What happens when you die?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Mushie, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. T H I S T H R E A D I S O V E R . (over I say!)
  2. You decompose...but who am i to say? No one knows.
  3. After death our brains still send signals for a short period of time. So whatever you believe to happen most likely will happen as your last memory. After that I believe you just lose consciousness and our body is decomposed and reused.
  4. Nobody really knows, but here is what I think:

    When we die, our self awareness consciousness ceases to exist, and the energy and matter that composes your being, you can call it your "essence", goes back to the Universe and continues forever.

    So you don't really end, but there is no evidence to suggest that consciousness survives death. Live life to the best of your abilities, be nice to your loved ones, and maybe you will also live on in people's memories some day.

  5. Perhaps conciousness holds us back.
  6. Explain.
  7. with no concious we are either all knowing or completely knowledgeless.

    Either way is alright with me.
  8. Exactly. So either we get to experience the other side, or we rest for eternity. It's a win win situation.
  9. You fucking rot while your friends and family SLOWLY forget about you.
  10. what if we're all already dead? ::smoke::
  11. Tricky....
  12. Wow thats sounds so correct dude i believe u.
  13. Honestly there is no point in arguing about what death will bring, as we will probably never know (until we experience it ourselves). Rather than fear death, I am very curious about what will happen.

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