managed to play it cool and the officer just said the playground is a hot spot for bad things going on, so he doesn't want people hanging out by it since he doesn't like getting called in for things like teenagers hanging out by the park. So we got on our way, and my friend jumped in our car. We took him to his car, which was nearby in the parking lot. Me and my friend who was driving went to McDonald's and made lots of jokes involving the cop. We then parted ways.
    Later, I saw a cop with no lights on right by my house, rolling around slowly, and later on when I was on a main road I saw a cop pull someone by me over. Between the two cop sightings, I found out my brother hung out with my ex girlfriend earlier in the day.:mad:
    Now, I'm sitting at home, about to light up another bowl and find some nice food and music to kick it to, I've had a terrible night to say the least, but a little more weed will make it better. Good thing I decided to keep it lol. :smoking: Thanks for reading guys.:)
  2. Your ex and your brother 'hung out'?...

    Enjoy that bowl.:p
  3. Yeah, what a buzzkill. Funny thing is, when I found out about that I forgot all about my previous run in with the cop, then I remembered it happened and it totalled shocked me all over again. The bowl was enjoyed, I need another though :smoking:
  4. Fuck that, man. I guess you and your bro will be having a talk...

    And welcome to the forums
  5. Thanks man. We just had it. He calls me, freaking out, asking for $15 so he can take a different girl to the movies. I just said "Maybe you shouldn't have gone with <ex girlfriends name> earlier, dumbass." I felt like Harold when he stood up to his boss haha.
  6. Hell yea, lol. What did he have to say for himself?..
  7. "...How'd you know?" in a completely amazed voice. I just gave him 3 dollars and told him he'd have alot more money if he didn't hang out with her. I'm about to pack another bowl:hippie:, things have been crazy recently, especially the stoned experiences I've been having
  8. wow, dick move on his part. enjoy that second bowl, my dude.:wave:

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