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Matches or lighter?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by IamTheTruth, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. Which do you prefer?
  2. Uhh, a bowls with a lighter is rather annoying. I only use matches when I'm at the gas station and I realise I dont have a lighting and the middle eastern guy just gives me a pack for free. Even then I only use the matches once or twice before I end up with another lighter.
  3. I've always felt that matches are a gimmick. They don't last long, you have to get a new one each time, they break easily, and what good do they do? Make it taste a little better? Not really worth sacrificing the convenience of a lighter.
    That being said, I use beeline predominately.
  4. defs lighter...
  5. Lighter....
  6. #6 MonkeyUndead, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
    I wrap my lighter with Bee Line, a hemp wick coated in beeswax.

    The lighter lasts longer, thus saving me money. Plus it makes it harder for people to "mistake" my lighter for theirs. "Oh, you wrap your lighter in a hemp wick too, huh?" Yeah. Didn't think so.
  7. Is this really a question?
  8. Lighter w/ Vector fluid or bee line. I can't stand having any nasty fluid taste.
  9. Ive only seen people use matches if lighting pipe tobacco... Weed doesnt get a rolling cherry as easy as tobacco does. I wish it did :(. I guess matches are ok for a joint or blunt too. but its to much of a hassle.
  10. My red and black bic that says 'flick your bick' on the side in Old English.....yummy butane death :D
  11. You must really like being the OP in reference, so you made a thread called "Matches or Lighter?" but I mean... Who the hell is gonna say matches? they break, dont last at all, theres still little sticks everywhere that you have to clean up, and are only as portable as lighters if that. It should be standard knowledge that Lighters and Matches aren't subject to preference, only convience...
  12. Liter mos def bro...who the f uses matches
  13. def matches,: they are magic little sticks that make fire, i mean how awesome is that!!!
  14. idc as long as it gets the blunt lit lol.
  15. Lighter.

    That being said, random hotel matchbooks are highly prized items for me. Sometimes I am all ready to smoke a bowl, so I flick the wheel on the lighter...and get nothing but sparks. Matches suck for lighting bowls, but they're better than having to go to the gas station for another bic.
  16. why would u ever use matches?
  17. I actually used matches today because the only lighter I could find was a barbeque lighter, which makes everything taste bad. This was salvia though, so it didn't matter because the stuff burns so easily.
  18. Lighters for sure. Matches suck cock.

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