Depression sets in.. Once again

Discussion in 'General' started by K1NG, May 17, 2009.

  1. As you guys know, I dearly love my girlfriend.... But a problem has arose... She says she isn't happy with herself (Current school and work situation... Not working out a lot). So she needs to be alone and not have a bf right now. I am terrible at letting people go..... I can't because of an emotional block of my best friend dying when I was 12. How can I cope with this and how can I let her know I'll always be right here waiting?
  2. Respect her wishes and let her have some time alone. If you insist on being with her, even though she feels this way, it comes off kind of selfish on your part.

    She just needs some time to herself, you can use that time also to assess how everything's going.

    Good luck with everything, hope it works out.
  3. Hey, I'm sorry you're going through this but try to understand it from her point of view. A week ago I broke up with my boyfriend for almost exactly the same reason...I'm going through some stuff in my life right now and I really feel the need to be just remember that it's not because you did anything wrong. Sometimes people just need space.
    I wouldn't keep reminding her that you'll "be waiting for her" either, because I'm sure she knows, and if you keep telling her that (even more than just once) it can put lots of pressure on her. My ex kept emailing me and apologizing for shit and telling me he'll give me space if that's what I need, etc, but really he WASN'T giving me space at all, he was smothering me even more!
    So just try to think of the other good things in your life that you still have....your family, your friends, take up a hobby, etc. I hope it all works out for you! (I hope this helped a bit...sorry it's so long)
  4. yeah you gotta give her space. I don't think itd be bad to tell her how you feel (like you just did here), but then also let her know you understand that she needs some alone time right now.
  5. I worked out to take my mind off it, didn't really help. I know she has her right to space, but she also told me, she wasnt as emotionally attatched to me and didn't want to hurt me. Now I am really high and pondering the whole situation.
  6. tell her you be there for her.
    but move on.
    somethings you have to accept in life bro and go on you will find someone else if it doesnt work out with this girl.
  7. Just remember that cliche saying, if you love someone lock them in your basement..... er no, thats not right, i think it's "if you love someone let them go, if they come back then they love you too, but if not it was never meant to be.
  8. You guys don't get my emotional attatchment though... I have never opened up to ANY person, let alone girlfriend, as much as I opened up to her. My friends and family were like amazed...... But now I lost it, I told her I am giving her space and for her to text me sometime later, and said goodbye dear then a smile.
  9. I think we can understand your emotional attachment more than you'd expect. I dated a guy for 2 1/2 years and thought I'd marry him, but had to break it off with him...I felt like I would literally die from grief. But now I don't ever even think about it. You'll move on, you just need time and distractions.
  10. well it cant be about you...relationships are for two to be happy and i guess she doesnt want to be with you at this time.
    you didnt lose anything you gain alot from her.
    now you can gain alot for yourself by learning you dont need to depend on someone else and open up to everyone.
    self reflections
  11. Yeah its about two people, so why should she not care that I still want to be with her? Shouldnt she try everything before she jumped the gun... Doesn't that make sense to you guys??
  12. #12 Diceman, May 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2009
    Get used to people leaving.

    If 2 people don't feel the same about eachother then there's no can't be one sided.

    I know your saying "but she loves me too". Telling yourself that won't make it happen. Begging her to get back with you wont fix anything..if anything it's kicking yourself while your already down...if that's possible :smoking:
  13. well it takes two to win.
    she doesn't wanna be together but you do.
    just because you do doesn't mean she should have to do anything....maybe she has tried and its just done for her right now...i hope that would make sense to you.
    youre still just looking out for your own feelings not trying to be "hurt".
  14. Obviously that is a long term decision, I can't flip my mind 180 in 45 minutes.
  15. Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly...but are you saying that you'd want her to stay with you even though she'd be unhappy, to keep YOU happy??
    You have a lot to learn....
    Sorry I'm not trying to be mean but you really can't start feeling better until you accept it.

  16. I know you can't. I'm not saying it's gonna stop hurtin anytime soon...

    Your just making it bigger then it has to be.
  17. No, I mean she wants to be alone right, but we both really like eachother. So I want to STAY BF AND GF but give her space. Stop hanging out daily, and stop texting 24/7. Letting her have time to get her life back together. But she rather be without me then with me. Man last night she was cooking dinner while I was sitting on the coutner singing my own lyrics to her, then we cuddled up and watched a movie and loved every second... To this morning she doesn't want anything to do with me... It's hard to take in... :(
  18. Sorry to hear man. Me and my girlfriend are going through something similiar. We almost broke up yesterday but we kind of figured things out a little bit. I'm going to give her more space and let her do what she wants and hopefully things work out between us. I suggest you do the same. Just let her do what she wants. Don't bother her. Don't try to talk to her too much. If she asks for space you should give it to her. Plus maybe if you stop talking to her as much she will realize that she misses you and she will come back to you.

    But don't get your hopes up just take it one day at a time. Go hang out with your friends maybe go talk to some other girls go to some parties do whatever. I'm not suggesting you go and hook up with other girls I'm just saying in case she doesn't come back to you you better keep your options open.
  19. We fucked up, she wanted space b4 this and I never gave it to her... :(

  20. this.

    I know how u feel. The 1st time is always the worst.

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