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Whos got a cool homemade bong?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by a_bong_princess, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. #1 a_bong_princess, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2009
    This is mine... drilled it yesterday, and my friend finished it last night by making a foil bowl piece thingy for it (lol idk what its officially called).

    But, anywho, its from one of those souvenir cups you get at the Fair, just take the top off, drill a carb and a hole for the weed. I named it Princess =]

    Lmao... we got so blazed off this thing... I wrote the name on the top right away when I thought of it.

    I also have a bong that another friend made from a Vitaminwater bottle and foil... @ my b-day party. The foil kinda got crushed tho, so I cant really use it til its fixed lol :p

    So yea, kinda proud of my DIY skills with Princess. Anyone on here got a cool DIY idea or actual bong they made? Post pix and stories too, please! :D :wave:

    Edit: I think the part that holds the weed is called a downstem, right?
  2. foil=bad

    other than that , looks cool

  3. Wait, why is foil bad? Is it coated w/ something thats not good to burn?
  4. yeah... its bad for your health. Its even worse if you use a torch lighter.
  5. BULL SHIT!!! Foil is not bad for you dont let anybody trick you into that shit. As long as you are not toking for hours on end and not using a torch lighter you will be fine. Butane from a regular lighter does not reach high enough temperatures to release any toxins in tin, or aluminum foil. +Rep for the name too. seems to match it
  6. i like it personally nice job princess haha, name matches it too. keep on tokin and the foil is fine just light the bong wiht a normal bic and dont overheat the foil and ur fine. nothing in life comes without risk remember that. haha.
  7. well, to inhale aluminum, it would have to be changed from a solid to vapor. lets put it this way, try to melt the aluminum with your lighter, if you cant, then smoke. if you can, and it actually melts, then you will have a problem because then you are turning the aluminum into vapor, which will actually be very bad for you. but most butane lighters arent that hot

    and heres some stuff i didnt read but found.. might help

  8. Oh okayy, thx for clearin that up. Yea, seems to make sense that a reg. household Bic would not get too hot, torch ligter is another story but in those, the flame is not right up against the metal like in Bics, so it can get hotter w/o causing harm.

    Lolll yea... my nickname Bong Princess came from my 2nd time chillen & tokin w/ the friends who first got me high.. (& yes i did get high on my first time =]) *(skip the next paragraph for the short version, lol I kind of rambled)

    But yea, my friend Mindy had a silver bong, filled it up nd told me to inhale. I sucked that shit so hard, i almost choked and had to leve the room, which was all clambaked! Then we all laughed about how prissy i was not to be able to handle a bong toke, but then again i was new, and a spoilt brat. But then I did mention how chill I get when I toke, not loud or annoying at all (so far @ least) and said I am like a hippie princes... a bong hippie princess! My friends heard and liked the idea... So I got called te Bong Princess. However, I didnt smoke for a month after that, then I didnt smoke a bong til my friend Sarah made me one out of a Vitaminwater bottle 2 months later. Hahaaa...

    *So, anywho, all this time I've been called bong princess, and havent had my own GOOD solid bong til now :) So, obv. i called it Princess =]
  9. I had an aquafina waterbottle converted into a bong. i cut a small hole near the bottem, stuck an emptied out pen in there for the stem and used aluminum foil for the bowl ( i replaced the foil after each bowl for fear of releasing toxic chemicals) it had a carb about a little over halfway up it and it hit great. i'd be blitzed after about 2 bowls. but i'm shelving it because i just got a nice glass piece that's better. gotta love the ghetto pieces though, they may not have been as good as glass but they had heart behind them.

  10. Yeaa... you really gotta love ghettoized pieces and all that diy stuff... haha shows your effort, hard work nd creativity ;)
  11. i have a pretty cool one i made out of a gatorade bottle and part of one of my old trophies lol
    maybe ill post pics later
    rips like a champ
  12. i have one made out of an obama waterbottle named obonga
  13. get a proper bowl unless you like to inhale toxic fumes :D
  14. Lollll nice :D :hello:
  15. Yea yea yeaaa... I'm goin to the headshop sometime this week, then I gotta drill the hole bigger so it fits =P
    So much effort for the sake of my lungs... and my brain too I s'pose. O well, ill have a kick ass bong when its done :D :smoking:
  16. have fun explaining to the dentist why your teeth are all fucked up. they gonna make buku bucks off your mouth boy.
  17. [ame=""]YouTube - Smoke Weed! Without Foil/Cans!!![/ame]

    Mmmmmm that sure looks good in your lungs,

    watch the whole video, this is proof, not just someone saying ohhh yeah it causes bla bla
  18. Ha me and my friend made one exactly like that but it's gray and we cut the top cone off where you wrote the name. We also used a pen shaft for the stem and a bowl made from a spark plug.

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