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Marijuana and OCD

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Sensi Enthused, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. ive got obsessive compulsive personality disorder, f*ck anti depressants. Take in the super funk.
  2. You dudes might find this interesting! And I bet your doctors haven't seen it either! :rolleyes: (Stamps are 42 cents and no return address is required. Give him the "innocent" URL for my list, while you're at it- unless you want him to go into "culture shock" at GC! :eek: lol)

    Improvement in Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Dronabinol

    Dronabinol is a synthetic THC. If it works, natural THC should also work. There really isn't anything out there on OCD and cannabis. In fact, there's way more on Tourette's than OCD! I believe the two are treated similarly, so they might be of interest, too. Just click the link in my sig and start scrolling down.

    If you live in California, are 18 (or have cool, educable parents) and are on meds for the OCD, you should be able to get a recommendation with no problem.

    Granny :wave:
  3. I have OCD as well. I've found that smoking indicas helps, but sativas only amplify my ticks.
  4. #44 ChimpX, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2008
    I have OCD and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). I am 20mg of Lexapro, works well, but I suffer from side effect such as, nausea and lack of appetite. Cannabis works the best though, gets rid of the nausea and increases my appetite. It also takes the last little bit of edginess and anxiety, and subdues my obsessive behaviors. I use Lexapro only because I cannot afford enough bud to keep a constant supply with the amount I smoke, but I still do a pretty good job! Without it my life is a wreck and I can not complete a single task without struggle, truly sucks. I would like to be off prescription drugs, but can't do without them at this moment in my life; school, family health problems, and a tight budget, urgh!

    Cannabis is my life saver!
  5. Thanx for that link storm crow.... I've seen you before somewhere I think, unless just the same name. Cannacom?
  6. Yep, I flit here and there. Crows get into everything!
  7. yeah i have ocd and I'm getting more symptoms. Why might you ask? well I havent smoked in about 4 or 5 months. I just kinda quit. I think im gonna start back up thogh. Now im getting hardcore OCD again. If I smoke for a long period of time I get depressed, and if I dont, I get OCD. Yes, I totally agree with what you say and it should be legal for us OCD people : )
  8. I used to suffer from really bad OCD... like it used to take me about 45 minutes to actually get in my bed to go to sleep and stay there from when I entered my room... it was bullshit. I went through therapy and my therapist was really good and hes helped me a lot, but I still have a lot of the symptoms. I've been thinking about seeing if I could get perscibed to something for it, but I don't really know, I don't really like pills... I like MJ :) the all natural approach. Weed can either help or hurt my OCD. Sometimes I find myself doing these repetitive rituals without even noticing them then finding it hard to stop, other times it makes me more normal, but it always definately helps with anxiety, because I always feel so mellowed out. All in all I'd say MJ helps.
  9. I have mildish OCD and mild anxiety. Smoking helps both tremendously. I have little periods of depression sometimes (post traumatic stress? I dono)...but it helps with that a lot as well. let's me accept the situation.

    But it does help OCD for sure. Maybe not in everyone...but in me. I ruminate constantly when I'm not high. Not at all when I am.
  10. I think I have ocd too. I found that some type of pot helps but other types make it worse. I think it depends on my actual emotions too. But the type of the pot is dominant. Anybody knows which is the best type of pot to help ocd?
  11. Unfortunately, none of the studies list varieties- the scientists have to catch up with us heads! They have yet to realize the difference in varieties. However, sativas tend to make some folks MORE excitable and prone to panic attacks. Where indicas tend to "couch-lock" you. I'd go with a heavy indica!

    My mom was bipolar - I'm just a bit "moody". I also tend to obsess a tad at times - my "Granny Storm Crow's List" (link below) is a fair example of what happens when I go "mildly manic while obsessive". (I seem to have skipped the compulsive part, so it's not too bad.) I use mostly indicas to keep me "leveled out".

    You should see my art work- another bi-product of my "watered down bipolar" mania. I try to get the most out of my "mild madness". Can't get rid of it, so I may as well put it to use! :p I sculpt in clay and wood, paint, quilt, cook, post a lot, and grow great pot!

    Granny :wave:
  12. I used to have OCD quit a bit, weed realy helped it. Now I barely have it at all, just the od thing my be compelling but nothing that interrupts my life.

    Sadly my anxiety is towards weed, so I can't get high now or that's what makes me anxious. Hopefully that will change
  13. My boy friend and I both "suffer" from different extents of OCD. Our symptoms seem to heighten when we smoke. But, hey, it gets the apartment clean. :)
  14. I've had OCD for as long as I can remember, and I got diagnosed when I was 5. Sometimes I have to sit on my bed for 20 minutes, opening and closing the zippers on my backpack(or some other stupid compulsion) over and over again until I feel I've done it correctly. I sometimes have to hold my breath the entire time I'm performing a task, even if I start to black out. I've tried fluvoxamine, sertraline, bupropion, fluoxetine, venlafaxine, and several others whose names I can't recall right now, and also several types of skin patches. None of them have made a significant difference, and a couple of them had nasty withdrawal effects if I forgot to take them or ran out of them for even one day. Several of them actually made my condition worse. Since I bumped up my fluoxetine from 20mg to 40mg about 10 days ago, I'm noticing a significant reduction in my symptoms for the first time in my life: I'm able to get over my compulsions a lot faster than I used to, but they're still there. The only time I've gotten rid of them completely was by smoking weed. It's no wonder the pharmeceutical companies want to keep it illegal: none of their synthetic drugs will ever compare.
  15. IDK what im doing here but... anyways, i just feel like letting everyone know that recently in my life, i've been viewing everything in a negative way. for instance, my house is a complete mess because my parents don't know how to run a home for their lives, they are simply bad parents in my opinion. everything pisses me off. i want to get the hell out of america and leave all these problems to start a new life alone in Canada. I smoke weed everyday because i usually have some and i cant help but to smoke it. i think I have OCD because every little thing bothers me incredibly. if my cat isn't fed properly, i will flip out and get angry. really, in my mind, everything sucks!!! I've told myself that i would stop smoking and see if that will make me happier, but i cant do it!!! i just love being high because it takes all my problems away and when i'm high, i'm comfortable and less annoying by assholes and little problems that in reality, will never be solved. Idk what i sound like to anyone who is actually reading this... i just want some advice or just to see if other people feel the same way i do.
  16. Eh... I clean a lot when I'm high. But so does my boyfriend.
  17. All I'm reading about in this thread is more reasons marijuana should be legal :hello:. Makes me so angry that a literal medicine can be illegal.
  18. It varies. In some situations it can exasperate my OCD tendencies while in others it can reduce them. It depends on my mindset, environment, what I'm doing, etc. though.

    My OCD tendencies are very minimal, and typically revolve around just being neat-ish. Not super neat, but at least picked up. Or, being clean, as in showering etc. So I actually enjoy them.
  19. #59 WANT, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2009
    truly i had OCD for more then 1 or 2years.
    i thought i was crazy. i thought i was alone on this one but no i looked it up and im not.
    i had it before i smoked herb, and now when im high i truly feel like a normal person.
  20. #60 Liverpudlian, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2009
    Hey guys.....
    i had a serious case of OCD for wehich i was hospitalised 6 years back... im fine now and can do everything.
    I currently take a dosage of 90 mg sitopam a day and 400 mg of tegtratil .

    I dont intend to take up smoking as a cure, but occassionaly (once in 2 months or so) wondered if it would come in the way of my medication ,if i smoked half a joint for fun.

    Would anyone with a similar level of medication/doctor let me know if i could go ahead?

    Mean to say would it affect/damage the chemical structure of my brain

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